I was Orboknown in disguise! I threw the real one off a cliff!
Alright! That's it! It's overkill time!
I proceed to take the smash into my rocket ship over 9,000 years ahead of human technology and blast off many times faster than the speed of light, constantly circling our galaxy. The smash ball is in a chamber the size of Alaska in a maze the size of Russia. The maze has litterly billions of turns. One wrong turn means instant death to anything. If you send in a robot, it will be smashed. If you send in a skeleton, it will be obliterated. If you have phychic powers, they will be disabled. If you're a gas, you will be fanned off.
If you manage to escape the multiple spike pits, hellhounds, and clones of Gandalf the White, and pass the lasers in the entrance to the main chamber spaced 1/100 of a millimeter apart, you will be in a massive room at 17,498 degrees Farenheit. Sniping robots on every wall will instantly aim at you and fire ten times a second until you are in pieces only twice the size of an atom. Axes swing from the roof at random speeds at intervals. Heat seaking and cold seaking missiles fire everywhere. Everything in the chamber is carved from diamond and impervious to any weapons you may have brought.
Once you are within a mile of the smash ball, Chuck Norris will roundhouse kick you out of the ship to your certain death. He also has a baker's dozen clones of himself to back him up. Not that Chuck can fail, of course.
Finally, you will have to face me, the ultimate Ninja Bomber, with my twin blades of death. I cannot be defeated. I just can't. The smash ball is also surrounded in dark matter, and as we know, REAL DARK MATTER CANNOT BE MOVED.
AND FINALLY FINALLY, the smash ball will self destruct unless I say a 333-word-long passcode that is engraved on a random piece of obsidian hidden inside a random volcano that could be anywhere in the world.
FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY, if the smash ball does manage to be moved, the ship ASPLODES and trillions of kittens with jetpacks will come for you. The kittens all have monitors on the hearts, and if you harm even one of them, a blackhole rips through the Universe and all is lost to the darkness.
FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY, I've made the universe hack-proof and made it IMPOSSIBLE to rewrite the laws of physics! The spaceship is indestructable! There is no way around this! You MUST do it legitimately or you will explode and be vaporized!
Beat that!