For Mewtwo, and his existence to show that even clones can live.
Also, my written Pit's and Palutena's codec on Mewtwo for your liking:
Mewtwo -
Pit: Who's this feline-like creature? He looks very... serious.
Palutena: That's Mewtwo, a PKMN created by the scientists, who was meant to be a clone of Mew.
Pit: A clone?! But cloning is-
Palutena: A very serious crime for life and it's miraculilty, yes. Mewtwo had to go through a lot for that, and I'm not sure if he has found his way to life without worrying about who he is.
Pit: I'm so shocked... if I were a clone of someone... I wouldn't have any origin. I wouldn't belong to anywhere. I wouldn't ever be unique. Is my life even worth living? So unhuman and horrifying...
Palutena: Pit, are you crying?
Pit: I know I'm bit different from the rest of the angels... but I didn't know some would have it more worse than I do.
Palutena: Cheer up Pit. Even if you might have born very different from the others, it means you can also reach new heights and worlds unimaginable of a regular individual... you might not know how to fly, but it lets you see the life in other way... from a view of angel who can't fly.
But honestly, what I would do without an army captain and bodyguard like you... you've done so much more than an average angel could!
Pit: Palutena, I'm...
Palutena: But Pit, I thought you were aware of that yourself too. *
Furthermore, I think Mewtwo and his presence helps us realise how precious our life's are, whatever the origin of birth and place. No matter how different you are, you were given ability to live and experience the world and it's amazing wonders. So was Mewtwo. You both are very unique and so are your lifes.
Pit: I see... thanks Lady Palutena.
Palutena: No problem. Don't worry about Mewtwo, things are looking up to him now...
May his life be blessed one.