Either the old one will make it back or a new one will be in for sure. Nintendo likes to put stuff in to make it a bit more "challenging"
having this game going online and a lot of people playing it will not be a good enough reason for Nintendo to take out the advance techniques.
For example, Mario Kart DS. That game is online. There is this thing call snaking. Pretty much, casual player who doesn't use this technique will have a very low chance of winning agaisnt someone who does. Mario Kart DS is an extremely popular game but this "advance technique" is still in. People use it online and they win matches.
Of course, you can say like: "but Nintendo didn't know that someone was going to use that consistently and make it become too good." This statement might be true. If it is true, then perhaps Mario Kart wii will not have snaking or some new technique anymore. Same thing for Brawl.
Which is why I will bring up another game. Pokemon.
Pokemon is by far, one of the most played game in the world and is extremely successful. People play all the way from young kids to adult people. Teams are also limitless. Still, Pokemon have hidden stats that can be given to them to make them stronger. Killing certain pokemon will give you certain stat boost. Their nature also effects their stats. This what the pokemon community might consider "advance technique". It was implemented since Gold/Silver and a new kind of stat is added each generation.
Pokemon diamond/pearl was announce to finally be wi-fi. This means that so many people r going to play together that it's going to be too freaking good. Then what about the advance technique? Well, nintendo did the opposite of what people expected I guess. They added more hidden stats into Pokemon Diamond/Pearl!
So what happen? People got owned. Every1 who have a properly trained team will beat any1 that battles them pretty much. Even when Pokemon Battle Revolution for the wii comes out. Nintendo didn't change anything and casual players still get owned.
So what now? PBR although doesn't have a leader board. It actually have a hidden ranking system for "playing with anyone." This means that if you never win then you will play some1 else who never win. Then people with good teams will fight each other.
So I guess I have two points about this thread.
1. Advance technique will not be removed just because it's going online or because more casual players will play.
2. Nintendo might add an invisible rankings system so that you will play people that are around your level. If they did it with their main stream pokemon game then they can do it for brawl too.
having this game going online and a lot of people playing it will not be a good enough reason for Nintendo to take out the advance techniques.
For example, Mario Kart DS. That game is online. There is this thing call snaking. Pretty much, casual player who doesn't use this technique will have a very low chance of winning agaisnt someone who does. Mario Kart DS is an extremely popular game but this "advance technique" is still in. People use it online and they win matches.
Of course, you can say like: "but Nintendo didn't know that someone was going to use that consistently and make it become too good." This statement might be true. If it is true, then perhaps Mario Kart wii will not have snaking or some new technique anymore. Same thing for Brawl.
Which is why I will bring up another game. Pokemon.
Pokemon is by far, one of the most played game in the world and is extremely successful. People play all the way from young kids to adult people. Teams are also limitless. Still, Pokemon have hidden stats that can be given to them to make them stronger. Killing certain pokemon will give you certain stat boost. Their nature also effects their stats. This what the pokemon community might consider "advance technique". It was implemented since Gold/Silver and a new kind of stat is added each generation.
Pokemon diamond/pearl was announce to finally be wi-fi. This means that so many people r going to play together that it's going to be too freaking good. Then what about the advance technique? Well, nintendo did the opposite of what people expected I guess. They added more hidden stats into Pokemon Diamond/Pearl!
So what happen? People got owned. Every1 who have a properly trained team will beat any1 that battles them pretty much. Even when Pokemon Battle Revolution for the wii comes out. Nintendo didn't change anything and casual players still get owned.
So what now? PBR although doesn't have a leader board. It actually have a hidden ranking system for "playing with anyone." This means that if you never win then you will play some1 else who never win. Then people with good teams will fight each other.
So I guess I have two points about this thread.
1. Advance technique will not be removed just because it's going online or because more casual players will play.
2. Nintendo might add an invisible rankings system so that you will play people that are around your level. If they did it with their main stream pokemon game then they can do it for brawl too.