Hey I heard about these boards and I also heard that people can help you ect. So basically I have been playing smash since I got it 10 years ago. and you know when you just stop completely playing for like a year and just come back to the GC well that happened to me several times. Now I cant wave dash i cant L cancel . L cancel seems to be hardest for me. Please help on this. (Im a falco.) I can dash dance pretty easily I can short hop and fast fall i just cant l cancel the short hop FF basically I cant SHFFL. I do nice dair combos but I always do a (fair) front arial. Instead of a nair.!!!! Im so idiotic. Hmm I suck at shining/shielding the b DOWN MOVE I just cant incorporate it into my combos. Also Utilts are very hard for me What is the most important to practice first. and how do i practice it . In training mode or in a actual game. Oh another thing. I used to say man im pro at SSBM becasue i could roll dodge real quickly. Isn't that the noobest thing?