Just like this leak said:I don’t know if you guys remember, but a long while ago, one of my friends submited info about me telling them info on mewtwo, isaac, and charecter alternate costumes. Well after that got out I was fired as a retail represenative. So now that I have nothing else to lose, I will spill the beans on everything I know. First off, mewtwo is in the game and was given an complete overhaul with his moveset, speed, and weight. He also has his mega Y evolution as his final smash. Oh and dont worry, jigglypuff is still in. Ridley is also playable and was given a unique charecter design just for the game. The design kind of balances between his brawl appearance and his other M appearance. The one you saw on pyrosphere is a boss and is his form in other M. While ridley is being played on pyrosphere, another boss will show, but since I’m not too familiar with metroid, I don’t know its name, but it looks like Ridley, just without wings and while riffs of fur. It appears on the stage by emerging from one of the holes on the wall and crawls along them before jumping on the stage to cause havok. On another foot, the next smash direct will air in mid august and will feature a villains trailer showcasing ganondorf, mewtwo, ridley, and metaknight while wario is teased at the end. So that’s all I know about the game and this will be the last time you will hear from me since I don’t want to get in anymore trouble with Nintendo, as I already had to change my email. Anyway I’m not going to go on and on about my legitimacy, I know what I know.:end of leak what do you think ???