oooh hope I don't get banned for necropost
Nobody in entire thread mentioned Mr. Driller... for shame. It's largely a Nintendo franchise, with iterations on GBC, GBA, Gamecube, DS, DSiware, and Wiiware.
I was brainstorming moves for Taizo Hori:
B left/right
He suddenly drives a Rally X go-kart in that direction. Can be used midair, in which case case he moves in that direction while beginning to fall. If the hits the ground while driving, he bounces one time, while still driving in that direction.
B up
places a giant rock (from Dig Dug) in midair above his head. The rock will rock back and forth for a second, before plummeting, causing massive damage and knockback to anyone it touches. (and anyone right next to it when it lands)
B down
Dig Dug pump
I actually had 2 ideas for how the pump could work.
a) The hose has an enemy already attached to it. The pump causes the enemy to inflate and then explode, causing damage to anyone touching it as well as knocks them back. But this version of the pump attack is sort of a copout since it means the hose is never actually used on opponents directly.
b) The hose touches an opponent and traps them. Opponent attached to the hose is completely immobilized for 2 seconds or until Taizo player lets go. During this time, Taizo can continually mash the button to pump, damaging the opponent. Doing this decreases the amount of time the opponent is immobilized.
However, whether doing this causes the enemy to inflate like a balloon or not, is up to the game devs, and really just an aesthetic choice in the end.
Taizo would have a flamethrower that would behave exactly like "Fygar's fire"
Final Smash:
This will be similar to Jigglypuff's. He inflates a Pooka and keeps inflating it until it takes up nearly the entire screen. Unlike Jigglypuff's final smash, however, the Pooka
eventually explodes (Taizo at no point stops pumping it) knocking everyone else off screen.
He would have an aerial sword-dive move similar to Toon Link's. Except his would be a drill not a sword.