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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
I'd love a Fossil Fighters rep, and T-Rex is probably the likely choice, but I chose to add V-Raptor to my roster instead. Simply because it's still based on a recognizable dinosaur, but wouldn't have any size issues.

EDIT: Another thing is that T-Rex is a heavy firebreathing reptile, and we already have a couple of those.
That’s fair, but T-Rex is the face of the series (it appears on every game’s boxart) and is one of the two Spirits in Ultimate alongside Nibbles, so that’s why I usually drift towards T-Rex lol


Smash Lord
May 7, 2015
I have two cool ideas for a Punch Out!! Item. Tell me what you think.

The first item is a head guard, like Little Mac and Glass Joe could wear. This head guard would join the "hat" items that appear in your character's model like the bunny hood. When worn, this item gives you Tough Guy style armor. Meaning now every character can armor through attacks.

The second idea is a portable punching bag. When thrown, the device will plant itself to the ground, grow and reveal hanging punching bag. This item will function similarly to Wobbuffett from Melee and Brawl. If hit, the bag will swing in the direction of the hit and then swing back hitting anyone unfortunate enough to get in it's way. This item would have a ton of power and could kill easily. And of course, it'd have old retro Punch Out!! Sounds effects.
Love it.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Alright, thoughts on the Melee vets:
Peach is fine, and I really don't think she should get anything from Princess Peach Showtime. It just wouldn't synergize with what's already there. Daisy though? Please declone her at least a bit. Bear minimum, remove the Toads. Make neutral special have her fling her turnip away with a baseball bat or something I dunno.

Bowser's problems are portrayal based. His moveset is mostly fine, though I wouldn't complain if they continued to play around with it.

Ice Climbers are fine I guess? Their design inherently causes problems, but I wouldn't really have them any other way so...

I don't get why people want to give Sheik a harp. I know she's got it in Ocarina of Time, but like, aside from a taunt I don't see it making a whole lot of sense in her kit.

Zelda needs an overhaul so she can become a functional character. I don't think you should get rid of the iconic stuff like Lightning Kicks or Din's Fire or whatever, but they need to rework these things and/or the rest of her kit so she can actually make use of them. The biggest thing to do would be to make Din's Fire into a trap move, and maybe give her light arrows that interact with it.

Dr. Mario is alright I guess. He doesn't really do anything with the puzzle gameplay, but I suppose he doesn't really need to either. Making his recovery better and calling it a day is probably a good call.

Pichu's main problem is that it plays exactly like Pikachu, so whichever one ends up being better kinda invalidates the other. I'd like to see Pichu branch out a bit, and gain some pros and cons that affect their playstyle rather than just being a more volatile version of Pikachu.

Falco I don't have many opinions on. I think I see the vision, but he's forever going to be a character I won't fully understand. It does seem like most fans don't vibe with how he works now vs. how he worked back in Melee, but I wouldn't want him to regress to a simple clone either.

I agree with MockRock for Marth. He should definitely go back to how he was before since it allowed his tipper mechanic to be a plus rather than a gimmick that makes him hard to play. It would also give Lucina room to bridge the gap between Marth and Chrom.

Young Link can't have the masks. He just can't. Giving them to him would either require adding 3 more Links (which no-one wants), or a half baked attempt at smooshing them into single special moves. Either way, you're taking away from one of the most fun Link designs in the series. He should have Fierce Deity as his Final Smash though.

Ganondorf doesn't need to, and shouldn't be scrapped and redone. There are a few things that need to change, like the insistence on keeping Volcano Kick and the fact that he barely has any counterplay against projectiles, but the premise he's running on is totally fine. If you want a more referential Gannondorf moveset, add Gannon. Side note, I don't think Black Shadow is a good surrogate for Gannondorf's moveset. Ignoring the lack of a beeg blade for smash attacks, he's also an F-Zero character, and as such should be designed around speed. In a different way than Captian Falcon sure, but I don't think he should just take on the properties of the slowest second character in the entire series.

Mewtwo I think fails to fulfill his fantasy; that of an immensely powerful psychic being. Too many of his attacks are just tail swats, and outside of his super cool moves like his specials and his up smash, his animations don't quite carry the gravitas that he usually has in other media. I don't think he needs an overhaul, but his animations, and some of his attack concepts should get another pass.

Roy is perfect with the asterisk that it's not super representative of him as a character. I think that'll change over time though, and I wouldn't redesign him anyway. He's too good as is. Chrom is also quite good, but I might give him a few changes to help bridge the gap between Roy and Lucina.

Mr. Game & Watch...I dunno. I guess I'd agree with him being a tad overtuned with certain moves, and I preferred his old forward air, but I think his actual design issues are pretty much just balance related.

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
That’s fair, but T-Rex is the face of the series (it appears on every game’s boxart) and is one of the two Spirits in Ultimate alongside Nibbles, so that’s why I usually drift towards T-Rex lol
If FF gets more representation, T-Rex should be at the forefront in some way. Either as an assist trophy or in the background of a stage.

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
So far I agree Link needs to be more sword based and kick way less. He's a swordsman first and foremost. Bow, Boomerang and Bombs.. Well, I guess those are almost staple. Can't get around them. Spin Attack as a Up or Down Smash can free up a Special. However what about Bow, Boomerang and Bomb being combined into a Neutral B and a sort of move that's selectable like as if you're in a Zelda item menu? Like Shulk's Monado Arts, such a system. I dunno.
I agree with cutting the kicks Link using his fists or legs should be avoided at all costs!
He only used his body to attack thrice i think as a ring and minigame in the oracle, the sumo minigame and in totk he punches the ground!
All of those are special non standart cases! So Link should follow young link and cut those! (also have the grab be overhead like him carrying pots!)

However i highly disagree with adding something like that! And if you had to add an item pocket move have it be used for obscure or one off stuff not for his most iconic weapons! Link i dont want to do anything complicated to shoot an arrow?

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I keep remembering that Brawl had 18 newcomers, so I decided to make a list of 18 characters I’d pick for the next Smash game.
  • 13 first parties
    1. Waluigi
    2. Raven Beak
    3. Bandana Waddle Dee
    4. Either Meowscarada, Tinkaton or Gholdengo
    5. Alear
    6. Oatchi
    7. Tom Nook
    8. Noah and/or Mio
    9. Marina
    10. Officer Howard
    11. Ring Fit Trainee
    12. Isaac
    13. Ayumi Tachibana
  • 3 third parties
    1. Shadow
    2. Chun-Li
    3. Alucard
  • 2 Echo Fighters
    1. Dixie Kong
    2. Ninjara
18 Newcomers eh?

  • 12 First Parties
  1. Toad
  2. Captain Syrup
  3. Octorok
  4. Impa
  5. And a Goron (pick whoever you like most)
  6. Bandana Waddle Dee
  7. Dark Matter
  8. Magolor
  9. Porky
  10. Giovanni (pokemon)
  11. Isaac/ Matthew
  12. Dj Octavio
  • 4 third parties
  1. Shovel Knight
  2. The Human (undertale)
  3. Flowey (undertale)
  4. Slime (DQ)
  • 2 Echoes
  1. Tails (sonic)
  2. Morpho Knight (Meta knight)

I think this is the first time where i exclusivly focused on my favourites! (Usually i pepper some popular picks in)
This time i tried keeping some variety but only focusing on characters i want!
BTW Toy link being in as a costume or character is my actual number 1 wish!

Also i have to say Nintendo (you arent going to read this) or smashboards yes Midna, Skull kid and impa would still make me a very happy boi in smash 6!


Smash Cadet
Aug 7, 2018
I keep remembering that Brawl had 18 newcomers, so I decided to make a list of 18 characters I’d pick for the next Smash game.
  • 13 first parties
    1. Waluigi
    2. Raven Beak
    3. Bandana Waddle Dee
    4. Either Meowscarada, Tinkaton or Gholdengo
    5. Alear
    6. Oatchi
    7. Tom Nook
    8. Noah and/or Mio
    9. Marina
    10. Officer Howard
    11. Ring Fit Trainee
    12. Isaac
    13. Ayumi Tachibana
  • 3 third parties
    1. Shadow
    2. Chun-Li
    3. Alucard
  • 2 Echo Fighters
    1. Dixie Kong
    2. Ninjara
Here are my predictions!
  1. Oatchi&Recruit
  2. Ancient Sirehound&Louis
  3. Agent 8
  4. DJ Octavio
  5. Noah/Mio
  6. Officer Howard
  7. Ring Fit Trainee
  8. Raven Beak
  9. Impa
  10. Sidon
  11. Paper Mario
  12. Shez
  13. Bandana Dee
  14. Ayumi Tachibana
  15. Ogerpon
  16. Isaac
Thirds Parties
  1. Viola (Bayonetta)
  2. The Hunter (Monster Hunter)

It doesn't really change much from the last roster I made. I still think that both Splatoon and Pikmin will have more than one newcomer in the next game, but in this case I've taken a newcomer away from Xenoblade (Melia) and put one in Kirby (Bandana Dee).


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Radical Rex plz :troll:

Now, what Tyrannosaurs Rexes (or any dinosaur in general) in video games would you like to see in Smash?
I think some of the fossil Pokemon like Rampardos and Tyrantrum would be cool if you're talking fighters. Otherwise, I'd like to see Dino Crisis get some content should RE get in.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I agree with cutting the kicks Link using his fists or legs should be avoided at all costs!
He only used his body to attack thrice i think as a ring and minigame in the oracle, the sumo minigame and in totk he punches the ground!
All of those are special non standart cases! So Link should follow young link and cut those! (also have the grab be overhead like him carrying pots!)

However i highly disagree with adding something like that! And if you had to add an item pocket move have it be used for obscure or one off stuff not for his most iconic weapons! Link i dont want to do anything complicated to shoot an arrow?
I'd literally give Link the N Air and B Air of Toon Link. That's fitting. He's also way too slow even for a swordfighter.

I like the Bow, Boomerang Bomb item slot Neutral B idea though. Doesn't need to be slow either. Wouldn't matter too much anyway cause Link moves like a brick wall anyway lol

Also, Bomb Arrows. I'd like those.

Side B maybe what his current Dash Attack is? A Down B with the Flurry Rush implemented? Lol a BotW / TotK type of Counter on Link would be funny.

Edit: Side B should be the shield bash. Am 100% sold on that now. Down B Flurry Rush as a type of unique Counter.
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I've honestly never had a problem with Link's kicks. He has like 4? And two of those are just forward and back throw which make sense for what they are.

I suppose I wouldn't miss back air or back throw if they got changed and honestly I'd prefer if forward throw got reverted to what it used to be.

The elbow drop down throw has to stay though. Love that move.


Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
I have two cool ideas for a Punch Out!! Item. Tell me what you think.

The first item is a head guard, like Little Mac and Glass Joe could wear. This head guard would join the "hat" items that appear in your character's model like the bunny hood. When worn, this item gives you Tough Guy style armor. Meaning now every character can armor through attacks.

The second idea is a portable punching bag. When thrown, the device will plant itself to the ground, grow and reveal hanging punching bag. This item will function similarly to Wobbuffett from Melee and Brawl. If hit, the bag will swing in the direction of the hit and then swing back hitting anyone unfortunate enough to get in it's way. This item would have a ton of power and could kill easily. And of course, it'd have old retro Punch Out!! Sounds effects.

Obligatory text


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I think the kicks in Link's moveset give him a scrappier, more adventure type feel then say... Marth or Hero.

I like it.
I'd actually put Hero in the same boat as Link. He's got kicks for down tilt and up air plus a shield bash for forward tilt.

They are still primarily swordies but a couple of these moves here and there does give them a different feel imo. I'd prefer for characters like Link, Hero and Ike to retain these in some capacity.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2024
He's also way too slow even for a swordfighter.
I would make him slightly faster (I'd probably make him run about as fast as Wolf currently does), but I don't imagine a character that carries as much weaponry/items on him as Link does would be particularly fast.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I've honestly never had a problem with Link's kicks. He has like 4? And two of those are just forward and back throw which make sense for what they are.

I suppose I wouldn't miss back air or back throw if they got changed and honestly I'd prefer if forward throw got reverted to what it used to be.

The elbow drop down throw has to stay though. Love that move.
Link having kicks is fine, welcome in fact. We stan a man with some CQC

Link's BE ALL AND END ALL move being his nair sex kick? That is a problem. Every single one of his sword moves being mediocre, slow, and punishable, but giving him the GOD KICK means he will do one thing the entire match.

Young Link, who has actually good moves outside the kick, doesn't suffer from the same polarization.
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Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
Maybe it's just me, but the way characters jump in Ultimate looks a bit too fast compared to previous games. I'm kinda hoping they'll fix that for the next game.
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Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Maybe it's just me, but the way characters jump in Ultimate looks a bit too fast compared to previous games. I'm kinda hoping they'll fix that for the next game.
Nah, I like the universal three-frame jumpsquat tbh (or almost universal, I think Kazuya's is different if I remember right). Finally made Charizard not feel super heavy and unwieldy for me lol


May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
Nah, I like the universal three-frame jumpsquat tbh (or almost universal, I think Kazuya's is different if I remember right). Finally made Charizard not feel super heavy and unwieldy for me lol
Yeah, Kazuya's is frame 7 IIRC. It's to make his jumps a little more accurate to Tekken, where jumping is infamously pretty trash unless your name is Akuma.

Honestly, it's for the best, because I do NOT want to know what kind of messed up **** Kazuya would be doing with a frame 3 jumpsquat lmao.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
View attachment 395090

Obscure characters are so cool, bros.

Not even just retro characters, I'm talking all characters of Nintendo's history that've been overshadowed or gradually phased out over time. I'd love to see more of them join the battle, it's always nice to be introduced to new series from Smash.

Newcomer discussion always revolves around big-name first parties (and especially big-name third parties among the general public) so I just wanted to make a silly meme for the little guys.
I know I already quoted your post earlier, but I just wanted to say that you pretty much summed up my feelings on Nintendo's retro/obscure/niche/"weird" characters joining Smash quite aptly here.

Like, I'm not opposed to big-name first parties and third-parties in general joining Smash, but the former-most group has definitely helped keep Smash's roster fresh in my eyes.
Just saying, I've genuinely had a LOT of fun playing as Villager, Isabelle, Wii Fit Trainer, Pit, Little Mac, the Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., and Duck Hunt.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Newcomer discussion always revolves around big-name first parties (and especially big-name third parties among the general public) so I just wanted to make a silly meme for the little guys.
I'm looking forward to a game where I can be confident in these kind of choices again. I think Ultimate burnt me out a bit where it's easy to lose touch with a more loose, experimental selection of newcomers. There's very little I would change about our base roster, but it's been so long that we could sit down and talk seriously about the commonly overlooked weirdos and even very famous retro picks like Excitebiker.

Two of my personal first party MWs are Chorus Kids and Saki Amamiya, and Lip isn't far behind (just takes a backseat because I'd prefer Arle, at this point). Honestly, in another world I feel like Sin & Punishment is the kind of series that would be perfect for Smash. Just speculation on my end up I think Sakurai really, really likes it seeing how Kid Icarus Uprising takes more than a few pointers. And Treasure is the kind of dynamic flavorful developer that I simultaneously think Sakurai would greatly admire and that would provide such a unique presence on the Smash roster.

To that point I think Brawl is kind of the most "missed opportunity" Smash roster by nature... the trouble is, it's already probably the best batch of newcomers ever. But that's partially because of all the essential characters that kinda HAD to join eventually, and finally made it by this point. If we already had the likes of Wario, Dedede, Diddy Kong, etc. then I can't help but wonder who would have filled their shoes that time. Not that Brawl isn't also without its surprises, hello Pit and ROB, but you get the jist. Coming off the early 2000s where Nintendo was virtually throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, Brawl didn't have much space for new IP and instead regulated all those guys to the AT mines. Switch Brawl's circumstances with Smash 4 and things would have been so different.

I have two cool ideas for a Punch Out!! Item. Tell me what you think.

The first item is a head guard, like Little Mac and Glass Joe could wear. This head guard would join the "hat" items that appear in your character's model like the bunny hood. When worn, this item gives you Tough Guy style armor. Meaning now every character can armor through attacks.

The second idea is a portable punching bag. When thrown, the device will plant itself to the ground, grow and reveal hanging punching bag. This item will function similarly to Wobbuffett from Melee and Brawl. If hit, the bag will swing in the direction of the hit and then swing back hitting anyone unfortunate enough to get in it's way. This item would have a ton of power and could kill easily. And of course, it'd have old retro Punch Out!! Sounds effects.
Also these are wonderful, the head guard is such a perfect idea that I'm truly hoping the Smash team had it themselves. Do we have any items that grant armor? That seems like a pretty obvious way to take at least one.
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May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
On the topic of more obscure characters joining in, I don't see why it can't be more of a thing tbh.

Because there's a certain other crossover fighting game franchise that's well known for doing exactly that, and it's usually regarded as one of the coolest things about the series.

Obviously the big hitters will be what takes priority, but there's certainly room for some of the weirdos, too. And, I mean, people get pissed at every character announcement anyways, you might as well just have some fun with it.
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Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2020
Don't know if you guys are up to date or not but Dragon Ball Z: Sparking Zero has been out and it's got me thinking

Bit to late topic but with people bring up Adventure Mode and how Smash's theme of Toys of Life is quite special. What would make a good mode to add would be What-ifs/ Custom Battles which has making quite the rounds

Like Custom Spirits or Event Matches where to create scenario using all of sort characters, stages, items or even dialogue. You get to create all the conditions. Stories or all sorts of match-ups which could be upload online.


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Also these are wonderful, the head guard is such a perfect idea that I'm truly hoping the Smash team had it themselves. Do we have any items that grant armor? That seems like a pretty obvious way to take at least one.
I mean technically the Ore Club does, but only while you're swinging it with a Smash attack, not passively like the head guard idea lol
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Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
I've come up with some new taunts for Snake:

Up: Snake hides himself with the Cardboard Box.
Side: Snake closely examines his opponent and then a big red ! appears over his head.
Down: Snake smokes a cigarette or cigar. Each cigarette or cigar he smokes deals 1% damage to himself. This could also be used to stun opponents. Of course, they'd never use this for obvious reasons, but it'd still be pretty cool.
I've added a small detail to Snake's down taunt.
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Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
I have two cool ideas for a Punch Out!! Item. Tell me what you think.

The first item is a head guard, like Little Mac and Glass Joe could wear. This head guard would join the "hat" items that appear in your character's model like the bunny hood. When worn, this item gives you Tough Guy style armor. Meaning now every character can armor through attacks.

The second idea is a portable punching bag. When thrown, the device will plant itself to the ground, grow and reveal hanging punching bag. This item will function similarly to Wobbuffett from Melee and Brawl. If hit, the bag will swing in the direction of the hit and then swing back hitting anyone unfortunate enough to get in it's way. This item would have a ton of power and could kill easily. And of course, it'd have old retro Punch Out!! Sounds effects.
Ooooh, yes this is good. Love when people make items for series that don't necessarily have items.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
I was playing Inkling today and just thought to myself, "Wow. Smash could really take some pointers with how Rivals designs their characters."

Completely soaking an opponent in ink is funny, but that's kind of it. I know inked opponents take more damage, but that's kind of lame, and all it really does is make Inkling a more inconsistent character. There should be something unique to work towards when inking an opponent.

Let me give you an example of how Rivals handles these kinds of statuses.

Zetterburn is a guy who can set sections of the stage on fire, as well as the opponent. When an opponent is set on fire, they gradually take minor damage, but that isn't the main draw; landing a Strong attack on a fired opponent will make Zetterburn extinguish the flame and launch the opponent twice as far. THAT'S something!


Or how about Etalus? He's arguably Rivals' closest equivalent to Inkling since he can cover the stage in a material (which in this case is ice). Getting ice on the floor isn't the interesting part. It barely affects opponents, just making the terrain a little slippery. The interesting part is what the ice enables Etalus to do.

Etalus's dash attack is a belly slide that travels a short distance... but if you're on ice, he practically flies across the stage. Neutral Special is a giant slam that is kinda slow and unwieldly for attacking, but that's not it's main purpose; slamming grounded ice with it will cause Etalus to be encased in icy armor, granting him super armor on his attacks and a more powerful Forward Strong attack. Most notably, his Down Special is a ground pound that shatters all the ice on the field... but if anyone opponent is standing on any patch of ice as it breaks, they become encased in ice and become vulnerable to attacks.


This is the sort of stuff I wish Smash had. I think Ink should enable Inkling to perform more unique things; it should synergize with her kit more. All of her special moves should leave lasting ink on the ground, not just side special, and it shouldn't slow the opponent down but instead give Inkling access to more options.
  • You know how Inkling's current run makes her swim through the ground? Well, make that her run when she runs on inked ground, and give her a slower human run when she isn't running on inked ground.
  • Instead of inking opponents just giving them a damage multiplier, allow Inkling to "cash out" on inked opponents; make it so that if she uses a Smash attack on an inked opponent, they fly further depending on how much they were inked (while all of the ink currently on their body disappears). A fully inked opponent could be launched 2x as far, like what Zetterburn does.
  • Ink should disappear on its own like it currently does, but opponents could have counterplay to inked ground too; make it so that if Inkling takes damage on or near inked turf, the ground loses its ink. If Inkling gets hit by a Smash attack, an invisible "shockwave" clears out a much larger area of inked ground.
  • Other bonuses like Up Special traveling higher on inked ground would be good too.
If there was any character that practically screamed "AREA CONTROL!! AREA CONTROL!! MAKE ME AN AREA CONTROL CHARACTER!!" when being considered for Smash, it'd be Inkling. Which is doubly weird now that she's in the game and isn't anything like that, instead being this weird middle ground of Splatoon's concepts being half-translated into Smash.

I really think more could be done with her and more should've been done with her. For all we know they did try this and technical limitations got in the way, I don't know. Inkling is practically guaranteed to return though, so I hope they do some more with her next time around.

If this post makes you interested in Rivals character design, I highly recommend this video for a more in-depth explanation.
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Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Now that the topic is items, I do kinda wonder about something that's sorta random, but still.

The Cloaking Device was in Melee and missed out on every game after, presumably because it's from Perfect Dark according to Melee's Japanese version.

Now that Banjo is in Smash and is probably pretty likely to come back since he was really easy to license and was very high on the Ballot, do you think there's a chance the Cloaking Device returns? lol


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
If there was any character that practically screamed "AREA CONTROL!! AREA CONTROL!! MAKE ME AN AREA CONTROL CHARACTER!!" when being considered for Smash, it'd be Inkling. Which is doubly weird now that she's in the game and isn't anything like that, instead being this weird middle ground of Splatoon's concepts being half-translated into Smash.
I wouldn't be surprised if a 8 player smash was a major factor as to why they didn't implement ink in this way.


Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
Now that the topic is items, I do kinda wonder about something that's sorta random, but still.

The Cloaking Device was in Melee and missed out on every game after, presumably because it's from Perfect Dark according to Melee's Japanese version.

Now that Banjo is in Smash and is probably pretty likely to come back since he was really easy to license and was very high on the Ballot, do you think there's a chance the Cloaking Device returns? lol
Possibly, if Joanna Dark gets into Smash.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
I wouldn't be surprised if a 8 player smash was a major factor as to why they didn't implement ink in this way.
Sometimes I wonder how popular 8-Player Smash is if it's really worth balancing the whole game around it and cutting Rex out of any XC2 moveset because of the lag 8 Rexes and Pyras simultaneously cause.

I'd imagine even with its existence, most casual matches stick to 4 players at best.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Sometimes I wonder how popular 8-Player Smash is if it's really worth balancing the whole game around it and cutting Rex out of any XC2 moveset because of the lag 8 Rexes and Pyras simultaneously cause.

I'd imagine even with its existence, most casual matches stick to 4 players at best.
I dunno. I get a lot of mileage out of 5-8 player Smash.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I like the diversity among the cast right now so I don't really want to see it become all totk. Like Zelda especially very justifiably should remain as her current design. Her Ultimate look has somewhat become a default for her as it's her design in Echoes of Wisdom and was the basis for her Cadence of Hyrule look too.

Though obviously I'm not opposed to have all the incarnations as alts, but personally I'd prefer the Ultimate look for the cast remain the default (especially if that saves up time for a new character)


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
Sometimes I wonder how popular 8-Player Smash is if it's really worth balancing the whole game around it and cutting Rex out of any XC2 moveset because of the lag 8 Rexes and Pyras simultaneously cause.

I'd imagine even with its existence, most casual matches stick to 4 players at best.
8 Player Smash is really fun and it's just nice to always have room available for more people to join than just 4. More often than not my group averages around 5 people playing at once, and Smash attracts a lot of people. I definitely think its inclusion is worthwhile and I'd hate to see it go; it would be just plain weird to cut at this point, anyways. It's something Sakurai wanted since Melee, mind you.

As time goes on the technical problems with it should become less and less of an issue. We saw it in Ultimate with every stage being able to be played on 8-Player Smash, which was a step up from Smash 4 where only certain stages were available.
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