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New Mexico Smash Invite RESULTS ADDED!


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Yes there will be crews then lol. Enough people asked nicely enough. This just means NM we need to figure whos in our top 5 lol

Hey Kash. I can throw like $10 towards you driving Zenjamin but I will probably be only able to give it to you the day of the tourny sorry. Also Kash/Steven, whichever of you can bring the table, the sooner you show up the better please


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
LOL, thanks for trying so hard to get me down there man, Im not completly sure why you care so much. Im not that good.

anyways, it would cost you 70$ dollars to drive me down there... but I would still need a ride back. and im not willing to fork up the 140$.

BUT, a round-trip ticket would be 80$ fron farmington, and 110$ from Durango... and I would have to leave tonight...
still a little cheap for me. ****, how do people pay for gas allone?

so if i cant get a ride with Paul, the only way im getting there is via hitch-hiking. which im not normally adverse to, but it can get pretty **** cold.

why the frack does smashboards blank out "damn"?


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Who's going to be at the house where we'll be staying? I need to own a few of you with my eyes closed. Ok seriously though, who'd we be able to play against? Also, you guys will let us use the shower rite? Cause if not I'll feel all gross.

Didn't you have a money match against me Kash like 5$?


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Yeah. I can only imagine how it would be if I'm in your shoes.

Also, no, I accounted for that. It is $70 for there, back, and there again.

But, alas, I can't pick you up anyways. I'm sorry =/.

I'll be there around 8:30 guys.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Spirit, we have 2 showers available. one nice and one not so nice lol. Its lewis' call in the end but im sure he wont mind.

And Zenjamin its because, as David said, we New Mexican smasers are nice people. Thats why we're the nice sibling and not the little sister state :p

Hey Kash I wont be off work till 10. I might be able to get off early but do you think you could give me a ride to lewis' from there? its literally down the street but just out of walking range (ill give you a rootbear float lol).


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
from Havox.

Just a reminder this is the tourney address.

1735 Celina ct
Rio Rancho, NM

If I told you differently then i apologize (again this is Havox). That was for safety measures but everything is ok now. If you only have a map to the other address its ok, they are literally 2 blocks away. You are welcome to call me for any further directions. Welcome to the Halls of Havoc and drive safely.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Just a reminder the registration will officialy start at noon. Tournament will start at 1. If you are bringing a set up please arrive a little bit before noon so we an label it and have everything set up and ready to go. Thank you again and drive safely everyone.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
I'm bringing a set-up, possibly 2 set-ups, and some tables. Unfortunately I can't get there til after 12 =(

Also, since Kyle just posted the tournamentaddress, I'll further clarify and post the housing address. Yes, it's probably an unecessary clarification, but it would truly suck to show up to the place you THINK you're going to smash/sleep, only to find it locked and empty. So...

Housing: 705 polaris rd Rio Rancho NM 87124
Tournament: 1735 Celina Ct Rio Rancho NM 87124


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
****, you NM people sound way cool.
im gonna try to twist Pauls arm to get to go... maby i can cling on the the underside of his car without him knowing, ninja style.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Great news everyone. I CONVINCED Articdrac and Yukitanuki to come to this tournament. So expect them to show up tomorrow. Also, I convinced AllBoutPeach to come as well.

BTW Kyle, sorry but I already promised ABP I would be his doubles partner. But just in case he doesn't show your my first choice.

I will probably be coming tonight as well to the house. Expect a call.

Also, if ANYONE needs any help whatsoever with anything give me a call at 505-270-1131


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
hey guys, I will be attending this tourny as well (a shocker I know right) me and chris will be arriving shortly before registration to help set up and all that, just thought id let everyone know.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
That was really fun even though I was sick it was so much fun. Thanks sean for bring two other states with you. You should do it more often.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.

anyways, How did it go? what were the prize winnings for singles? doubles? any other big names besides forward?

spill it for all who couldnt go.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I don't know the full results, I know Forward got first. Omar got second, and I think Lovo got third. Don't know bout teams right now.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Wow...that was one of my worst tourney performances ever. And yet, that was probably the funnest tourney we've ever had. Hmmm...what irony!!

I'm too tired to post anything else. I'll do it later.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
David will be on after work to post results. I know Forward took home almost 200 for singles and Omar took home 60 or more. Lovo took third, Ferdi took fourth, and Erich and Nite tied for 5th.

Forward: Too good. Hope you guys made it back there safely. Thanks again. And also thanks for the advise when off the ledge and everything else.

Omar: Those Shiek tips helped a lot. Again I hope you guys made it home safely. And thanks for the rides lol.

Lovo: Your Link ownes dude. Always a pleasure to play you.

Ferdi: I think we only played eachother when we were both sleep deprived but it was still fun. Get home safely.

Nite: You talked more crap than anyone else. But your CF backed it up. You were awesome, funny, and good. Take care bro. *knuckles*

Tony/Izzy: you have one of the best Shieks I've ever seen and your Peach is even better. Plus your jokes (I wont get specific but you know what Im talking about) were hilarious. Thanks again.

Mike: you were awesome bro.

To all of Lubbock (cuz I still only got half your names down sorry): You guys were awesome. Get home safely and come back sometime. If im ever down there for a TKD event I'll call you so we can smash again.

Farmington: Thanks again for making it. We have to get that crew battle done.

Denver: Keep practicing you guys. It was a lot of fun playing you.

To anyone else OOS I may have missed: Thanks again for coming. Next time we will have it in a bigger location. Hope to see you all again :D

And lastly to all Albuquerque smashers: you guys helped make this happen. It wasnt just David or Lewis or myself. It was all of you guys. Steven without your omp there wouldnt have even been a tourney. You guys gave us suggestions during the tourney and helped call out who was up. The 3 of us really appreciated that. So thanks again you guys.

Oh and David: next time you decide to ban wobbling, check with me and Lewis first. Because you knew I would be the only IC player there :p


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2006
DFW/Houston/Texas Tech
GG, had lots of fun. Teams was crazy! Thanks to the host for housing and thanks to the twins Kyle and Dave for help reorganizing it all. As you can tell from my gamertag, I was the Asian guy that played the WHITE, oh I mean black Marth from Texas.

Thanks to Erich for searching for my controller, and also nice meeting Steve, Noil (sorry if I spelled it wrong), ZMan and other names I can't remember.

Clearly the best match was Scorpion/Reptile vs Shin Akuma.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
Is this an actual tourney? Would I be able to make any money at this? I'm not trying to be shallow or anything but I'm just not sure I can spend the money to go OOS without a chance to make it back.
hey you would have lost $20 if you took that bet man...haha ggs though you were really cool. too bad I didn't really get any matches in with you aside from our tourney match.

@omar - good **** your shiek was too good, those needle turn around to fair/backair edge guards were awesome, couldnt get enough. you aren't about to steal our energy drinks for a measley $2.50 though! thats like $2 a can! :p

@lovo - I was impressed by how well you did. your link is too good, you're a great player. too bad shiek chain grabs like...all of low tier and half of high haha. (I was rooting for you to win singles btw) otherwise I think you could of had forward. at least ryan and I got you guys in teams :p

@lovo's team partner (sorry i forgot the sn)- ggs your fox is really technical. I wish I got to do more freeplay w/ you, I wanted to try my shiek.

@zman - hey even though I didn't really talk to you or anything, of everyone I played from new mexico I felt you were the best by a long shot. I feel of everyone there you have the most potential for playing at top level and placing well so dont get discouraged. you had good reactions and predictions. if you want I can give you some tips and try to show you some stuff all pros do for mix ups with cf, what is safe w/ cf, and how you can punish your opponent for whiffing attacks on almost any missed attack with him. also if you dont think its worth the time because of brawl well everything you learn will be basics which will carry over to all fighting games (brawl especially :p)

@neil - your falco was extra technical, but you should try and learn to predict your opponents better as well as mix up your game a little more, if you do you could get considerably better I'd say.

@twin - thanks for the pancakes they were good :)

@havox - lol your sister(?) was hilarious drunk. thanks for the housing and protecting my towel haha :)

us lubbock people may post up like 1-2 vids of me and some of the matches where jra or myself didn't play. so sorry that means no teams vids probably unless you beg to hear the top tier trash talk julias put up XD

now for complaints, here goes!

@people who seeded brackets - you know you can seed by skill level and location. tio does allow it. it is made that way so that the guys who get 1st and 2nd in teams dont have to play first round. its also made that way so that the top seeds can have a first round bye as opposed to every last person in the tourney EXCEPT him getting the first round bye. maybe I'm just bitter about how awful my luck was but I know I could have placed 5th/7th without any problem.
also post brackets plz?

@everyone - plz dont wake up at 9am when the tourney starts at noon...I wanted to sleep! at least wait till 10 or 11 or something. also take the time to shower before you start playing....I wont go in depth on that one to be nice....
also I guess I learned my lesson to MM people before I play them on the forum because no one wanted to MM me at the tourney....like at all. even people around my skill level...


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
@felix - The brackets WERE seeded by location...notice how you didn't have to play any other Texans...
We didn't seed them by skill level because, aside from Forward being top tier, we didn't know how everyone stacked up against everyone else, so we couldn't do it effectively. Tw1n should be posting the brackets later on.

Anyway, now that that's cleared up, time for shoutouts.

Firstly, for those that didn't catch my name, I was Steven aka the kid in the orange shirt/grey jacket, who was playing Falco/Mewtwo/CF/Fox.

Kyle, David, and Lewis - Thanks for hosting making sure things ran smoothly. Especially thanks to Lewis, what with using his house and all.

Erich, Paul, and Everett - Always fun to hang out and smash with you guys.

Arctic and Yuki - Thanks for showing up, I remember you guys hosting the very first tournaments I've entered, and since then I haven't really considered anything you weren't at a true smash tournament.

Chris, Joe, and Justin - Good **** guys, please tell me you're playing Brawl

Sean and Omar - Like Sinz said, thanks for essentially bringing two other states with you. Also, thanks for the ride back to Lewis's place, and thanks for making NM's last melee tournament that much more awesome.

Lubbock and CO - Sorry to not name you individually, but I'm not sure I got all your names, plus my existance is defined by tiredeness and bluriness at the moment. Good to meed all of you, and thanks to all of you.

Davis - Good ****, and I look forward to brawling with you

Nov 23, 2007
Hey guys, I wanted to give a speech before the tourney but just said **** it, and I would post it here.
My name is Lewis AKA Havox.
It is my honor to be house host of one of the largest tournaments in the history of New Mexico. And as such, being a dedicated perfectionist, I find it my duty to try and make this tournament great. When the question arises, or you think back to yourself, ‘what was the funnest(note on funnest) tournament I ever attended, or one of the best put together(which I hope we did good)?’ I want that to be HOH.
One question I found myself asking many times is why did any of us continue to play this game? In the long year or so before wavedashing was discovered in…Do you really think I know that? Anyway, when ever it was discovered, before professional level of play as we know it had been forged into it is today, we thought we had seen it all. 100% of us all thought at one point or another that we were invincible at the game, because we usually beat the only people we played with. As we grew to the more mystified and unexplored tiers of heightened play and endless possibilities, we began to see amazing things.
100% percent of us have done incredible things, fourstock comeback for the win! Shine for the win, spike for the win, fair or u-air or tilt of any direction for the win, or in this case mindgame for the win. 100% percent of us have been the victim of an eternity of mind games. And 100% of us think we have mind games. When you guys realize that you can never truly expect your opponent to do the same thing every time, you open up yourself to yet another assault of self inflicted mindgames:confused:.
This very gathering is a mind game to me, on so many tiers. I never ever thought that I would be sitting her looking at all of you. Pro’s in my house. I am pretty sure most of you saw my post in the thread when I first saw Forward saying he would come. I flipped ****. We play this game to see what others do to one another, and what we do to others. But the real reason we continue to play this game, is gatherings like these. You guys, the people we smash with, make this game at its greatest, so much better. I thought I would be seeing New Mexico players attend this—never could I consider the possibility of so many showing. I thank you all for attending the Halls of Havoc I.

Now, with that out of the way, I would like to make shoutouts to everybody in specific...but due to host etiquite--I waited until everybody was there, and never got sleep from thurday night till saturday night, so all the names and faces split and blur for the most part--So my general end shoutout is as follows

I thank everybody for attending, even though we had a lot less room than we would have liked at some points, we did it, and it was the the greatest weekend I have ever had. If I protected or replaced something of yours (I.E. towel or controller) your welcome, I wanted to make sure this was something that you guys did not leave with dissapointment. And as per, my shoutouts are almost exactly the same as Twin @.
----- I hope that my goals in my speech were reached, as I do wish that this tournament will stand out in the minds of everyone that attended, because it sure as **** will in mine.
even though he technically wont see this unless he gets on here, I want do draw this attention of humble thanks to him. He stood all day throughout the tourney, and helped it run as smoothley as possible. though he was silent and did not even play the game with us, a great deal of thanks goes to him. :lick:
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