Mini-boss: Old Man Lobber
Old Man Lobber has been tricked by the villains! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN! You and your world are doomed!
Old Man Lobber is faster and more powerful at higher levels. However, on earlier levels, he is slow and weak, as if testing you before he gets serious. His attacks have slightly abnormal knockback on any level, though.
Rapid Charge-Lobber will go offscreen and charge in 3 random directions. Higher level increases charges to at most 5. This attack is very fast, so you'll need to pay attention to when he goes offscreen.
Lightning Ball: Lobber moves to the top of the screen. He fires down a ball of lightning similar to Goriath EX's snowball in Kirby's Return to Dreamland. At lower levels, he'll tucker himself out and stop the attack to take a breather instead.
Tons of Bullets Barrage- Lobber holds up his cane. Tons of small energy spheres come out, only leaving a small area to sneak through without taking damage. It lasts longer at lower levels, because this is his strongest move, and he isn't using as much energy at low levels. It is also relatively slow at all levels.
Cane-a-rang: A simple cane toss, making arcs across the screen.
... You see? THIS is how an old man fights. I'd like to see Toadsworth fight like this.