So I have a confession, since I missed the fateful day of December 27th being away for Christmas and all of that.
Carrie Fisher? She was kind of my homegirl. Like my original first love as a child of a character as Leia and later as a teen/adult as herself, Carrie.
She helped me through a lot. She made me realize how drawn I was towards strong female characters as Princess Leia. Before I loved She Hulk, before I loved Storm, Jill Valentine, Peach, Rosalina, Bayonetta, just before anyone...
There was Leia Organa. Then there was Carrie Fisher not shortly afterwards.
Once I got old enough to start caring about the actors and actresses behind my favorite characters I was immediately drawn to Carrie Fisher.
Her struggles, how she handled them, overcame them with a huge set of balls that most men wish they had as she took on the world with a laugh and a smile on her face despite her inner struggles.
She was everything I wanted to be as a person and looked up to as a person. Hell, I don't know maybe she's a big reason of why I subconsciously am the way I am about life. And in that regard and in her honor?
I am forever and finally changing my name to Leia Organa.
I loved you Carrie Fisher. If only I had gotten to make it to New York Comic Con this year like me and the gang had thought about? Perhaps I could have met you.
C'est la vie. It simply wasn't meant to be.
- Alex, formerly Rosalina, formerly Roger Smith, formerly LexSpec, formerly so many god damn names that you all probably secretly hate me.