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Nintendo "Hardcore" gamers


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Link to original post: [drupal=1146]Nintendo "Hardcore" gamers[/drupal]

I can't believe I associate with them...

With the recent Dead Space: Extraction trailer, many “hardcore” gamers are crying out in bull**** remarks. Sure it’s not going to be the Dead space on the other consoles, but we’re getting a Dead Space, and one being made by the original team (EA Redwood). All they do is ***** and whine it’s a on-rails shooter with remarks like “L-A-M-E” or “On rails shooters are going to be shovel ware” and “EA sucks, why are they doing this?” It pisses me off to no end. Its not just in this game as well.

The Wii “hardcore” gamers whine they don’t get any “hardcore” games. They do. What they really want are “mainstream“games. Games like No More Heroes, Okami(despite being a port), Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy and soon to be Madworld, NMH: Desperate Struggle and possibly the Conduit(though this maybe put under mainstream, but the way the High Voltage is making this game for the fans, it could be hardcore).

But then when you look the main problem is with the consumer. Take The Conduit. Many a fan have turned enemy because of no split screen. They claim they “won’t buy it” and High Voltage will “cry at the sales”. They also call bull**** on the fact that “The Conduit 2” will possibly have spiltscreen. What surprises me the most is that they cry and moan on news released almost 7 months ago. High Voltage already stated that there will be no spilt screen, and SEGA is just repeating what High Voltage already said.

I’m not sure, but the current problem of the Wii “Hardcore” is that it wants “Mainstream” and not "Hardcore" Hell the Hardcore 3rd party games seem to not get enough sales. Maybe I should get a Xbox 360, or a PS3, not to play their games(most PS3 and 360 games don't entice me enough) but to just to avoid association with the Nintendo "Hardcore".


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I can has Hardcore Gamers?

Edit: Darkslash, the Blog was edited after you posted the thread or however this works.

THe thread JUST says "I can"

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
The blog section sometimes cuts off the actual text to some "preview" when creating a thread.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Would playing Call of Duty 4 with a mario kart wheel attachment make me hardcore?

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I heard that game was competitive. I could never get into it though.
It is, I tried playing online and got killed by like 4 people in a row.

They do these crazy things where the bounce the ball of the back, pass it, then shot.

The first time I saw that I thought it was hax :p

-:bowser:Bowser King


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
Nintendo is purposely dumbing down games so they will be less hardcore and will make it ridiculously easy for a child who isn't exactly very intelligent (face the facts: the kids who play video games these days are usually the stupid, lazy ones) because that is nintendos biggest market. Look at Barwl. Look at Mario Galaxy (don't flame me, it had potential but was so easy). Look at the fact that almost every game that has come out for the wii has been the type of game that a wealthy parent buys for his son, who will then get bored with it within a week or two.

Thats not to say that the wii has nothing hardcore, its just that anything that can be hardcore probably will be less hardcore than it should be

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Like it or not, the Wii model of the videogame industry is the new model. Nintendo is crushing the competition, and M$ and Sony are definitely taking note. A friend of mine likes to remark that the PS3 is going to be the most powerful home console ever made, because the PS4 and 360-2 will undoubtedly regress in the same way that the Wii did.

Hard games don't appeal to non-gamers, and the future of the industry is in non-gamers. I don't mind that so much. I just hope that M$ and Sony remember that there still are a few people out there who like hard games and competitive games, and that they throw us a bone every now and again. Nintendo seems to have completely forgotten about the people who carried them through the N64/Gamecube years.


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
What nintendo needs to realize is that with games like brawl, the people who buy the game can't tell the difference between speed, advanced techniques, etc. other than competitive players. What I'm hoping is that they start making really good, hard games that utilize the function that allows you to go ahead and let the game do the puzzles or whatever for you.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Well, you could look at it from the Blue Ocean point of view. Perhaps Nintendo are slowly seducing the non gamers into harder games by edging them into it slowly? By the end, they'll have a much larger legion of hardcore fans. I didn't become a "hardcore" gamer overnight. It was the constant seeking of a new and bigger challenge that pushed me onto the harder games as a kid. Perhaps that's the way Nintendo is going about it?

They probably realise that they can't live off this shovelware forever. The non gamers will understandably get bored of this crap eventually, and will either want a more deep gameplay experience, or leave the Wii to collect dust. If the former should happen, then perhaps it would dawn a new era of fantastic games and lots of people to buy them. If the latter should happen, Nintendo will most likely go to the wall. They'll come running back to us, but things will never be the same.

Ri$k$ man big ri$k$


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
The Wii “hardcore” gamers whine they don’t get any “hardcore” games. They do. What they really want are “mainstream“games. Games like No More Heroes, Okami(despite being a port), Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy and soon to be Madworld, NMH: Desperate Struggle and possibly the Conduit(though this maybe put under mainstream, but the way the High Voltage is making this game for the fans, it could be hardcore).
I consider myself to be one of said "Nintendo hardcore gamers" (although not really anymore, I'm just more of a retro Nintendo gamer now), and that's not true at all. I dislike NMH and its hype, I've never played Okami, I hate SMG, and I also hate Mad World's concept and NMH's sequel's concept. The Conduit I'll look into, but I'll wait for reviews before I buy it.

Not sure where you're pulling the term "mainstream" from, and also I'm not sure why they are exclusive and a game cannot be both. Mainstream means normal, popular, well-known games. For instance, in the SNES era Super Mario World might be a mainstream game, while Earthbound is not. But wait, SMW isn't hardcore...? Now, I could've sworn it was.

If your point with this is some attempt to criticize so-called hardcore gamers by saying that they're using the wrong terminology, just stop...I've heard this bull pulled too much, and it's basically a minuscule argument which is unimportant. Hardcore isn't necessarily synonymous with what hardcore games/gaming/gamers are, but that's the terminology that has been adapted. If you want to complain about something, why not go after wavedashing, or shinesparking from Metroid, or something to that effect? Wavedashing is dodging towards the ground diagonally so as to move, and doesn't really have anything to do with actual waves. Shinesparking is charging up a speed boost and then using it to launch yourself -- you shine while you have the charge and while you are using it, but there is no "sparking" involved.

My guess is you're just convinced that the Wii has hardcore (or whatever you want to call them) games and you're angry that people are convinced otherwise, so you attack them for meaningless things like that. I've seen it done before.

Even if you could truly argue that people need to stop using the term "hardcore", you cannot argue that mainstream is the right term either, as it isn't. Mainstream on the Wii is Mario and "Wii" titles. In the gaming community, "mainstream" would be different, but there's a difference between "mainstream" and "mainstream within a certain community".

And one last thing; where are these so-called "hardcore" games if the ones we ask for are "mainstream"? Like, in the SNES era I can think of Earthbound as an example according to your definition, but I don't think the Wii has a title like that.

But then when you look the main problem is with the consumer. Take The Conduit. Many a fan have turned enemy because of no split screen. They claim they “won’t buy it” and High Voltage will “cry at the sales”. They also call bull**** on the fact that “The Conduit 2” will possibly have spiltscreen. What surprises me the most is that they cry and moan on news released almost 7 months ago. High Voltage already stated that there will be no spilt screen, and SEGA is just repeating what High Voltage already said.
You know what, you're right. Brawl's been out for nearly a year now in the US/Canada, so I guess it's stupid for us to still be upset about tripping, lack of AT's, and all of Brawl's various other problems. Hell, E.T. has been out for long enough; why still be upset over its problems? I mean, time clearly fixes everything. Is the 5 month-limit still in place on how long you can complain about an issue after you find out about it?


Some people, including me, are upset by a lack of split-screen on all games and all consoles, not just the Wii and its games. Believe it or not, the Wii doesn't get super special hate in every department and everyone who hates it is NOT a hypocrite who singles it out from the other consoles.
I didn't even know about this, but I'm certainly not pleased with this news; especially on the Wii. On the 360 or PS3 you can at least still have online play, even though split-screen is preferable for some. On the Wii, you've got absolutely ****ty online, so unless it's really good the multiplayer could be crap. Not to mention that the ratio of games I can play with my friends when I hang out with them to my total number of games is continuously shrinking. Playing games in person > online. Online is amazing and it's a great feature, and I subscribe to Xbox Live so I'm certainly not criticizing online play, but playing in person beats everything.

If you don't want split-screen, good for you! Don't criticize people because they have a legitimate problem with it and want to express said problem.

I’m not sure, but the current problem of the Wii “Hardcore” is that it wants “Mainstream” and not "Hardcore" Hell the Hardcore 3rd party games seem to not get enough sales. Maybe I should get a Xbox 360, or a PS3, not to play their games(most PS3 and 360 games don't entice me enough) but to just to avoid association with the Nintendo "Hardcore".
I'm still not clear on what the point of this whole "mainstream vs. hardcore" bit is, but you're either arguing that...

A) Our problem is that we don't know what we want.
B) We're calling what we want the wrong thing.

Neither one even makes sense to be an overwhelming problem for an entire group of people.

Also, complaining about how sales are low on games you deem "hardcore"? Ahahaha. First of all, just because hardcore gamers are buying them doesn't mean the sales have to be high. Second of all, these are games that you deem hardcore. Finally, HARDCORE =/= GOOD. You can try out a concept that's absolutely beautiful and have it turn out as absolute crap.

And if you honestly get another console because you're sick of people having their own legitimate opinion, you're rather, no offense, stupid. You not only won't escape them (unless you quit the entire internet), but it's extraneous to buy another console due to a large number of people whom you disagree with.

Most of the "hardcore" Nintendo gamers have dropped the Wii anyways. Either they've bought another current gen console, they're focusing on previous consoles, or they got old consoles to play. I did all of the above.

...I've ranted on long enough.
*Points to sig*


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I used to be a nintendo fan-boy. Worst years of my life. It finally stopped when I had a dream jesus was beating the **** out of me, and he gave me an xbox and I started shooting small animals.

It's obvious now that nintendo "hardcore" players
cough cough
are a lot different than they used to be, so I guess that's a good thing, but now the general nintendo audience is flooded with casuals. If they come out with a non-casual game, it's pretty much a guarantee it won't sell like the hundreds of other minigame collections the wi has out now. Sure, nintendo is getting dead space, but it'll be a dumbed down version of the 360/PS3 counterpart.
It's depressing that the video game industry will take a turn for the casuals, but my fingers are crossed that either Microsoft or Sony won't forget the people that made them successful in the first place...


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
It's depressing that the video game industry will take a turn for the casuals, but my fingers are crossed that either Microsoft or Sony won't forget the people that made them successful in the first place...
Sony is just as bad. They only chat crap about catering to the core because that's where they saw the $$$. Nintendo then beat them in the business perspective, and now they're gonna start dumbing down too. These game companies are only going where the money is. Let's face it, this is business. Who gives a f*** about loyal fans. Do you think C.E.Os actually have a conscience or care about their customers? All every game company wants is money, and right now that's coming from the "waggle your d*ck at the screen to get fit" generation.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
^^ yeah, that's mostly why I feel like the gaming industry is depressing, but it doesn't hurt to have your fingers crossed. After all, even though those crappy hybrid cars are all the rage, they still make lamborghini's.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
CEOs should care about their customers. They're making an ***load of money now, but having a guaranteed group of customers is not something to underestimate. They've got no name recognition of people who are going to say "Ooh, a new Nintendo console". If they don't name the next console Wii 2 or something with "Wii" or "Mii" or something like that in the name, the casuals aren't going to know **** about it being related to the Wii unless they do an advertising campaign like that. I was talking to someone the other day who incorrectly referred to the company as "Wii", not Nintendo.

It's ridiculous. It's purely ridiculous. If they hadn't screwed up so quickly, so obviously, and so badly, they would've had me as a Nintendo fanboy for life. I really hope the casuals do abandon them. This may sound vindictive and mean, but I almost hope Nintendo completely loses next generation and is forced to drop out of the console market. Once they've lost all of their hardcore fans and the casuals have either lost interest or go to another company -- since I imagine that next generation, all three consoles will have motion sensor -- they're screwed.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
CEOs should care about their customers. They're making an ***load of money now, but having a guaranteed group of customers is not something to underestimate. They've got no name recognition of people who are going to say "Ooh, a new Nintendo console". If they don't name the next console Wii 2 or something with "Wii" or "Mii" or something like that in the name, the casuals aren't going to know **** about it being related to the Wii unless they do an advertising campaign like that. I was talking to someone the other day who incorrectly referred to the company as "Wii", not Nintendo.

Agreed. Saying "It's a business so they shouldn't care about buyer wants" is stupid. Buyer wants are what runs the company and almost every branch outside of video games pays close attention to that.

Also, I'm pretty sure it wiill(see what I did there :p) be called the wii2 or something similar.

It seems this generation has brought in a lot of discussion on video games but along with a huge group of people who know next to nothing about them. Last gen, I rarely heard discussion on video games IRL. This gen, I've lost count of how many times I've heard people mention wii sports or wii fit.

It's ridiculous. It's purely ridiculous. If they hadn't screwed up so quickly, so obviously, and so badly, they would've had me as a Nintendo fanboy for life. I really hope the casuals do abandon them. This may sound vindictive and mean, but I almost hope Nintendo completely loses next generation and is forced to drop out of the console market. Once they've lost all of their hardcore fans and the casuals have either lost interest or go to another company -- since I imagine that next generation, all three consoles will have motion sensor -- they're screwed.
Nope. Nintendo is going to end the wii early (or so I heard somewhere...). So by the time PS4/Xbox ___ comes out, Nintendo will already have struck with there new idea (which I hope isn't a gimmick but all I know is, I'm going to be watching next gen very carefully o see what system to get first).

-:bowser: Bowser King

Deleted member

About a year after getting a Wii I realized that Nintendo is just going to progressively casualize all of the franchises except for the strategy games and shooters. I can't wait to see how unbelievably easy the next Mario game is. Face it, us GBW's (Gamers Before Wii) are quickly becoming relics of a bygone age.
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