It's a shame the vocation comes hand in hand with corruption (people like to act like Hilary is the only corrupt politician, which is pretty laughable), but imo putting the country as the foremost priority reasons that nine times out of ten experience is preferential to "innocence", even if the outsider card nets you a certain subset of support. You want the pilot to know how to drive the vehicle. Keep in mind this doesn't preclude people like Bernie Sanders.
Also you have to be a demagogue and a sophist to leverage the populous, whether you're a politician or not. It comes with the territory. If anything Trump proved that to a T. He's as much a sociopathic, demagogical sophist as you're going to get imo. Not to say Hilary doesn't also possess those traits.
Representative democracies do not make all sophists, but they transform many into such in their lust for power. It promotes them.
It is not necessary to be a demagogue to win, nor do non-sociopaths fall into the category of pure "innocence," as you seem to think. Trump has his share of demagoguery, but he has not demonstrated himself to be a sociopath
yet. It often takes an outside force to realize how corrupt and evil the establishment is, and then have the potential to change it. They control the game, so coming up through the game is an unwinnable approach. Trump didn't come up through the game: he bent it and re-made it. Ron Paul was playing a very different game: hearts and minds, and on that front he won aces against the corrupt RNC. He got pretty far in their own game by playing by his own rules. And, knowing Ron, it's absurd to suggest that he's sociopathic or demagogic in any sense. Sadly, Bernie has betrayed his principles on many counts, Jill Stein is far more principled than he.
A "pilot"? It doesn't take sociopaths to run government, in fact those are who make the government bad.
They're the ones trying to run into birds, push the plane past the limits, and do crazy maneuvers that are likely to result in crashes.
Never was it known that a businessman became a dictator.
No, the Trump phenomena, likewise with the Ron Paul phenomena and the misguided Bernie phenomena, is not a product of the system.
It is the product of people waking up and realizing the system is rigged, that it's the elites and oligarchs against them.
You severely misjudge Trump. At the least, you must say we don't know what he'll actually do once he gets in. Next, you have to admit he is not a soulless demagogue: he said some very unpopular things, and according to those exit polls people, even those that voted for him, do not like him. So, why did he get elected? Because the other candidate was so obviously corrupt, so obviously a compulsive liar, so obviously in bed with Wall Street and Soros and on and on and on, so obviously a sociopath, and Trump far more obviously a real human being, who actually cares about people to some degree, that people said "screw the system."
And thank God for this political revolt. I wonder how much swamp he'll be able to drain? No offense to Swampasaur ofc :D