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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
Unless he somehow presents some sort of feasibility issue, I don't see it not being Sol. Baiken is cool and Bridget is popular, but still.

I just personally don't want a Guilty Gear character in general.

It would whelm me.
I'm fairly ambivalent to GG as well, but I'm not sure anything will whelm me more than the Tekken character we got.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I think if the character made a big impact and has a lot of fans that would love to see them in Smash, that should be the only thing that matters.
My response to that will always be: "If they made a big impact and have so many fans, why haven't they been in more games?"

For someone like Geno, there's an obvious answer. Being co-owned by 2 companies makes him harder to put in stuff.

For example, I feel like Skull Kid and Midna would probably make for more exciting Smash characters than a recurring character like Beetle. Their fanbases have kept them both relevant over the years despite each only appearing once in the main series. Their appearance in Hyrule Warriors is a testament to that.
But...the fact that they were in HW means they're aren't one-shot characters. They're in spinoffs because of their popularity.

Gray Fox is the only one I can think of atm but there are others I'm sure but it's definitely a rare category.
Gray Fox is in, like, 5 MG games!

I mean if current zelda is well represented then mario only needs:
Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser

Pokemon only needs:
Pokemon Trainer and pikachu maybe mewtwo if im charitable
Mario and Pokemon are MUCH bigger franchises than Zelda.
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Gonna be real. The "Zelda doesn't need more characters it's about exploring," is giving me the same vibes as "Metroid is about isolation, Samus should be alone on the roster."
I mean...she is though. All the non-Samus Fighters are enemies.

I just personally don't want a Guilty Gear character in general.
I need Sol in Smash so they path is cleared for better ArcSys characters. Like Kunio.

View attachment 392477
You name the role/class/etc, Nintendo more than likely has a character for that role/class/etc.
Yes...Nintendo will have a D-tier character for that role/class/etc.

Remember when Smash added Urban Champ as it's street fighting rep instead of Ryu!

There's a dozen better video game samurai than Takamaru.
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Among Waddle Dees

Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2017
Everyone seems to be talking about one-offs from Zelda games. Me…?

I want to see one-offs from Kirby become playable in Smash Bros.
Are you sure you want one-offs from Kirby, or do you actually want one-role-of-importance Kirby characters with squandered potential, that at least got to be included as fully playable characters in Star Allies but have barely appeared since? The latter is more accurate to my common plight.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
View attachment 392477
You name the role/class/etc, Nintendo more than likely has a character for that role/class/etc.
Speaking of, it's weird how the support behind Takamaru basically died off ever since Ultimate. It was already far less in Ultimate than with Smash 4 and even Brawl, but it's baffling. Especially since amongst retro picks he was always the most popular and highly requested. Up to the point he was the more expected pick even compared to Duck Hunt. Which is wild now I think about it, cause nobody questions Duck Hunt's inclusion since they made the roster. Just goes to show...

About Fi, actually that's a reasonable character to choose as she IS the Master Sword. So not a bad pick at all. She's not present perse in the same sense as SS in BotW and TotK but the Master Sword still "spoke" to Zelda. Making her one of the few support characters with an ever lasting "role".

Also speaking of Zelda, am playing Skyward Sword HD now and what I noticed? The Goddess Sword seems to really resemble the sword Link is using in Echoes of Wisdom. Maybe the games predate Skyward Sword ?

Anyway I stand with the conviction that Impa alone would suffice for Zelda, granted they remix Zelda and Ganondorf a little around their most recent appearances. I'm also really down for Ganon again. I really see them as the obvious frontrunners seeing as they appear all the time and did since the very beginning, thus are essential to the whole series. That's basically unchallenged by any other potential candidate.
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Slime Scholar

Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2019
Honestly the most refreshing thing to me right now is a straightforward and effective character, without a big crazy gimmick. Someone who can just be organically distinct. There are many ways to innovate in more natural feeling ways and I really am not looking for Samus with limited missile quantity or full on TOTK Link or something.

You look at someone like K Rool or Incineroar and they were able to stand out without something overbearing like a meter, instead they unique passive traits or fulfilled lesser explored archetypes. Blunderbuss, Crown Boomerang, Alolan Whip, Revenge all take familiar concepts and do something we haven’t seen with them. That’s enough for me to feel like a new character is pulling their weight creatively. After the tenth meter and comeback mechanic it stops being unique, to be honest.

I agree that we could use some freshening up toward some of the old guard, the aforementioned characters still feel fresh and new, but I raise an eyebrow at the examples given here. Just not my preference and got a little exhausting toward the end.
Just want to clarify real quick that I didn’t actually mean that I want all characters to have meters or overbearing gimmicks, just that with new fighters “freshness” and originality are clearly a priority and that it’s a shame classic characters aren’t being given a chance for a makeover even when it feels called for.
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