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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

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  • Late spring/summer

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  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Juggling Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
Happy 4th of July everyone!

Remember, this is the day America decided to grace the world with its magnificent presence and beat up some British guys.


You guys should feel grateful that our country decided you guys were cool enough to hang out on the same planet with.

After all, America is the standard for niceness, awesomeness, decency, http:// morality, doritos, schooling, etc.

I mean, just look at how free we are.


So be grateful that America was born on this day.

Seriously though, happy 4th of July everyone.

If you took that seriously, then you are dumb and America is better than you. :troll:
You forgot about the most crucial anthem of our time.
Happy 4th everybody.

Deleted member

Poison was physical back in the day, but so was Ghost.
Also, Rockruff's stated to leave it's trainer but come back when fully evolved. I don't think that sounds like Eeveelution
I don't think that spunds like any Pokemon, the ***** can't just leave my party just because it's evolving, Kakuna stayed through its imprisonement here and so will you
The film is called Star Wars.
The major battle of the film has no more than 20 starfighters, all of them Xwings and TIE Fighters.

Tbh, I had a lot of qualms with the film when I watched it on premier week, I just wasn't round these parts to complain then. :p
Maybe they just decided to not pollute the screen with a ****ton of special effects this time


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Rev up those tinfoils.

A major problem with this theory is that Oak didn't showcase Eevee in any of the Kanto games, they were either Nidorino (the originals), Pikachu (Yellow), or Nidoran (f) (the remakes). Eevee being showcased was strictly an Origins addition, so it can't be a callback to the originals when it wasn't present in the first place. Plus, every main game has used early game mons for their World of Pokémon segment, and while Rockruff has been stated to share a secret with the starters, that doesn't mean it's going to be another Eevee (especially since nothing about it's description implies it'll be another Eevee considering the latter is mentioned to have an irregular genetic code, Rockruff is just mentioned to go wild and run off). If anything, I think it has more to do with that new mechanic that GF's been teasing.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Also it turns out you can actually unlock the ability to control the different characters in the hub world, including the guest characters.

I'm so tempted.



I mean canonically she should be even bigger than Big but it's still cool they made her one of the biggest characters.

Deleted member

I honestly want an Eeveelution for every time that there is.

I don't care if it's stupid, i just want it now.

Also, just because we are suddenly talking about Eevee here:


Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Eevee is more of a in-game reference to the idea of the Fire/Water/Thunder trio if anything. The original Legendary Birds is a similar thing, just Ice instead of Water. Keep in mind in many games, Ice and Water are the same thing, just combined.

That said, Poison directly attacks one's systems, so it makes sense as Physical. Ghost, well... no, I don't see any logic to it myself(scary enough to cause a heart attack is all I got, but I highly doubt they were going for that...).

Deleted member

I think the Rebels only have about that many X wings at that point.

They were on their last legs...

Plus I'm fairly certain the VII pic with the water isn't the climax with the death planet which was nothing but ice and machinery.

I think you took two pics from different scenes.
Couldn't find a pic of Hoth 2.0 battle, that's how unmemorable it was.

Also, I guess since we're gonna get into it, and I can't continue without touching upon the atrocious writing in the plot. How the **** were the Rebels even on their last legs? The entire concept of the First Order is so flawed it hurts. The original story from the EU was MILES better, with the rebels locked in civil war with the nobility of the remnants of the Empire. It canonically makes sense, and it makes for a much more interesting setting, that could be inspired by the Cold War (the OT was based of WWII if that wasn't obvious), and set the stage for new events to take flight, rather than coming up with contrived excuses to repeat the exact same plot from Episode IV, and the settings from the OT (Desert Planet, Forest Planet, Ice Planet, woooooooow, we super mario now!!).

It doesn't even canonically make sense for the Rebels to be in such a dire situation. The Empire found itself without leadership. Palpatine was dead, Vader was dead, most of the leading commanders were dead. The lost most of their fleed with the destruction of the second Death Star, not to mention the debt mounted on the construciton of such a thing. Not to mention, after Episode VI, the Rebels pretty much gained control over Coruscant, Mons Calamari, and other major core worlds, thereby giving them a much stonger force and economy than the Empire. By VI they already had a fleet that matched the Empire's main fleet. How did they lose all that, and how in the hell did the First Order gather the funds and strength to build a "Death Star 3.0 Bigger and Better Edition tm?"

I don't care how you slice it, these are all major plot holes that are totally brushed over in order to pander to nostalgia.

And this isn't even getting into the plot itself, how OBVIOUS Han's death was telegraphed, and how poorly written and developed all the characters, not withstanding Miss Mary Sue, Rey the Best Jedi that Ever Lived Who Can Now Use A Master Level Jedi Technique With NO TRAINING!

Ugh.... /rant

Lol. Yeahm Episode VII made me very upset.

Maybe they just decided to not pollute the screen with a ****ton of special effects this time
And yet people love the Battle of the ******** in Game of Thrones. Hypocrisy much?

People only hate the prequels because Red Letter Media made it cool to hate the Prequels. Episode III was a solid film, and the worldbuilding alone of all 3 put the prequels well above Episode VII with its rehashed plot.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Btw, what was your endgame team? I'm surprised you were able to use one of the Armor Knights at all tbh
Roy (duh) and Fae *Manakete* she was required lol
Lilina *sage* (A rank support with Roy) AKA Hector but with magic and wielder of Forblaze
Lance *Paladin*(B rank support with Roy) AKA the dude I gave the legendary spear Maltet
Raigh *Druid* AKA The dude who had Apocalypse and spent the entire game literally not missing once. Legitimate 100% hit rate
Douglas *General*AKA The guy who replaced Bors because I needed someone to wield Armads and he starts with A rank
Yoder *Bishop* AKA the guy who replaced that other bishop becase he has an A rank in Light magic for Aureola and is level 20 lol.

And the three musketeers of ****ing everyone's ****
Clarine *Valkyrie*(A rank with Rutger, B with Deke) AKA the fixed the other 2's **** ups
Rutger *Swordmaster*(B rank with Deke) AKA the guy who dodged everything and crit everything else and wielder of Durandal
And Deke. *Hero* AKA the actual hero of Binding Blade. Had the most battles of anyone lol.

As for characters that couldn't fit into the 8 character limit
Sin, *Nomad Trooper* was an MVP for the game but I accidentally didn't pick him so I wound up one legendary weapon short. I really enjoyed using a Bow user who also has a sword. Was definitely a good choice to use a bow user.
Bors *General* was my tank for most of the game. It helps he had crazy high speed too. Was replaced to wield Armads
Tate was the Pegasus Knight I had and I almost used her for Maltet but decided that I needed more tankiness. Was a good choice.
Lalum *Dancer* and Perceval *Paladin* helped too.

Guess i'll give a mini-review now.

Well if you haven't been reading all my previous posts, i've been loving it. Other than a part in the middle of the game where they just stop giving you promotion items meaning I pretty much couldn't use Rutger for a while. There were also a few bad chapters but what game doesn't have any? FE6's just tend to be bad because they are just too long or tedious. Chapter 8 is a good example.

Otherwise gameplay was fine and IMO the difficulty was better than 7's, which is breaindead easy until Chapter 23, where the a boss will put up a fight for once. 6 actually makes you work for a lot of your victories and bosses are real threats from the beginning. Not stupidly difficult either.

Side quests and mission objectives though however. . .are terrible. Every side quest objective is "beat X chapter in less than Y turns with A (maybe A AND B!!1!1) alive and recruited. Every side quest is to get a legendary weapon though, which makes it awesome. Having all 6 was an amazing experience so the finale was great instead of that weird boss rush that 7 had.

As for mission objectives. . .I really hope you love "Seize the throne" Because every single chapter but the final boss is a seize mission. No defend. No survive. No Rout the enemy. Only seize. It's pretty stupid. I mean it could be worse. . .it could be defeat all enemies. But it's still annoying especially because Defend/Survive are probably my favorite types of maps.

The bad guys are mostly entertaining. Narcian is a neat villain for most of the game before being completely replaced by Zephiel (Who is also completely awesome and super hardcore). The playable characters are also pretty fun too. I enjoyed Roy more than the three lords of FE 7 individually, but the synergy between the Lyn and Hector is too strong Even if Eliwood is super bland IMO.

Music is ok. Some nice variety, but some of them aren't very fitting. The recruitment theme (AKA Fire EMblem on SSB melee's Temple) for FE 6 is absolutely trash lol.

Awesome game with some serious flaws involving objectives. Not enough promotion items and Roy's promotion is way too late.

Otherwise a completely awesome game, and my new favorite Fire Emblem game.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I just realised that they rendered the favelas in the Wii U version of Rio Olympics.

Mario and Sonic should be helping the poor people in Brazil.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Roy and Fae (duh)
Lilina *sage* (A rank support with Roy) AKA Hector but with magic and wielder of Forblaze
Lance *Paladin*(B rank support with Roy) AKA the dude I gave the legendary spear Maltet
Raigh *Druid* AKA The dude who had Apocalypse and spent the entire game literally not missing once. Legitimate 100% hit rate
Douglas *General*AKA The guy who replaced Bors because I needed someone to wield Armads and he starts with A rank
Yoder *Bishop* AKA the guy who replaced that other bishop becase he has an A rank in Light magic for Aureola and is level 20 lol.

And the three musketeers of ****ing everyone's ****
Clarine *Valkyrie*(A rank with Rutger, B with Deke) AKA the fixed the other 2's **** ups
Rutger *Swordmaster*(B rank with Deke) AKA the guy who dodged everything and crit everything else and wielder of Durandal
And Deke. *Hero* AKA the actual hero of Binding Blade. Had the most battles of anyone lol.

As for characters that couldn't fit into the 8 character limit
Sin, *Nomad Trooper* was an MVP for the game but I accidentally didn't pick him so I wound up one legendary weapon short. I really enjoyed using a Bow user who also has a sword. Was definitely a good choice to use a bow user.
Bors *General* was my tank for most of the game. It helps he had crazy high speed too. Was replaced to wield Armads
Tate was the Pegasus Knight I had and I almost used her for Maltet but decided that I needed more tankiness. Was a good choice.
Lalum *Dancer* and Perceval *Paladin* helped too.

Guess i'll give a mini-review now.

Well if you haven't been reading all my previous posts, i've been loving it. Other than a part in the middle of the game where they just stop giving you promotion items meaning I pretty much couldn't use Rutger for a while. There were also a few bad chapters but what game doesn't have any? FE6's just tend to be bad because they are just too long or tedious. Chapter 8 is a good example.

Otherwise gameplay was fine and IMO the difficulty was better than 7's, which is breaindead easy until Chapter 23, where the a boss will put up a fight for once. 6 actually makes you work for a lot of your victories and bosses are real threats from the beginning. Not stupidly difficult either.

Side quests and mission objectives though however. . .are terrible. Every side quest objective is "beat X chapter in less than Y turns with A (maybe A AND B!!1!1) alive and recruited. Every side quest is to get a legendary weapon though, which makes it awesome. Having all 6 was an amazing experience so the finale was great instead of that weird boss rush that 7 had.

As for mission objectives. . .I really hope you love "Seize the throne" Because every single chapter but the final boss is a seize mission. No defend. No survive. No Rout the enemy. Only seize. It's pretty stupid. I mean it could be worse. . .it could be defeat all enemies. But it's still annoying especially because Defend/Survive are probably my favorite types of maps.

The bad guys are mostly entertaining. Narcian is a neat villain for most of the game before being completely replaced by Zephiel (Who is also completely awesome and super hardcore). The playable characters are also pretty fun too. I enjoyed Roy more than the three lords of FE 7 individually, but the synergy between the Lyn and Hector is too strong Even if Eliwood is super bland IMO.

Music is ok. Some nice variety, but some of them aren't very fitting. The recruitment theme (AKA Fire EMblem on SSB melee's Temple) for FE 6 is absolutely trash lol.

Awesome game with some serious flaws involving objectives. Not enough promotion items and Roy's promotion is way too late.

Otherwise a completely awesome game, and my new favorite Fire Emblem game.
Damn. You must have gotten lucky with Roy then. Also, you like Roy more than Lyn and Hector, unfollowed, blocked and unalived

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Just saw Independence Day Resurgence

Without spoiling anything, it's a fun movie you should guys watch it.

It has some issues but it's great.

Deleted member

Just saw Independence Day Resurgence

Without spoiling anything, it's a fun movie you should guys watch it.

It has some issues but it's great.
Flatmate was watching it when I got home. It's pretty much what prompted the SW talk, since the sound effects and music are very similar to SW, and it made me wanna watch a SW film again, then that gave me Nam Flashbacks to Episode VII, lol. And I made that bait image to get some discussion on that going.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Damn. You must have gotten lucky with Roy then. Also, you like Roy more than Lyn and Hector, unfollowed, blocked and unalived
In my defense, I didn't play Hector mode, which I assume is where Hector gets his popularity from.

Oh two more things I forgot

1. The final boss is a joke.
After you beat the "final" level, you play one last map that is very small to beat the game. It has 2 manaketes and the final boss. Roy can solo both Manaketes. With the Sword of Seals ranged attack, Roy can One Turn KO the final boss. . .with a 100% hit rate a 5% crit chance. . . and the boss only has 1 range.

AKA you get a guaranteed win unless Roy is so low HP the manaketes kill him or you don't have the sword for some reason. Roy OP

2. The game has branching paths.
One or two small decisions will put you on different paths for different chapters with differnt maps with different playable characters you can get. It's pretty awesome.

For instance, near the end of the game you cahse down two dudes you've probably been wanting to kill for a while. Depending on what units you've been using throuout the game they either flee to Ilia (Florina's home) or Sacae (Lyn's home)

Completely different maps with different stories and different battles.

Hell the last 2 chapters of the game are an alternate path. If you manage to get the 6 legendary weapons you get the REAL ending with the real final battles. The last 2 chapters are also both awesome.

TLDR 2.0
I really really like FE Binding Blade

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
In my defense, I didn't play Hector mode, which I assume is where Hector gets his popularity from.

Oh two more things I forgot

1. The final boss is a joke.
After you beat the "final" level, you play one last map that is very small to beat the game. It has 2 manaketes and the final boss. Roy can solo both Manaketes. With the Sword of Seals ranged attack, Roy can One Turn KO the final boss. . .with a 100% hit rate a 5% crit chance. . . and the boss only has 1 range.

AKA you get a guaranteed win unless Roy is so low HP the manaketes kill him or you don't have the sword for some reason. Roy OP

2. The game has branching paths.
One or two small decisions will put you on different paths for different chapters with differnt maps with different playable characters you can get. It's pretty awesome.

For instance, near the end of the game you cahse down two dudes you've probably been wanting to kill for a while. Depending on what units you've been using throuout the game they either flee to Ilia (Florina's home) or Sacae (Lyn's home)

Completely different maps with different stories and different battles.

Hell the last 2 chapters of the game are an alternate path. If you manage to get the 6 legendary weapons you get the REAL ending with the real final battles. The last 2 chapters are also both awesome.

TLDR 2.0
I really really like FE Binding Blade
Hector mode is basically a harder version of Eliwood's story and more chapters, also switches the promotions for Eliwood and Hector around so Eliwood becomes useful. You'll NEED good units at Cog of Destiny, that's one of the hardest chapters in FE I've played yet
Also, the final boss is even more pathetic as it can't even move iirc.

Deleted member

And yet people love the Battle of the ******** in Game of Thrones. Hypocrisy much?
I don't watch GoT so...
People only hate the prequels because Red Letter Media made it cool to hate the Prequels. Episode III was a solid film, and the worldbuilding alone of all 3 put the prequels well above Episode VII with its rehashed plot.
I liked the prequels though, III especially but I can't deny they overused those special effects
Otherwise gameplay was fine and IMO the difficulty was better than 7's, which is breaindead easy until Chapter 23, where the a boss will put up a fight for once. 6 actually makes you work for a lot of your victories and bosses are real threats from the beginning. Not stupidly difficult either.
Two words: AMBUSH. SPAWNS.
Seriously, EVERY. SINGLE. REINFORCEMENT is an ambush one
"Oh I see you're about to beat the boss and seize the throne! I hope your Roy can take on a Mage and a Mercenary that just showed up!"
From what I played, FE6's dificulty was just frustating
But I still plan on one day actually finishing it, as painful as it may be
In my defense, I didn't play Hector mode, which I assume is where Hector gets his popularity from
Hector is popular from just being a great unit and a great character(unlike the other two which are only one of those each)
Hector's Mode just makes it all better with the stolen added screentime
. The game has branching paths.
One or two small decisions will put you on different paths for different chapters with differnt maps with different playable characters you can get. It's pretty awesome.
The alternate route thing might be cool, but I hate how you can NEVER get all units in FE6 and FE7
And some of the requirements are just dumb, how am I supposed to NOT have my lords capped by Chapter 23? I want Wallace back damnit!

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Oh yeah, it was getting a sequel/reboot/whatever. That's another movie I need to see
It's a sequel. Literally takes place 20 years after the event on this day today.

So as of right now, we are probably in a war against some alien scum right now

Flatmate was watching it when I got home. It's pretty much what prompted the SW talk, since the sound effects and music are very similar to SW, and it made me wanna watch a SW film again, then that gave me Nam Flashbacks to Episode VII, lol. And I made that bait image to get some discussion on that going.
It's less like Star Wars and more like Starship Troopers if it took itself seriously

Deleted member

I don't watch GoT so...
Hate to be THAT guy, but, if you ever do, read the books.

I used to love the show, but this last season was a huge disappointment for me. And this is coming from a guy that watched S1-5 THREE TIMES. Season 6 is by far the weakest. It's still a good series, and I'd still recommend you eventually give it a go. The story is well written, even with DnD's blunders now that they have full control.

I liked the prequels though, III especially but I can't deny they overused those special effects
I didn't mean you specifically, just in general. People love to diss the prequels. But the story in III, despite its flaws is actually a good story, it's just poorly executed in many areas, and has bad dialogue. But if you pay attention to the nuances of the plot, it is in fact the perfect story of how Anakin went rogue. Lucas just needed more editors and less yesmen.

VII suffers from too much corporate meddling and having no identity of its own. Bringing nothing really new to the franchise.

And while I agree that III used a lot of CGI, unlike in I and II, where it often look glaringly bad, a lot of the CGI in III still holds up today, and looks great. I mean, c'mon, you can't deny that this isn't ****ing cool:

What a great way to kick start a film. And that's how a battle between two massive space fleets WOULD look like in fact. Just absolute chaos at the intersection point of both fleets as they try to overpower one another.

It's less like Star Wars and more like Starship Troopers if it took itself seriously
I didn't pay attention. I came in during the end, and it was a camrip. Because my flatmate just... does that... idk why.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC

Oh wow.

This is really cool.

A Cammy/Decapre remix.

Kind of hoping Decapre is in wave two.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Two words: AMBUSH. SPAWNS.
Seriously, EVERY. SINGLE. REINFORCEMENT is an ambush one
"Oh I see you're about to beat the boss and seize the throne! I hope your Roy can take on a Mage and a Mercenary that just showed up!"
I literally never had a problem with that until the "last" chapter.

You didn't even get to the first one that was even a problem but that one had plot relevance and wound up not being a problem anyway (what is accuracy?).

Actually. . of the 10 chapters you played i'm not even sure many of those even have heavy respawns, unless the version of chapter 10 I didn't play has a lot of it.

Unless maybe you were runnign a hell of a lot faster than me.
From what I played, FE6's dificulty was just frustating
I really can't see that TBH. I SUCK at this game. A lot. But I barely had any problems throughout the game. Deke and Rutger with a healer and a mage (Clarine can be both AND get support conversations) can pretty much just win the game together for the first 12 chapters I would say. Plus the game really isn't that hard. It just isn't brain dead easy like 7's Eliwood mode. (Although that difficulty problem probably has to deal with 7 giving you 2 units that are effectively invulnerable for 70% of the game and another that almost is)

I found the game really easy TBH until the mid and late game . . .which is how difficulty curves are supposed to work.

Chapter 9 is probably the only chapter I can think of that you would have played that would have any difficulty problem but everyone is an axe user so just use Fir or Rutger and they won't hit you ever. Unless maybe you just have realllllllly ****ty luck.

Although maybe if you were using an axe user I could believe you because it seems like this games fighters were garbage. (Not sure about Geese though):laugh:

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Isn't Decapre Psylocke Cammy?
Decapre is a clone/sister of Cammy that stayed in the doll program.

She is a charge character (Cammy is a motion one) and fights with blades attached to her wrists and teleportation.

Like the other dolls she is freed in SFV's story mode.

Decapre is also a major motivator for Cammy and even causes her to abandon life long friends like Chun-Li and Guile to save her.

Decapre returns the favor by saving her life.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom

Deleted member

Actually. . of the 10 chapters you played i'm not even sure many of those even have heavy respawns, unless the version of chapter 10 I didn't play has a lot of it.
Chapter 4(Erik betrays you: Electric Boogaloo) and 9(Fog of War woohoo!) are the ones I remember the most with it
Both times, Roy was killed by those reinforcements, forcing me to reset(the Mage and Merc example I gave was what happened in 9 and Rutger CRITTED Roy on his first turn)
Although maybe if you were using an axe user I could believe you because it seems like this games fighters were garbage. (Not sure about Geese though):laugh:
That's part of the game using True Hit(so their ~60% hits are unreliable) and the general lower accuracy of Axes compared to other FE games
And then you have the Armor Knights... they're bad just because FE6 hates armor


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
Guys, I'm maybe a slowpoke or something, but I just watched the SFV story streams, and all I could say was this MS Paint art that I made myself, I hope you like it.

Deleted member

You know, as much as i like Kirby Planet Robobot, i have to admit that i honestly dislike the Final Boss. Heck, it may even be one of my least favorite boss in the series.


Sep 12, 2014
You know, as much as i like Kirby Planet Robobot, i have to admit that i honestly dislike the Final Boss. Heck, it may even be one of my least favorite boss in the series.
I can see why.

The whole "let's change the entire gameplay of the game for the final boss" shtick is so played out.


Jul 7, 2014
Every Pokémon anime opening except for maybe the first 3 gens is bad.

That said DP was pretty enjoyable to watch, unlike BW. XY is infinitely better.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Chapter 4(Erik betrays you: Electric Boogaloo) and 9(Fog of War woohoo!) are the ones I remember the most with it
Both times, Roy was killed by those reinforcements, forcing me to reset(the Mage and Merc example I gave was what happened in 9 and Rutger CRITTED Roy on his first turn)
First off that is chapter 3, not 4. :p
4 is the easiest chapter in the game other than the boss having a killer axe.

I don't remember it being that bad unless you rush in like a hot head I guess. I know you get at least a turn to prepare. Maybe I just got good RNG

Chapter 9 I can understand though if you don't just cheese it with a swordless thief and Deke/Rutger like I did it will probably suck.

And then you have the Armor Knights... they're bad just because FE6 hates armor
Zephiel joke goes here.

Bors is a pretty good unit though. He has great stats pretty much everywhere but resistance. Good defense, and easily maxes speed at 21 (I think I had it by level 4 of general or something.) Douglas is a ***** and a half to get but he is good too or power and a great Armads wielder if you aren't using one of the seemingly terrible fighters.

Agree to disagree on the whole lot then I suppose.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
You know, as much as i like Kirby Planet Robobot, i have to admit that i honestly dislike the Final Boss. Heck, it may even be one of my least favorite boss in the series.
I understand this to a degree. Yes as stated it changes gameplay. I like it's concept and idea behind it though. It's way to easy though. The True Arena fight should have been the real one.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Isn't FE4 like disturbingly hard compared to the other games anyway?
You might be thinking of FE5. FE4 is considered pretty easy by most people these days.

Edit: By Fire Emblem standards, at least.

Edit 2: For the record, FE4 = Geneaology of the Holy War, FE5 = Thracia 776.
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