I'm living proof that's not true.
1 ≠ most
edit: I'm editing this to expand on this without making another post and beating a dead horse.
More accurately, what I should have said was that one counterexample does not disprove a "most" statement. In mathematical proofs, typically you deal with the idea of all, none (all not), or some (any quantity greater than none).
- To disprove none, you need to give one example where it does happen.
- To disprove all, you need to give one example where it does not happen.
- To disprove some, you need to prove that there is in fact none that meet the criteria. Which usually requires proof by contradiction.
The problem with "most" is that it is not quantifiable in a general sense. To disprove someone's assertion that most people do X, you would need to either prove that no one does X (disprove some). Or prove that most people actually do Y instead of X.
Since we don't have an exact number of people that are Sonic fans to determine where the cutoff for most is (50% + 1 person), even proving a large number of fans like/dislike Shadow does not guarantee us "most". And since we know there is at least one Shadow fan, it would be impossible to prove that everyone dislikes him.