Now that I have your attention, I want to propose an idea and get some general reaction. I do not think there is anybody that wishes for a roster split between both the 3DS and Wii U installments, while it would make good business sense it is not exactly fun for consumers. None the less there has to be
some unique content that will entice consumers to want to buy both products, so how about this?
DISCLAIMER: The opinions within this post are for engaging in public discourse and do not necessarily reflect what is likely.]
What if?
What if we had third party exclusive characters for each console? Before everyone starts busting out their "O RLY" owl captions on me just let me explain my thought. Well, before I even go there, this idea hangs upon the presupposition that the third party characters from Super Smash Bros. Brawl will return, and that we will see about one-two more in the next games. Third party characters are something both enticing (depending upon whom you ask) and separate from the "normal" rules. Why not use this to the best advantage possible? After all, games do this all the time. If anyone needs an example, look no further than Pokémon. For over almost two decades this has been the formula that has kept Pokémon lucrative, enticing children to "catch them all" by purchasing both versions, I know I certainly did!
Someone out there might be thinking "well, why not just split the roster between both versions for all that?" Here is a simple way of explaining it. When an action is potentially more of a crap move than something Capcom would even do, it's not a smart move. It is one thing to offer exclusives, it is entirely another to intentionally split your roster for profit, especially for a fighting game (yes, fighting game).
"Why not just have Nintendo exclusive characters then?" Well, you could, but I think more people would be willing to buy another version if Megaman was available versus Toad. Wouldn't you? Just being honest here.
"How do you see this working?" Assuming we get a nice even amount of four third party characters we could have each game split with one "veteran" guest character and one new guest character.
3DS: Solid Snake and Megaman
Wii U: Sonic the Hedgehog and Slime (don't whine, ok?)
Want to know the best part? Once you connect the 3DS version with the Wii U game after unlocking our two guests, they become playable on the console version! *cue
Legend of Zelda item jingle* It is not as crazy as you think, after all, Street Fighter X Tekken is doing this
exact thing only with more outrage. That has more to do with Capcom's crappy handling of post-game content.
I think you all get the gist of it by now. If I wanted to I could probably make this much longer, but I personally have a problem putting more effort into a forum post than my own collegiate writings. Plus, most people just tl;dr anyways... >_> Let me know what you all think. Would you throw a fit? Horrible idea? Good idea? Just complain that I didn't list ___ character? Whatever it may be just let me know and I will try to respond.