Exactly. This is so full of truth. As I said, no one decided that E3 in and of itself was a reason to hate Nintendo. It was the last straw. It was one last chance to redeem themselves, and they blew it.
I don't really understand at all what your problem is. If we want to rant, which we have a right to do considering the way Nintendo left us, let us rant. Yes, I have a problem with casual gamers. They don't even care that much about video games, they play them, an hour, TOPS, a day, most likely. So what's their need to come in and invade video games? They probably enjoy reading, watching TV, whatever, so why the need to come in and steal everything we've been doing for decades now? Why is it that gamers who make gaming not only a habit, but a large part of their life, have that unfairly taken away? Why can't they just go back to whatever they were doing before the Wii/DS?
Maybe that makes me a jerk, maybe that makes me selfish. But Video Games are my one and only true passion. I like other things, but video games are practically my entire life (yeah, I'm a loser). And while I can, and will, move on to another console (although I'll keep my Wii), there's a reason I stuck with and defended Nintendo until this point. Sega, whom I started video games on, is dead. Not only are they no longer making consoles, but their games aren't even good anymore. Then I moved onto Nintendo, and now they're dead, at least for core gamers. They don't have much longer to redeem themselves before they're stuck in a cycle of continuous Wii Fails, and eventually to such a point where core gamers stop even bothering with their consoles, stop listening to their hype about E3, because they've just been let down too many times. So yeah, I'm understandably upset.