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My friends scruby lucario just beat me. Three times. Questions.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Okay, so I just lost (got *****) by lucario. And the person who beat me is BAD at this game. He charges up his nuetral B, and then just constantly rolls around (literally, roll dodges EVERYwhere), and spams his dair.

I know falcon is supposed to stay out from underneath lucario because of his dair, but it was just habit. I mean, staying out from underneath him means no Uairs, no Up B's, no Uptilt's after a dash attack; all of these things are second nature so it was hard for me to adjust on the fly to "not" do them. That was my biggest mistake.

My one big thing, that really just pisses me off, is that he roll dodged everywhere. So I should just totally punish him to death with raptor boosts right? Wrong. That helped, but raptor boost isn't something I can get kills with, so even once I got him to high 100's of percents, the ****er would still run away from me, and land the hits he could get (which did a **** ton of damage, because he had so much percent on him).

This is the most frustrating matchup I've ever played against, mostly because I don't understand it. It's mostly his stupid dair. It takes away a lot of falcon's game.

Any advice on fighting this stupid character? (who i hate)
*runs away*


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Predict his roll and Falcon Punch!

Seriously if people can do that to me every now and then, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to do that on someone who is really as bad as you make him sound..

Col. Stauffenberg

Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
San Diego <3
Lucario has a very fast roll. Still, if your friend is abusing it as much as you say, you should be able to get a feel for when he's going to do it as the match goes on and punish accordingly. Use dsmash if he's rolling into you.

And yeah, being under Lucario is generally a bad place to be with a few exceptions, and Falcon is not one of them. Just don't do it unless you're feeling pretty **** lucky, or you'll be eating his shotgun feet all day.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Logroño, Spain
Hmm a noob lucario is very dangerous, you have to rush him with unpredictable atacks and pursuit him when he starts to run.

Or you can switch pit and start a lolspam fight with mirrorshields and arrows


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Hmm a noob lucario is very dangerous, you have to rush him with unpredictable atacks and pursuit him when he starts to run.

Or you can switch pit and start a lolspam fight with mirrorshields and arrows
lol.....funny thing is, i switched to Ike and 3 stocked him.

Yea, he's that bad. The thing that's frustrating is that I've destroyed his Lucario in the past. As in, 3 stocked him with my falcon. He used to tell me captain falcon was cheap (lol).

I might have gotten worse from messing around with the CPU's : /


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004

seriously though, pressure lucario and he wont be able to do anything. Also, learn his disjoint hit box because you get hit by like invisible aura a lot if you don't learn it. If they roll a lot then let them roll. Just don't get frustrated by it. Sometime I taunt when I know they're going to row just to make them mad that they miss the chance to hit me.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Here's your problem.
Yea, this is something I seriously shouldn't have ever done. Hell, I've even given advice to people about how to never play lvl 9 CPU's. When you have no internet though (I just got wifi :)...but it's terrible), and you're at your house and you really feel like playing.....

I did. It really does cause a lot of bad habits.

And as for what you said, champ...I'm learning the hitboxes slowly. Lucario's Fsmash hit me a few times and made me go "Uh....wtf?" Because it didn't look like anything hit me. Totally thought he'd wiff, and then I'd punish him....but instead I'd be flying off the screen.

Thanks for the help guys.
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