You know, I think Mareep has a great shot.
However, I think Teddiursa might have a better shot at being the 2nd Generation Pokémon in smash. I think being a grass type gives Teddiursa the edge.
As for the 3rd gen, I think the race comes down to Shroomish, Spheal, and Wynaut. Shroomish I think would be a great playable ghost type Pokémon. Spheal would be an awesome super heavyweight. Wynaut would have so many original moves, just thinking about it all BLOWS MY FRICKING MIND!!!
Edit: Also, I got a feeling Baby Luigi will replace Luigi. Baby Luigi is just more modern and sophisticated, ya' know=???
~His Johnknight1 Himself~,
Edit 2: What All is Brawl sucks Melee did for this holiday is amazing. No lie!