This kinda reminds me a not so pacific protests that happened here.
Juárez is known for its violence, and in the 90s to late 00s women getting killed was something common. During a protest a group of people decided to paste pink crosses made of mache paper, wallpaper paste and superglue everywhere, including poles and windows of every car, house and store in downtown to symbolize the murder victims.
Some business owners of the area weren't happy and asked to not get a cross pasted over its window, however the conflict escalated and windows were broken as a result.
The conflict ended with the protesters being arrested due littering and damage to property. The business owners later complained because the crosses were really hard to remove due the glue and paper used.
I remember discussing this with an ex-high school classmate, with me defending the owners and him saying that the protesters "can do whatever they want and some dumb windows damaged mean nothing". After I tried to explain the superglue issue and the bordeline vandalism he called me a wimp, blocked me and talked **** of me with other former classmates. Topu Lele.