We’re diving into the wacky realm of speculation so bear with me for a second.They've also consistently released next gen mainline titles every three years since 2013 and the only titles that don't follow this pattern before that are Pokémon Diamond/Pearl and Pokémon Black/White.
There's nothing saying they have to (and they really shouldn't), but it's also highly likely given precedent.
Legends Arceus came out in January 2022. Now I dunno about you, but I associate January with being the month where nothing of note happens. It’s just after the highly lucrative holiday season, but before the spring or the summer where things are warming up and people are starting to have fun again. It’s where companies dump there more low-key projects, more often than not.
So why release PLA, their big new experimental project, in this month? Because it was literally their only option! Gen 9 had started development years before hand and was set to be announced in February, and BDSP already took that coveted holiday spot. There was quite literally no other place for PLA to go. It was a decision made out of a lack of options.
Now to shift subjects for a hot second, Scarlet and Violet. I actually kinda like these games but I can deny that they’re glitched to hell and back. Now despite popular opinion Gamefreak actually does try and listen to their fans. They don’t always succeed, but boy do they try! They know that these games are bugged, and I think they realize that despite the fact they S/V was a financial success, they can’t really get away with releasing a game in this state again. If the whole dexit debacle was strike one, this would be strike two. I wouldn’t rule it out of the realm of possibility that they’re slowing down their development process, at least a little.
And, brief tangent, PLA was definitely a success. But imagine how much more money it might’ve made if it hadn’t been cannibalized by another Pokemon game coming out months later. How much more would S/V have made if people hadn’t already bought their one Pokemon game for the year? We gotta think about these things!
When PLA was first announced it was immediately set for early 2022. Notice how Legends Z-A is slated for 2025? Not early 2025, just 2025. Meaning it could come out at just about any time during the next year. And if it releases any time after January, Gen 10 is not releasing next year. That’s not how this studio works.
And, as I keep mentioning, Gamefreak absolutely loves releasing mainline next generation titles on anniversary years. And 2026 is their 30th anniversary! What are they gonna do, just drop some mediocre dlc for the three-decade birthday of their massive franchise? It’d be way more profitable to drop a whole new generation and make a celebration out of it. Think about the marketing potential!
Now as always I admit I could be wrong about all of this, I’m not some industry insider. But I just think it’s silly that so many people insist that they have to release two games next year, just because they did it that one time (which totally could’ve been a fluke) even though the more profitable and popular move would be to hold off Gen 10 for the anniversary.