Brawler Claws is one of Uprising weapons. The description given in the official website is:
Melee weapons, made specially for a champion prize-fighter. They lack power, but allow the greatest speed of all the weapons. Sadly, their range is very short—one arm's length only—but they allow you to rain down hundreds of punches in a vicious flurry.
Well, who is Nintendo's most famous and popular champion prize-fighter? Little Mac. I think Little Mac is pretty much a shoe-in now.
Wolf Claws is also one of Uprising weapons... Wolf confirmed to return?
Tiger Claws is yet another Uprising weapon... the description given reads:
Claws are melee-specialized weapons that fire talons. They improve speed more than any other weapon as they are lightweight, which makes up for their short attack range. The Tiger Claws allow Pit the impressive speed of a wild animal.
I really want to say Meowth... but I cannot bring myself into false hope.
Samurai Blade is one of Uprising weapons. The given description is:
Based on the traditional weaponry of an island nation with a unique culture. Its slashing attacks are the most powerful of any Blade; although it allows for rapid movement, its ranged attacks are weak and it takes a long time to charge shots.
Traditional weaponry? Unique culture? Rapid movement? Charge shots? It sounds like Takamaru based on his NES game. Takamaru confirmed?