ok heres my moveset:
speed: 4/5
jumps: 4/5
weght: 2/5
attack: 3%
B: water gun
a very long stream of water that will eventualy grow short and stop like bowsers. grows shorter quicker if low on stamina
>B: skull bash
charges forward quickly untill he hits an enemy or a wall. you can jump but turning will cancel the attack. will go slower and stop midway if low on stamina.
^B: shell jump
similar to bowsers but shell “flippes” several times insted of spinning. dosent go as high if low on stamina.
speed: 3/5
jumps: 2/5
weght: 3/5
attack: 4%
B: razor leaf
shoots a bunch of razor leaves very simalar to chicorita (sp?) from melee. leaves are slower and further apart if low on stamina.
>B: vine whip
a vine comes out of his back and can grab and throw enemys but not pull them in. vine shorter and throwes enemys less distance if low on stamina.
^B: copter-leaf
leaves on back spin rapidly and lift him up quickly, strait or on a diagonal. goes up less if low on stamina.
speed: 2/5
jumps: 3/5
weght: 5/5
attack: 3%
B: fire breath
sorta like bowsers but is shorter and can be moved up and down. also, never runs out of breath. does less damage if low on stamina.
>B: tail whip
charges up for a moment, then hits with his tail with a huge knock back. less knock back and damage if low on stamina. charzards “unflinching” move.
^B: glide
spins upwards shortly then can glide left or right for a bit. less spin and glide if low on stamina.
down B: pokemon switch
switches pokemon in this order; squirtle, ivysaur, charzard and then back to squirtle. can only be used on land. new pokemon appears in the same spot as the old pokemon.
FS: birds of legend
returns current pokemon and sends out the three legendary birds who kill every body! muhahahahahaHA!
also, a note about stamina; you wouldent “die” if you lose your stamina ’cause thats just cheap. rather, it would slowly make you weaker eg. slower movement, less powerful attacks, etc. that seams to make the most sence to me. also, if switching means that the stamina of the new pokemon is full an obvious cheat, if you like a peticular pokemon, would be to switch rapidly back to him to refill his stamina with a burst of invincabilety.
ps. oh and mic, whats fox doing? prepareing to make pokemon coleslaw, thats what :D