Umm, maybe I chose the wrong time to drop in... :/
But since i'm here now... Hi guys! School is eating up time and stuff and exams and more stuff and... Oh look, it's gonna be holidays soon!
Also, i'd post music but... Library computers, what can you do?
Wait... Are furries like the dogs and things that pretty much just stand on two legs and do cute things? If so, I like the ones that aren't of a disgusting nature.
And I like most pokemon... *goes on daydream rant about having a cafe where riolus are waiters and all the legendary fairy pokemon play tip in a nearby forest at night*
Teehee! ^^
EDIT: Well I have Lufia II, but really need to get around to playing it. If you liked Lufia, Xeylode, then try out terranigma. I haven't played Lufia yet, but from all I hear, Terranigma is just as good an RPG if not better (and I have played terranigma... It's one of the few games that has ever made me cry in sadness. It's such an amazing SNES game... It's gameplay is solid, even it's stealth missions ((the one where you have to go through dragoon castle and not walk in to the spotlight of the guards) - while primitive - are amazing. Ohhhh, it's just such a good game!!!!!!)) )