So on this whole Xenoblade Chronicles X thing, I have a question, is it just the American version that is being censored or is it both the European and American version? And if they're both being censored are they being censored in different ways?
Something to remember is that sexuality is viewed differently in Europe then how it is with the USA, the with how hyper violence is viewed in Europe when compared to the USA's view on it. I won't really go into how weird I backwards the USA is when compared to other countries sexuality, that's a topic for a different day.
I mainly want to know if when people say the Western version of Xenoblade Chronicles X is being censored, are they referring to both the American version and the European version being censored? Because it annoys me when people say the western world, they're normally talking about only the USA and not talking about Western Europe and North America as a whole. (Poor old Canada constantly forgotten about being part of North America)
You see what mainly worries me that if the European and American version are censored in the same way this could mean that the UK could get stuck with the American translation, and I have made it pretty clear in the past that American English and UK English are not the same, but this could also mean that other European countries could be stuck with translations done from Japanese to English to the countries native tongue, which could make things lose more of its original meaning through needing to translate from a secondary source, and with the likely hood of the English language being learnt by those in Europe most likely being UK English*, could mean even more of the intent is butchered from the original intent.
I say most likely here cause I'm going to need clarification which version of the English language is taught in Europe, besdes the whole UK English being taught in the UK.
Well it makes a lot of sense for games that have a medieval times like setting, you were considered an adult at 13 back in the middle ages.
Well considering when Romeo and Juliet was written the criticism doesn't really stand, since those time 13 was considered being an adult, or when women got married off.
Joke maybe, but I must force a criticism into this joke!
Mewtwo was created by humans, so he's the only Legendary who can't have a primal form
With that said, you know I really would like to see other Legendaries get prial forms like Groundon and Kyroge, since they can't be the only 2 who lost power over time, case I mean surely Lugia isn't at full strength now, considering its supposed to be the guardian of the see at all.
Why must you open old wounds
I hate to be that guy....
Ahh Screw it I will be that guy
But if Pokemon existed along side us, we would have developed resistance to them, since they how evolution works and all, this is reason why Ash is able to be shocked by Pikach and burned by Charizard in the anime and be fine.
Plus it would mean we'd have magic and ridiculous advance science in our world, which would be awesome
And I would have Absol as my partner, because screw you I don't care if you think he's for bringer of bad omens, he's to awesome not to have. Plus with him being a great for bringer of natural disasters, I'd be the absolute perfect weather man.