Hate to be that guy, but that was pretty bad... But hey, at least Zelda looks awesome, glad I don't have to buy a Switch to play it.
So lets go down the line on everything:
That was expected at this point. We got to see the games running on it, and I wasn't overly impressed by the visuals. Not to mention XB2 had very bad frame drops. I guess it really might be underclocked Maxwell after all, which makes this price tag a bit steep for what they're offering.
-No more Region Lock
About goddamn time, might be too little too late imo
-Online Service
Paid online was bound to happen, but man, Nintendo's service is BY FAR the worst of the three. Go to their main page and compare it to what PS+ offers, and it's just sad. You mean that for $50 a year I get to choose a SNES/NES game to play for free for a limited time? That's AWFUL!! PS+ gives your discounts on newly released AAA games, and free indie games every month. Plus, with the PS account system you can share accounts and downloads across multiple consoles. Plus, it's got one MAJOR glaring flaw.
-No built in Ethernet Port
WHAT THE **** WERE THEY THINKING?!? Every current gen console has one, that's the only way to ensure a stable connection. You mean NOW I gotta pay $20 for an Ethernet adapter just to be able to play online properly, IN ADDITION to the yearly subscription? That $299 is quickly starting to look a lot more pricey.
-Nintendo Online using your phone for Friendcodes and Voice chat
That's what killed it for me. Why do this? Why not include a simple headphone jack for a headset and have VC on the machine like every other console since the Xbox phat? If I'm gonna use my phone as well, I'll just use Hangouts or Discord, I'm not gonna use some dumb proprietary app.
Cool tech I guess, the rumble stuff seemed kinda neat, I think. But it feels very gimmicky. But MAN those are tiny. I have fairly large hands, I imagine it must be very uncomfortable to play on one of those for extended amounts of time. Also, they're oddly reminiscent of the Wiimote, which I never liked. But at least they come in various colors... which is cool... I guess.... Also, expensive little ****ers $79 USD, **** me. At least they come with the console. That said, the grip is a piece of plastic, if you want the one that charges, that's another $30 added to the tab. Things are adding up quickly. But at least they have a Pro controller, which... doesn't come with the console, and IT costs... $69 MSRP. Amazing. And if you lose one of your Joycons, or wanna play locals multiplayer, you're gonna be dishing out some serious dosh. I feel the they should have kept these things simple in order to keep the price down. In fact, I'd much rather the console be more pricey and have more power, and some with a solid, but simple and cheap remote, than vice versa... Half the features in the joycons will go underused.
-32 GB built in HD
I knew this was gonna happen, so I won't complain, but that's just plain dumb. So go ahead and tack on another $50 to that price tag for a decent SD card to increase your storage capacity. The Nintendo Switch is deceptively expensive. Beneath the $299 price tag, you've got a bunch of extra costs that put it far ahead of its competition in terms of price, even if you add their bonus stuff to the bill.
-1 2 Switch
So basically it's Wii Sports/Nintendoland. Cool I guess, but it doesn't come bundled, so that's a pass since it's like $60.
-ARM aka (shoulda been Punch Out)
Man, I was laughing at how bad the presentation was at this point. Looks like a cool tech demo, but if this is "Nintendo does """REAL""" fighting games" this is a sad sign of things to come. I remember when Nintendo had more variety in their libraries, and not everything was super cartoony, like Nickelodeon vomited on your screen. Cool concept, but it's not for me.
-Splatoon 2
Cool, I guess. I liked the first Splatoon, but I had my fair share of problems with it, notably the amount of content in the game. At least it's got local MP now. Still, the fact that it's coming out so soon, means there's a high chance this one is being rushed like the last one was. Still, it's one of the few games that caught my eye at this presentation, but it's not enough to buy a Switch. I'd pick it up if it were coming to WiiU but... HA! We all know Hell will freeze over before that happens.
-Mario Odyssey
Ok, so I'm sure it's been said before, since I know I wasn't the only one to notice this, but.... why does this look like Sonic 06? Having Mario in the real world is a uncanny and jarring as having Sonic in the real world. Idk man, I'm not feeling this one at all. There's some cool ideas here and there with the hat and stuff... but open world Mario... in the real world... naw son, the best aspects of Mario were the tight platforming, and the incredibly imaginative setting, both of which this thing is missing.
-Fire Emblem Musou
This is cool. About time really. But then again, after HW, I realized I don't really like Musous. They're incredibly repetitive. Looks forward to seeing all the character trailers and such in the future. I really only care about this to see what movesets they give each FE character.
-Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Looks alright. New art direction is nice, last two games were a bit uncanny. Still though, not even set for this year, and tbh, after XCX, I don't really feel the hype. Actually, this is starting to feel like the WiiU's launch all over again tbh.
-Ho More Heroes 3
Neat, I like this franchise a lot. I'll be waiting for the inevitable PS4 port as we know that's bound to happen at this point. Last two games were ported to PS3, I don't see why this one won't see the same fate. Also, if this were the WiiU, this would be the Bayonetta 2 of this launch line up, again, not looking so hot. At least this one has a chance of getting ported.
That's cool. Probably won't be an exclusive though. And we've got no info. I like the SMT franchise a lot. If any of you get a Switch, I recommend you eventually pick this one up to rinse off the sour taste of #FE from your mouth, as THAT was NOT SMT. Also, this reminds me of the SMTxFE teaser during the WiiU reveal, man history is just repeating itself.
If you haven't played Skyrim by now, you should be ashamed.

This is just as dumb as the remaster, I dunno why people are excited. Vanilla version has been put on PC for YEARS, and it's got tons of enhancements and graphics mods that put the Remaster to shame.
Loved the reluctant look on the EA rep's face. At least Nintendo is trying to reach out to 3rd parties this time around. They know they need FIfa, and with this and NBA, well the Switch might do ok? Maybe? idk.... More on that in a bit.
-That Squeenix RPG
Didn't catch my eye, sorry.
And that was pretty much it, unless I missed something... Man that was really bad. I know they showed off more stuff later, like MK8R, and a port of SFII, and all of these are cool and all, but none are really system sellers. In fact, there's not a single game on the Switch that makes me go, "yeah, THAT game is the reason to buy this console." Perhaps is Zelda was exclusive to it, then yeah. But then I'd have the risk and potential disappointment of having to buy an overpriced console to play one game, and then have to wait from drought to drought for games to trickle in. Nintendo promises that over 70 games are being made for it, but we don't know how many of those are exclusive, and how many are indie and low budget game. Which I personally assume is quite a lot tbh. And I don't see how any of this lineup is any much different to the WiiU one, in fact, with Arkham, and Rayman Legends, and Mass Effect 3, and Deus Ex, etc... WiiU had a lot more going for it, especially since it also had a lot of exclusives planned out for it even in its first two years.
THIS is the year line up for the Switch:
My question is, how on earth is this, gonna compete with THIS:
Because not even price is an advantage for Nintendo anymore.
Just to compare, if you wanna buy a PS4, a brand new Slim, no bundle is $239, comes with a remote, and $50 more for an extra one for local. Games, well, lets say Bloodborne, which imo is the best game on the console, that costs $17, lets toss in a multiplayer game on there too, to make the extra remote worthwhile, Guilty Gear Revelator is $25, and a subscription to PS+ that's $50 more.
So for $381, you get the console, two games, an extra remote, and a year PS+ subscription.
Now lets look at the Switch. It's $299 for a new console. BotW will be $60, and lets say 1 2 Switch, which iirc is like $45. Then you need one pro controller, that's $70 more, plus an ethernet adapter, that $20, plus a decent SD card, that's $50, then one year subscription to Nintendo Online, that's $50.
Total price comes down to: $595, and I didn't even include the Joycon charger.
Tally up the price, and you're looking at a good $500+ for a full experience, and it's STILL considerably weaker than the PS4, and has less games on it. Plus its online system is inferior to the PS4's. Consider that you can buy a Slim for $250, and used Vanilla for $170, and a brand new Pro for $399, all bundled with a game, and I don't really see this thing catching on. Not to mention all the AAA you'd be missing out on if you went Switch exclusive.
Plus, how many of the games showcased last night are exclusive to the Switch? Outside of the first party IP, I'd argue not many, if any tbh.
So I reiterate my initial question... "What was the point of killing the WiiU then?" I mean, outside of pissing off half the people who bought one.
Meh, anyway, at least I've got Zelda to look forward to, and I gotta say, that looks dope. That trailer legit gave me chills. So there's that.
Sorry for being the buzzkill, but at least I crashed the party over here while you guys are swirling around and getting hyped up over in the Social thread. But those are my thoughts on it at least.