Hey everyone, know that this is more of a constructive critique than meaningless complaining. I am looking through this dojo site for brawl and seeing more and more how this game, while improving on melee in a number of ways, seems to be falling short in a few ways.
Why, oh why for instance do we care to collect stickers?? honestly, the trophies i guess were kinda interesting in melee b/c they gave a little background to the character or item. Part of smash brothers titles has been this sort of "cross over" theme like the flintstones meets the jetsons, where pokemon meets mario mets retro nintendo, you know what I mean. So sure, have some retro stuff in the form of trophies, maybe a couple characters (no more game and watch please). Honestly though, and i'm sure this goes for a number of smash players out there besides myself; it boils down to the fun that you have with your friends. That is the heart and soul of smash bros!
Instead of getting excited that oh, you can enter you name through cell phone! ........ continue on that proper train of thought that will allows us to personalize a profile lets say. One of the other keys to SB is that while it is a multiplayer powerhouse it is also very personal. How many of you out there have favorite characters? How many would like to "own" those favorite characters more, for instance, have players keep a full fledged profile, including the ability to add or remove their best characters (character coloralso being preserved) , perhaps choose from an extensive list or be able to create their own insigna's! It should keep the battle record system as before, noting wins against other profiles. Something like this, should be worked more extensively into the fabric of the game, not just choosing a name.
Characters...Now, i'll say right of the bat, i've yet to design a video game, so i'm more of a fan at baseball game making sugestions the coach how to run his team. Maybe it's memory limitations, but why oh why does there have to be these ebb and flows with character selection. Could nintendo not work something out like other systems and enable us to save character data (sprites, animations whatever) to a memory card or something enabling the play of a host of characters?
In melee for instance, why not make master hand, hig ugly twin, and gigabowser available?
Second, I pray that half of the character line up is;n't stocked with parallels. No more wasting the precious few character slots that they give us with....pichu....AND pikachu, mario AND dr. mario, gannondorft should have been his own character not, a hair's difference of variation of captain falcon!
ALright thats enough for now, again, i'm just frustrated with nintendo a bit seeing as they have yet to really deliver on the Wii as a powerhouse system. Maybe you agree with me, maybe not, but the motion sensor thing has yet to relaly be utilized as seemlessly as they have been bragging in a quality game (save for metroid, and even then its little more than a shooter). Smash brothers has just grown in reputation and fun over the years. God knows if there will be anymore sequels, I just want them to not ruin what has become nintendo's halo.
Why, oh why for instance do we care to collect stickers?? honestly, the trophies i guess were kinda interesting in melee b/c they gave a little background to the character or item. Part of smash brothers titles has been this sort of "cross over" theme like the flintstones meets the jetsons, where pokemon meets mario mets retro nintendo, you know what I mean. So sure, have some retro stuff in the form of trophies, maybe a couple characters (no more game and watch please). Honestly though, and i'm sure this goes for a number of smash players out there besides myself; it boils down to the fun that you have with your friends. That is the heart and soul of smash bros!
Instead of getting excited that oh, you can enter you name through cell phone! ........ continue on that proper train of thought that will allows us to personalize a profile lets say. One of the other keys to SB is that while it is a multiplayer powerhouse it is also very personal. How many of you out there have favorite characters? How many would like to "own" those favorite characters more, for instance, have players keep a full fledged profile, including the ability to add or remove their best characters (character coloralso being preserved) , perhaps choose from an extensive list or be able to create their own insigna's! It should keep the battle record system as before, noting wins against other profiles. Something like this, should be worked more extensively into the fabric of the game, not just choosing a name.
Characters...Now, i'll say right of the bat, i've yet to design a video game, so i'm more of a fan at baseball game making sugestions the coach how to run his team. Maybe it's memory limitations, but why oh why does there have to be these ebb and flows with character selection. Could nintendo not work something out like other systems and enable us to save character data (sprites, animations whatever) to a memory card or something enabling the play of a host of characters?
In melee for instance, why not make master hand, hig ugly twin, and gigabowser available?
Second, I pray that half of the character line up is;n't stocked with parallels. No more wasting the precious few character slots that they give us with....pichu....AND pikachu, mario AND dr. mario, gannondorft should have been his own character not, a hair's difference of variation of captain falcon!
ALright thats enough for now, again, i'm just frustrated with nintendo a bit seeing as they have yet to really deliver on the Wii as a powerhouse system. Maybe you agree with me, maybe not, but the motion sensor thing has yet to relaly be utilized as seemlessly as they have been bragging in a quality game (save for metroid, and even then its little more than a shooter). Smash brothers has just grown in reputation and fun over the years. God knows if there will be anymore sequels, I just want them to not ruin what has become nintendo's halo.