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Need a mario Critique


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2008
You need to master Mario's physics a bit more. Your timing was off. I assume that this match was online so the button delay may have done that, but I'm not sure.

Use the cape more. It's a really useful move, and really punishes characters in their frozen animations.

Don't spam the fireball. It's a useful move for damaging, but just standing there and spamming it gives room to the opponent, especially if they have a counter or reflector (like what happened against Zelda).

Use uair and nair more. When coming onto the stage from the ledge (letting go, jumping, and attacking), I wouldn't use fair. It's laggy and thus is punishable. Try substituting it for nair or uair. Also use uair for combos.

Hope I helped.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
Honestly, the only thing that impressed me was your spacing, other than that, you have a lot to work on; just watch some vids of some other Marios and practice.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
First match.

:30 Try not Fireball when your that close to your opponent.
:40 Try to be a bit more careful when using Fireballs
:50 ish too many Dash attacks, Mario's dash attack isn't the greatest :p.
1:10 Go for the edge when recovering, SJP would've hit them if they hung on the edge.
1:40-2:00 Lol, that was pretty funny to watch xP.
3:08 You had an opportunity to stutter step fsmash.

Second match.

2:20 Be careful when throwing f-airs out, it has lag, and you'll get punished by it.
2:52 F-air was a bad idea.

Honestly I'm not too good vs Pit, so hopefully someone else can help ya out.

Third match.

1:30 I think you should've went for a b-air instead, that probably would've got you an easy K.O
I found you were being a bit to predictable with the Cape, and your opponent punished you for it.

Fourth match.

:30 Too many spot dodges, and your opponent punished you.
1:26 Down tilt, too bad the epic move got shielded :(.
1:45 Fair is a bad move to use when on the defensive.
2:00 When you see a Kirby using b-air Shield grab him.

Kirby sounds cute when he hits the water, lmao.

Fifth match.
2:30 A u-air, d-air, b-air, or n-air would've done better then a f-air.
2:44 Aim for the edge when using up B, Mario's RCO lag is very easy to punish.

Overall, use b-air, u-air,d-air, for approaching. You used n-air for OOS which was really good. Up B is a better alternative too at times because of the damage, and the start-up invinciblity frames. Try to use f-air less when approaching/retreating. Try to use Fireballs when up close. Overall decent Mario, and keep trying to improve.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
First match.

:30 Try not Fireball when your that close to your opponent.
:40 Try to be a bit more careful when using Fireballs
:50 ish too many Dash attacks, Mario's dash attack isn't the greatest :p.
1:10 Go for the edge when recovering, SJP would've hit them if they hung on the edge.
1:40-2:00 Lol, that was pretty funny to watch xP.
3:08 You had an opportunity to stutter step fsmash.

Second match.

2:20 Be careful when throwing f-airs out, it has lag, and you'll get punished by it.
2:52 F-air was a bad idea.

Honestly I'm not too good vs Pit, so hopefully someone else can help ya out.

Third match.

1:30 I think you should've went for a b-air instead, that probably would've got you an easy K.O
I found you were being a bit to predictable with the Cape, and your opponent punished you for it.

Fourth match.

:30 Too many spot dodges, and your opponent punished you.
1:26 Down tilt, too bad the epic move got shielded :(.
1:45 Fair is a bad move to use when on the defensive.
2:00 When you see a Kirby using b-air Shield grab him.

Kirby sounds cute when he hits the water, lmao.

Fifth match.
2:30 A u-air, d-air, b-air, or n-air would've done better then a f-air.
2:44 Aim for the edge when using up B, Mario's RCO lag is very easy to punish.

Overall, use b-air, u-air,d-air, for approaching. You used n-air for OOS which was really good. Up B is a better alternative too at times because of the damage, and the start-up invinciblity frames. Try to use f-air less when approaching/retreating. Try to use Fireballs when up close. Overall decent Mario, and keep trying to improve.

Lol Matt bit off my critique style :O /joke

Was gonna do it for all videos but hella lazy


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Actually, I'm not going to lie, I did take your style. It's a pretty good style of critiqing, and you can sum everything up pretty easily.



Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
After looking at the 1st page I think we need a offical mario critique thread (like marth boards). Our 1st page is filling up with critique threads we should just make it all into 1 thread to reduce the spam. Anyone agree?

Oh and Matt, I took that style from someone in marth boards rofl.

Edit: i propose matt to do it cuz i have no time


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Lol too good Hippie. Marth to Luigi to Mario lmao.

Hmm...okay I will make an Official Rate My Mario thread. Everyone else can critique not just me, I don't want to critique 20+ vids rofl.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2008
I just looked at your "favorite one."

First and second stock, he gave u a huge opportunity to score free kills when he used his WoI. Granted he stopped ur attempt on the first stock. But on his second stock, he was pretty much at ur mercy. You jumped at the right time but for some reason u used a fludd instead of a bair or something. Im assuming that was a mistake. But usually when ever you see pits Blue wings pop out. That is a signal for an attack. He used pits wings a lil too openly for his recovery, and you should be able to take advantage of it.

Good match non the less.
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