: Arthur (Ghosts'n Goblins)

: Guts Man (Megaman series)

: FF1 Warrior (Final Fantasy series)

: Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight series)

: Darkrai (Pokemon series)

: Funky Kong (Donkey Kong series)

: Riki (Xenoblade series. Wanted to find something that wouldn't conflict much with Kirby's power-up forms.)

: Dillon (Dillon series, his currant outfit)

: Palico (Monster Hunter series)

: Duster (Earthbound series)

: Tempo (HarmoKnight)

: Drake Redcrest (Chibi Robo series)

: Tiki (Fire Emblem. Wears her Young version's headgear and has purple sash straps on her arms)

: Princess Gwaelin (Dragon Quest series)

: Marin (Legend of Zelda series)

: Duraga (Tower of Duraga)

: Kat & Ana (WarioWare series. Popo dresses as Kat, Nana as Ana.)

: Altair (Assassin's Creed)

: Maria Renard (Castlevania series)

: Jeff (Earthbound series)

: Mettaur (Megaman series)

: Revali (Legend of Zelda series)

: Andy (Advance Wars series)

: KOS-MOS (Xenosaga series. Uses Xenoblade 2 appearance with leggings. Using Mask taunt will instead have Lucina bring down KOS-MOS' visor when her hand reaches her head)

: Rex (Xenoblade series)

: Sigma (Megaman series)

: Psaro (Dragon Quest series)

: Rathalos Armor Hunter (Monster Hunter series)

: Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil series)

: Sukapon (Joy Mech Fighter. Basically, a black with white lines Sukapon with 2 beady white eyes and with Game & Watch frames, is 2D, Limbo-like, etc.)

: Gray Fox (Metal Gear series)

: Prince of Sable (For Frog the Bell Tolls)

: Prince Richard (For Frog the Bell Tolls)

: Wonder Momo (Wonder Momo. Man, Nintendo could make a killing giving her multiple alternate costumes, with how many can fit her)

: Mr. EAD (F-Zero series)

: Sheldon (Splatoon series)

: Zael (The Last Story)

: Captain Toad/Toadette, Hammer Bro, Petey Piranha, Draggadon (Mario series)

: Tortimer (Animal Crossing series)

: Isaac (Golden Sun series)

: Mario (Mario series)

: Kaptain K. Rool (Donkey Kong series)

: Professor E. Gadd (Mario series)

: Daroach (Kirby series)

: ROB 64 (Star Fox series. For the most part, R.O.B. is somewhat a re-color that's gold with white spots, but they have a blue screen on their chest and the black lens holding their eyes are covered by a bright red lens)

: Gilgamesh (Tower of Duraga)

: Iori Yagami (King of Fighters series)

: Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fighter)

: Masked Man (Earthbound series)

: May/Brandon (Pokemon series)

: Viridi (Kid Icarus series)

: Harry (Teleroboxer)

: Guy (Street Fighter/Final Fight series)

: Zelda(Skyward Sword) (Legend of Zelda series)

: Bandana Dee (Kirby series)

: Black Mage / White Mage (Final Fantasy series)

: Sagi (Baten Kaitos series)

: Slime Knight & Slime (Dragon Quest series. Bowser Jr. is dressed as Slime Knight. The Koopa Clown Car's facial design and coloring is that of the Slime enemy).

: Banjo & Kazooie (Banjo Kazooie series)

: Goku (Famicom Mukashibanashi: Yūyūki. You're probably asking, did I do this for the Goku meme? And I can say Yes and No. Besides the DB Goku meme, I chose this for two other reasons that came to mind before and after that.

: James McCloud (Star Fox series)

: Eliwood (Fire Emblem series)

: Frey and Freya (Zangeki no Reginleiv)

: Shanoa (Castlevania series)

: Futaba Sakura (Persona series)

: Heavy Lobster (Kirby series)

: Magnus (Kid Icarus series)

: Dante (Devil May Cry series)

: King Hippo (Punch Out! series)

: Nikki (Swapnote series)

: Samurai Goroh (F-Zero series)

: Deku Baba (Legend of Zelda series)

: Agent J (Elite Beat Agents)

: Duran (Seiken Densetsu/Mana series)

: 18-Volt and 9-Volt (WarioWare series)

: Hilbert (Pokemon series)

: Officer Howard (Astral Chain)

: Nia (Xenoblade series)

: Boy Villager/Girl Villager (Animal Crossing series)

: Wandering Samurai (Rhythm Heaven series)

: Valkyrie/Black Valkyrie (Legend of Valkyrie)

: Black Shadow (F-Zero series)

: Squall Leonheart (Final Fantasy series)