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My Clever Title for a Wario Thread

Favorite Smash Bros Wario

  • Brawl Wario

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Project M Wario

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • Smash 4 Wario

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • I hate Wario

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Wario's back, with new moves that are old, old tricks that are bold, and a renewed love of gold!
In Smash 4, we have two versions of Pit, two versions of Mario, two versions of Samus, two versions of Zelda, two versions of Link and a BILLION versions of Marth. So why can't we have a different version of Wario: one that pays tribute to his roots as a platforming anti-hero who's out to make himself rich?

Yes, long before you knew him as "that farting biker clown guy" from Warioware Inc., Wario went on his own amazing platforming adventures, not to save any princesses or any kingdoms, but just to make himself rich. In the Wario Land games, his entire goal was just to plunder all the treasure he could get his hands on. Whether it meant going up against an army of bloodthirsty pirates, fighting ghosts and phantasms in an ancient cursed pyramid, or even taking on a gigantic clown demon who wanted to take over the world, it didn't matter to him. Wario was determined to rise above it all and become the richest man on the planet. Nothing would deter him from his visions of glory: gigantic, magnificent castles! Fast, shiny cars! Beautiful babes at his beck and call! Greed is good, and is the ultimate motivator!

Wario wasn't always a flatulent troll character. At one point, Nintendo respected him enough to make him his own character, with his own game series and endearing character traits. As a treasure hunter, Wario exhibited incredible feats of strength and endurance, to the point where in Warioland 2 and 3, he was completely invincible. No matter what you did to harm him in the games, he simply could NOT die. But that's not to imply his quests were easy in any way! No, quite the contrary: because Wario was unable to be defeated, he had a greater amount of puzzles and challenges to overcome. He'd have to use his wits as well as his physical strength to achieve his goals. This would mean putting his body through intense rigors, such as completely setting himself on fire, or turning into a zombie. It goes without saying that he put himself through a lot of pain, but no amount of pain would keep him down, for he is the manliest treasure hunter who has ever lived.

"Oh yeah! I got this in the bag! Most of these losers don't even lift!"

So what exactly can Wario do?

That's a great question! As stated at the beginning, Wario's most basic and essential ability is his incredible herculean strength. It goes without saying that this incarnation of Wario would be a heavyweight brawler, up there with the likes of Donkey Kong and King Dedede. His signature move, the Shoulder Rush, is his go-to attack for most situations. This move causes him to charge forward with his shoulder and smash through solid rock walls or any critter foolish enough to get in his way. In Smash, this move would likely be his standard B move, and it would have insane killing power! Just press B to dash forward with Wario's shoulder out in front, and you can even jump in the middle of it! In Warioland 4, he had an even MORE powerful rushing attack, known as the "super headrush". You would just hold down L or R, and start moving in any direction, which will cause Wario to lower his head. Keep moving him in one direction and he'll begin charging like a freight train, and when he reaches maximum speed he becomes virtually UNSTOPPABLE! With this move he simply PLOWS through solid boulders as if they were made out of rice crackers! Because this move is so strong, he needs a fair bit of running distance before he can even start it, and even more distance is needed just so he can stop! If this move were in Smash, it would function as a rushing, armored haymaker with a giant hitbox in front of it, and anyone in its path gets blown back a huge distance! You thought getting run over with the Blue Falcon was painful? You haven't seen anything yet! On top of this, he's also been known to use his own weight to his advantage, by pounding the ground with his own posterior. By initiating this butt stomp attack from a tall enough height, he can come down with the force of a meteor impact! The heat generated on his butt by the friction of re-entry must be excruciating, but he doesn't complain if it gets results!

That's not all though. Similar to how Mario gains certain special abilities by munching on leaves and flowers, Wario has a variety of different hats at his disposal which augment his abilities in amazing new ways. Switching hats would be his down+B move, and then he activates their effect with forward+B, which would otherwise be his super headrush attack if he's wearing his normal Wario Cap.​
  • When he dons his Eagle Cap, he can use his Shoulder Rush in the air to wreck some fools who try to use their air mobility to escape his wrath! This would also give him great horizontal recovery!
  • Enemies trying to keep you out with projectiles? Slap on the Dragon Cap and blow a constant cascade of flame while closing the distance on them! Think of it as a flaming curry item you can use anytime!
  • By putting on your Bull Cap, you become a lot heavier and harder to knock around! Cling to ceilings and create SHOCKWAVES when you slam the ground with your butt stomp attack!
These hats make Wario's great powers even better, but in the first Wario Land game, getting hit by an enemy would cause you to lose them. So of course, this means that getting hit too much in Smash will cause his hat to get knocked off, so be careful!

Wario already has more than enough to work with based on what I've already posted, but did you know that even this isn't the extent of his abilities? Wario also has a number of transformations at his disposal that show off his tolerance for pain while potentially bringing the pain to others!
  • Take to the air as Vampire Bat Wario and bite people to get some of your life back!
  • Eat a donut to transform into Fat Wario! He's big, sluggish and virtually immobile, but at the same time invulnerable to all attacks and can cause earthquakes when he jumps! He's like a walking POW block!
  • Compress your legs into a spring and bounce straight up into the air as Bouncy Wario to SMASH people with your thick skull! Ker-SPROING!
  • Completely set yourself on fire and charge into people! And once you're done that, do it in the game as well, by turning into Flaming Wario!
  • Get crushed flat as a pancake and become Flat Wario! Contemplate life's mysteries as you slowly drift to the ground like a delicate little feather. Ahh, how relaxing.

You might say to yourself that even with all these great abilities, Wario is too gimmicky as a fighter. He's still too crazy and outlandish and doesn't demonstrate any knowledge of actual combat.

Boy, you are DEAD WRONG.​
  • Wario can cause tremors just by punching the ground!
  • He can take off running, then launch himself like a cannonball and slam into people!
  • He watches wrestling and knows tons of grappling moves! He can take them for a ride by spinning them like a whirlwind, or chucking them like a baseball, with just ONE hand!!!

What more needs to be said? Show your support for Wario Land Wario!

COMING SOON: Moveset ideas, stage speculation, trophies and other fun stuff!

Wario's greedy supporters:

@~ Valkyrie ~
Runic_SSB Runic_SSB
S Scorpion17
TooBadWaluigiTime TooBadWaluigiTime
CardiganBoy CardiganBoy
P.Kay P.Kay
Wolfie557 Wolfie557
PsychoJosh PsychoJosh
Iko MattOrr Iko MattOrr
FunAtParties FunAtParties
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
As much as I love Wario Land, I'm with Swampasaur. Wario is likely not going to be changed since WarioWare is what he's known for in Japan. And despite my preference for his old WL self, I do enjoy how he plays in Smash. If customs do make a comeback though, I'd love to see him get proper alt moves based on WL. Then we could have both.

At the same time, we do have Dr. Mario, so maybe a clone with Wario Land specials and the same normals could work. Only problem there, is that there's not much demand for it. The Wario Land fan base is small, and has a pretty much non-existent presence in Japan as far as I know. A second Wario has very tough circumstances as things currently stand.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I wouldn't make him a second Wario, I'd just replace Warioware Wario completely, and leave the quirkiness of that series to a different entirely new character like Mona or Ashley.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
But wouldn't we be getting rid of a completely unique moveset though?


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Idea: Wario has his own version of lightweight... where he gets crushed and becomes quashed, fast and floaty until snapping back.
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Deleted member

I rather see Wario Land Wario over this version of Wario.
My biggest problem with Smash 4 Wario is that he isn't that faithful to the Wario Land games and has very few moves from the games, even removing the Shoulder Bash side smash. I enjoy playing PM Wario more than Smash 4 Wario.
Wario should have a Shoulder Bash side smash or side special, pile driver up throw, a single arm forward throw, a shake pummel, and a Earthshake Punch down smash.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
I rather see Wario Land Wario over this version of Wario.
My biggest problem with Smash 4 Wario is that he isn't that faithful to the Wario Land games and has very few moves from the games, even removing the Shoulder Bash side smash. I enjoy playing PM Wario more than Smash 4 Wario.
Wario should have a Shoulder Bash side smash or side special, pile driver up throw, a single arm forward throw, a shake pummel, and a Earthshake Punch down smash.
I also like that dair they got in PM.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Oh man, and I put all my effort into that Earthworm Jim thread.

Guess I'll work on stuff for this thread too. Thanks Zebei.

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
I want this too.
I don't like Wario being represented as the gross guy who farts, I prefer his cooler and stronger counterpart as a rival of Mario and treasure hunter/adventurer.
Not to mention that I like the Warioland games a lot more than the Wario Ware ones (Wario Ware D.I.Y. being the only exception because of the creative side).

Get rid of the Wario Ware Wario or make them two separate characters, I don't care, the only Wario I care of is the Warioland one so I'm completely indifferent about the Wario Ware one as long as the Warioland one is in, and not just as a costume.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Alright, so I basically just copied over my old support thread for the ballot. But I'll add more to it as time goes on.

I agree, it's time to get rid of Warioware Wario. He is just a lame joke character and a massive disappointment for true Wario fans. Instead of him can have an entirely separate character like Mona for the Warioware rep.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Its the Wario that Wario should have always been......well ideally a good hybrid of Wario Ware Land and Mario Spinoff Wario.

I dont see it. And i dont want a second Wario.

But moveset changes...just a few (which has been done e.g Pit) would be much appreciated. Also a new Wario Land game or remake. And also moveset changes for Ganondorf.

Smashboards should direct the game and even then we still wouldn't be happy ( at least someone will always complain) or ever fully decide on anything LMAO.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Yeah, but I'm not satisfied with just a few moveset changes. Wario needs a total revamp.

Trailer idea:

Flaming Smash Bros logo starts up the trailer as usual.

Shot opens up zoomed in on the back wheel of Wario's bike, rolling along a road. The bike is puttering along like it's damaged. Zoom out to show Wario riding his bike along a back road during the sunset. Wario is bruised and tattered and he has a black eye, and his bike is falling apart. This CGI scene is interspersed with clips of him getting trounced in Smash - Peach smacking him with a golf club, him doing a weak fart before getting blasted away by Ness's PSI Flash, Donkey Kong spiking him off his a stage with his forward air, and him managing to steal his bike back from Cloud.

Cut back to Wario on his bike. He rubs his head, clearly exhausted, as he's had a long day. The next shot is of him entering the doorway to his house and heading off to the kitchen to grab a snack. Grabbing some cheese and garlic from the fridge, he sees his old clothes hanging on a coatrack on the wall when he closes the fridge door. He sees his Safari hat and overalls, and sits down at the table to start eating. As he munches on his cheese he recalls his old adventures where he defeated monsters and collected mountains of treasure, and it shows a montage of several different Wario Land games - him busting open treasure chests and soaring through the air in Wario Land 1, him battling pirates in Wario Land 2, him busting blocks with his Springy Wario form in Wario Land 3, and him plowing through the toxic landfill stage in Wario Land 4. He seems taken aback and he rubs his chin for a moment, lost in thought. He then looks at the camera and gets a gleam in his eye.

He walks over to the coat rack, taking his biker helmet off and putting on his Safari hat. He tosses the garlic clove into his mouth and eats it, and then with a typical "powerup" noise from WL1, he grows a bit bigger and flexes for the camera, laughing, all his wounds completely healed. Freeze frame, caption appears, "Wario is back to his old tricks again!"

What follows is a gameplay montage of him demonstrating his Wario Land moves, getting revenge on all the characters who bullied him in the first part of the trailer.
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Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2017
Good ol' Melbourne
As a huge fan of both Wario Land, WarioWare and Wario in general, I'm definitely all for a Wario Land-based version of Wario!


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
Yes please, i support!, but one thing though, Wario Ware didn't really portray him as a this "fartman" this is mostly of a "Smash thing" sadly, i can tolerate his current moveset (except the removal of Shoulder Bash, that's criminal!), but i can imagine just how fun would be to play with his canon moves, i would like a combination of his Wario Land stuff and original Smash moves.

It goes without saying but i hope Wario land or even Ware aren't forgotten like other Nintendo IPs, Shake It nailed the art style, future games should have it too, and i'll take a 3DS or Switch game of him any day.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Welcome aboard! I'll add you to the list.

I have to say though, I disagree with you on Shake It. I really disliked Shake It's artstyle.

I found a lot of the animations lacked impact and fluidity. It wasn't satisfying to attack enemies and bosses, and a lot of his moves felt kind of laggy.

If they're going to be doing 2D animation they should go back to sprites instead of using anime studio animations that weren't meant for a game. Something like this would be way better.

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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
Welcome aboard! I'll add you to the list.

I have to say though, I disagree with you on Shake It. I really disliked Shake It's artstyle.

I found a lot of the animations lacked impact and fluidity. It wasn't satisfying to attack enemies and bosses, and a lot of his moves felt kind of laggy.

If they're going to be doing 2D animation they should go back to sprites instead of using anime studio animations that weren't meant for a game. Something like this would be way better.

Yeah, i've seen that image before, a Wario Game looking like this would a dream come true, but i think Nintendo would probably go the 2.5D way, but as long as it is stylized i'll be okay with it.

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
Honestly I liked the animations and the art style in Warioland Shake It, but some times the environments felt a bit empty and generic for some reasons... probably due to big open spaces and lack of unique details in most levels.
A Warioland game like that picture would be great, but I would prefer if it looks like modern graphics instead of 16-bit like, I'm not a fan of retro graphics used as an art style (I'm ok with it when it's imposed by hardwae limitations like the actual old games).

Also, it's a bit off topic, but I think Cpt. Syrup should get some more love too...


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
A Warioland game like that picture would be great, but I would prefer if it looks like modern graphics instead of 16-bit like, I'm not a fan of retro graphics used as an art style (I'm ok with it when it's imposed by hardwae limitations like the actual old games).
That IS a modern look. Actual 16 bit games didn't have that much detail. It's only with today's technology that we're able to take sprite art and animation to its fullest potential like this. It's not "retro" at all, it's a beautifully done modern take on pixel art.

I feel bad because it's completely lost on people who don't know what it takes to produce amazing pixel art or why it's appealing.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
With the Switch out and Mario Tennis going Story Mode, maybe now is the time for Wario to return to the greed-em-up genre.

And I found, thanks to a Youtuber who's name would probably trigger the filter, that Wario has at least 1 animation from Land left: his sleeping animation matches the one in the beginning of Wario Land 2.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I'd love a new Wario platformer, but I'm just worried that they might include his crass toilet humor as a part of it now, like using farts to propel himself in the air. I don't want Wario to turn into another Boogerman game.

Either 2D or 3D would be fine, I just want more puzzle platforming and treasure collecting with simple, fun combat. I still feel like Wario Land 4 perfected all the things about the formula, from the classic-style one-death-and-you're-out gameplay, to the weird sense of humor to the sound effects and music. Still my favorite platformer ever after all these years.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Thing you gotta admire about Wario, he's lazy in his day-to-day life but you can't accuse the man of not having ambition. He sees a castle with the front door, he takes it. Stolen statue, nab it for himself. Ect. Ect.

If they need a new "thing" they could make a Wario Bros puzzle platformer where you have to use Wario and Waluigi to get to the goal. I'm imagining using Waluigi as a steppign stone to high areas, and he strains to keep Wario up.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I've heard numerous people pitch ideas for a Wario platformer with Waluigi tagging along, but I gotta say I'm not a huge Waluigi fan.

Part of the reason I like Wario is because of his durability and brute strength. He gets set on fire, smashed, crushed, turned into a zombie, and he just keeps on trucking. I'm not sure what abilities Waluigi could contribute in this regard, because he definitely doesn't look strong. If he tried to headrush a row of concrete blocks he looks like he'd just conk his head and fall backwards.


Smash Rookie
Dec 11, 2017
Somewhere around New York
Wario's back, with new moves that are old, old tricks that are bold, and a renewed love of gold!
In Smash 4, we have two versions of Pit, two versions of Mario, two versions of Samus, two versions of Zelda, two versions of Link and a BILLION versions of Marth. So why can't we have a different version of Wario: one that pays tribute to his roots as a platforming anti-hero who's out to make himself rich?

Yes, long before you knew him as "that farting biker clown guy" from Warioware Inc., Wario went on his own amazing platforming adventures, not to save any princesses or any kingdoms, but just to make himself rich. In the Wario Land games, his entire goal was just to plunder all the treasure he could get his hands on. Whether it meant going up against an army of bloodthirsty pirates, fighting ghosts and phantasms in an ancient cursed pyramid, or even taking on a gigantic clown demon who wanted to take over the world, it didn't matter to him. Wario was determined to rise above it all and become the richest man on the planet. Nothing would deter him from his visions of glory: gigantic, magnificent castles! Fast, shiny cars! Beautiful babes at his beck and call! Greed is good, and is the ultimate motivator!

Wario wasn't always a flatulent troll character. At one point, Nintendo respected him enough to make him his own character, with his own game series and endearing character traits. As a treasure hunter, Wario exhibited incredible feats of strength and endurance, to the point where in Warioland 2 and 3, he was completely invincible. No matter what you did to harm him in the games, he simply could NOT die. But that's not to imply his quests were easy in any way! No, quite the contrary: because Wario was unable to be defeated, he had a greater amount of puzzles and challenges to overcome. He'd have to use his wits as well as his physical strength to achieve his goals. This would mean putting his body through intense rigors, such as completely setting himself on fire, or turning into a zombie. It goes without saying that he put himself through a lot of pain, but no amount of pain would keep him down, for he is the manliest treasure hunter who has ever lived.

"Oh yeah! I got this in the bag! Most of these losers don't even lift!"

So what exactly can Wario do?

That's a great question! As stated at the beginning, Wario's most basic and essential ability is his incredible herculean strength. It goes without saying that this incarnation of Wario would be a heavyweight brawler, up there with the likes of Donkey Kong and King Dedede. His signature move, the Shoulder Rush, is his go-to attack for most situations. This move causes him to charge forward with his shoulder and smash through solid rock walls or any critter foolish enough to get in his way. In Smash, this move would likely be his standard B move, and it would have insane killing power! Just press B to dash forward with Wario's shoulder out in front, and you can even jump in the middle of it! In Warioland 4, he had an even MORE powerful rushing attack, known as the "super headrush". You would just hold down L or R, and start moving in any direction, which will cause Wario to lower his head. Keep moving him in one direction and he'll begin charging like a freight train, and when he reaches maximum speed he becomes virtually UNSTOPPABLE! With this move he simply PLOWS through solid boulders as if they were made out of rice crackers! Because this move is so strong, he needs a fair bit of running distance before he can even start it, and even more distance is needed just so he can stop! If this move were in Smash, it would function as a rushing, armored haymaker with a giant hitbox in front of it, and anyone in its path gets blown back a huge distance! You thought getting run over with the Blue Falcon was painful? You haven't seen anything yet! On top of this, he's also been known to use his own weight to his advantage, by pounding the ground with his own posterior. By initiating this butt stomp attack from a tall enough height, he can come down with the force of a meteor impact! The heat generated on his butt by the friction of re-entry must be excruciating, but he doesn't complain if it gets results!

That's not all though. Similar to how Mario gains certain special abilities by munching on leaves and flowers, Wario has a variety of different hats at his disposal which augment his abilities in amazing new ways. Switching hats would be his down+B move, and then he activates their effect with forward+B, which would otherwise be his super headrush attack if he's wearing his normal Wario Cap.​
  • When he dons his Eagle Cap, he can use his Shoulder Rush in the air to wreck some fools who try to use their air mobility to escape his wrath! This would also give him great horizontal recovery!
  • Enemies trying to keep you out with projectiles? Slap on the Dragon Cap and blow a constant cascade of flame while closing the distance on them! Think of it as a flaming curry item you can use anytime!
  • By putting on your Bull Cap, you become a lot heavier and harder to knock around! Cling to ceilings and create SHOCKWAVES when you slam the ground with your butt stomp attack!
These hats make Wario's great powers even better, but in the first Wario Land game, getting hit by an enemy would cause you to lose them. So of course, this means that getting hit too much in Smash will cause his hat to get knocked off, so be careful!

Wario already has more than enough to work with based on what I've already posted, but did you know that even this isn't the extent of his abilities? Wario also has a number of transformations at his disposal that show off his tolerance for pain while potentially bringing the pain to others!
  • Take to the air as Vampire Bat Wario and bite people to get some of your life back!
  • Eat a donut to transform into Fat Wario! He's big, sluggish and virtually immobile, but at the same time invulnerable to all attacks and can cause earthquakes when he jumps! He's like a walking POW block!
  • Compress your legs into a spring and bounce straight up into the air as Bouncy Wario to SMASH people with your thick skull! Ker-SPROING!
  • Completely set yourself on fire and charge into people! And once you're done that, do it in the game as well, by turning into Flaming Wario!
  • Get crushed flat as a pancake and become Flat Wario! Contemplate life's mysteries as you slowly drift to the ground like a delicate little feather. Ahh, how relaxing.

You might say to yourself that even with all these great abilities, Wario is too gimmicky as a fighter. He's still too crazy and outlandish and doesn't demonstrate any knowledge of actual combat.

Boy, you are DEAD WRONG.​
  • Wario can cause tremors just by punching the ground!
  • He can take off running, then launch himself like a cannonball and slam into people!
  • He watches wrestling and knows tons of grappling moves! He can take them for a ride by spinning them like a whirlwind, or chucking them like a baseball, with just ONE hand!!!

What more needs to be said? Show your support for Wario Land Wario!

COMING SOON: Moveset ideas, stage speculation, trophies and other fun stuff!

Wario's greedy supporters:

TooBadWaluigiTime TooBadWaluigiTime
CardiganBoy CardiganBoy
P.Kay P.Kay
Wolfie557 Wolfie557
PsychoJosh PsychoJosh
Iko MattOrr Iko MattOrr
I would like this, but considering nintendo hasnt really redone a moveset, sadly this probably wont happen.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I mean, it is possible that Sakurai could see the Wario Land source material and make a new and interesting heavyweight character out of Wario. Redoing his moveset is not out of the question, it's more about whether the guys in charge think they should do it. But I'm not holding my breath because they can be sometimes be rather tone deaf as to what the fans want. Sakurai's a stubborn guy.

A WL-based moveset is way more interesting than what Wario has now.

They announced a new Smash game today, so if it's a new game then they necessarily have to go back to the drawing board with Wario. So hopefully they can start to change him for the better.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
The best time for a new Wario would've been in Smash 4, where they had Wario Land Shake It the gen before to work with. Alas, Wario Land got shafted hard and the chance is gone forever.
If they want to keep the 'wacky' focus of Wario, then implementing some of his enemy-induced transformations would be a good way to do it. I'd love if they gave him some more bruteforce based attacks on the ground; the earthshaking punch, shaking foes for his pummel, a cargo-throw like DK. Of course, that's assuming we don't get an entirely Land-based Wariio as it's own character.


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2010
Princeton, NJ
Honestly all they really need to do is make his walk/run cycle not stupid, replace his dash attack with the shoulder bash and his dair with the butt slam and he'd be enough like his games without pissing off people who liked his old playstyle. I'd also like it if they replaced his down smash with the earth shake punch, his up b with that flying ball attack from Wario World and either his up or down throw with the pile driver, but beggars can't be choosers.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I think more needs to be done with him than just those changes. The potential for his Wario Land moveset is enormous and I don't like how he's currently just a floaty joke character. He needs to be a heavyweight brawler, heavier than Dedede but lighter than DK and Bowser.
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
I love some of the support and passion for his older games here, but to be frank, the amount of bitterness over his current characterization is a bit childish. I can understand wanting a different interpretation of your favourite character based on your favourite games, but wanting his current itteration removed or changed because you don't like it is selfish. Wario as he is has a lot of fans, and just because you don't like it doesn't make your opinion more valid. Nintendo wanted to move in a 'different' direction with the character (though how much of it is actually different is arguable, as opposed to simply being the same but with extra fluff), and while you can argue about whether you like that direction you can't say that the direction is 'wrong'.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I love some of the support and passion for his older games here, but to be frank, the amount of bitterness over his current characterization is a bit childish. I can understand wanting a different interpretation of your favourite character based on your favourite games, but wanting his current itteration removed or changed because you don't like it is selfish. Wario as he is has a lot of fans, and just because you don't like it doesn't make your opinion more valid. Nintendo wanted to move in a 'different' direction with the character (though how much of it is actually different is arguable, as opposed to simply being the same but with extra fluff), and while you can argue about whether you like that direction you can't say that the direction is 'wrong'.
So, aside from your completely ridiculous, sanctimonious and self-contradictory statement that anyone who wants Wario to be less of an immature farting joke character (which is a recent development from Nintendo's marketing team trying to aim him at kids) and more like the character they knew and grew up with is childish, I don't think you've really considered our perspective on the matter. Also trying to frame your argument as "you're not being considerate to others who like this version" is rather hypocritical of you. What evidence do you have that "lots of people" like the farting comic relief version of Wario? Thus far I have seen absolutely no evidence that this is the case, but it doesn't matter, because we are not arguing for changing the underlying character, only his moveset in Smash Bros.

Consider it like this: Smash Switch is a new game, so if Wario is coming back, they will necessarily have to go back to the drawing board on him in some way, re-animating and redesigning his moveset for the new game as well as taking into consideration any new mechanics that might be present. So if they're going back to the drawing board anyways, then it's our chance to let them know that there is a significant demand for him to have Wario Land-inspired moves this time around, and hopefully they will hear us. Wario Land fans have a chance to influence how he may be designed this time around, so I say we take it.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
If BotW Link is a separate moveset from Ye Olde Link then Land Wario may have a chance.

It's something...


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I don't think BOTW Link will be any different from any other Link, but I could be wrong. What exactly would be different about him outside of aesthetics anyways? He still has all the same moves. Only difference I see is that his equipment breaks.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I don't think BOTW Link will be any different from any other Link, but I could be wrong. What exactly would be different about him outside of aesthetics anyways? He still has all the same moves. Only difference I see is that his equipment breaks.
There's a number of things he has different from most other Links

  • No hook/claw shot
  • Breakable stuff (as you mentioned)
  • Hang Glider
  • All the latest apps (Sheikah Slate)
  • Remote Bombs
  • Foodcraft (don't think that'll make it in)
  • Got bitten by a radioactive spider (obvs be nerfed, but still, Wall clinging Link would be scary
It can go either way really. Maybe it'll be like Melee to Brawl where he only real change was the Gale Boomerang.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
So, aside from your completely ridiculous, sanctimonious and self-contradictory statement that anyone who wants Wario to be less of an immature farting joke character (which is a recent development from Nintendo's marketing team trying to aim him at kids) and more like the character they knew and grew up with is childish
The attitude is what's childish, and you're reinforcing it by consistently belittling the character that exists and any fans he may have. I don't dispute that his crass nature is appealing in a childish fashion, but your complete disregard for what other people enjoy and selfish obsession with your own opinion is what made me make that comment.

I don't think you've really considered our perspective on the matter.
Like I said, I do believe that your passion for games that you enjoyed and love of the character in them shines through. I do consider your perspective, and support an alternative Wario, but it's simply childish to want the current Wario replaced because you don't like it.

What evidence do you have that "lots of people" like the farting comic relief version of Wario? Thus far I have seen absolutely no evidence that this is the case
Both of our opinions are going to be annecdotal here, but you're not going to be seeing much of the other side coming to this thread because it's a thread to support your opinion.

only his moveset in Smash Bros.
Which should be reflective of his character. It's fair to want some references to his past self, like I appreciate wanting the shoulder charge special back, or some of his other attacks like the tombstone or earth shake punch like Runic_SSB was commenting. But you're asking for things that you don't like in a completely subjective taste to be removed.

Consider it like this: Smash Switch is a new game, so if Wario is coming back, they will necessarily have to go back to the drawing board on him in some way, re-animating and redesigning his moveset for the new game as well as taking into consideration any new mechanics that might be present
Now this is entirely speculation but I think most people agree that due to the timeframe, whether it's a port or a new game it's still going to be using a lot of assets from 4. I highly doubt that every character is going to be worked at from the ground up.

it's our chance to let them know that there is a significant demand for him to have Wario Land-inspired moves this time around, and hopefully they will hear us. Wario Land fans have a chance to influence how he may be designed this time around, so I say we take it.
I guess I should have made it more clear that this is something I support. Your passion for the old games is great and you absolutely should be taking this chance, but comments like:

Good for you.
I wouldn't make him a second Wario, I'd just replace Warioware Wario completely,
it's time to get rid of Warioware Wario. He is just a lame joke character and a massive disappointment for true Wario fans.
Yeah, but I'm not satisfied with just a few moveset changes. Wario needs a total revamp.
I'd love a new Wario platformer, but I'm just worried that they might include his crass toilet humor as a part of it now, like using farts to propel himself in the air. I don't want Wario to turn into another Boogerman game.
But I'm not holding my breath because they can be sometimes be rather tone deaf as to what the fans want

A WL-based moveset is way more interesting than what Wario has now..
I don't like how he's currently just a floaty joke character. He needs to be a heavyweight brawler
an immature farting joke character [instead of] more like the character they knew and grew up with
All completely disregard that there are people who do like the current Wario, the vulgar and crass one. You literally start this thread by completely disregarding the first person who likes him, and in responding to me you've essentially thrown in the "no true scotsman" by saying that the only Wario fans are the ones who grew up with him, and not the 'kids' who enjoyed his humour that was targetted at them.

Asking for Wario to be true-r to his roots is fair, and wanting references and mechanics from your favourite games is pretty much expected. Saying that his current moveset should have none of his new characteristics is self-important.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
The attitude is what's childish, and you're reinforcing it by consistently belittling the character that exists and any fans he may have. I don't dispute that his crass nature is appealing in a childish fashion, but your complete disregard for what other people enjoy and selfish obsession with your own opinion is what made me make that comment.

Like I said, I do believe that your passion for games that you enjoyed and love of the character in them shines through. I do consider your perspective, and support an alternative Wario, but it's simply childish to want the current Wario replaced because you don't like it.
Again, I find it very hard to take you seriously when it's clear that you're only here for the purpose of flaunting your completely sanctimonious opinion and condescending towards others, pretending that you are shedding some sort of virtuous light on the subject by calling anyone childish.

I fully admit that I don't like Wario the way he is, but what does it matter? This thread is after all for the purpose of supporting Wario getting a Wario Land moveset, I don't see what benefit it would add for me to care for the farting joke character iteration of him, as it's completely at odds with what I want from the character, which is why I made this thread to begin with. Sakurai did not take into consideration the opinions of a portion of the Wario fanbase who DID want him to have a Wario Land moveset, which by your logic is him being childish as well, I don't see you chastising him for it.

Both of our opinions are going to be annecdotal here, but you're not going to be seeing much of the other side coming to this thread because it's a thread to support your opinion.
Uh yes, that is the whole point, not just of this thread but indeed of ANY character thread, to rally supporters for that character. I absolutely hate Undertale and despise the idea of Sans in Smash, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go into their thread to crap all over their character. I'm surprised you've been here since 2015 and are still unfamiliar with how things work here.

Which should be reflective of his character. It's fair to want some references to his past self, like I appreciate wanting the shoulder charge special back, or some of his other attacks like the tombstone or earth shake punch like Runic_SSB was commenting. But you're asking for things that you don't like in a completely subjective taste to be removed.
Another ridiculous statement, by complaining about subjective tastes you're suggesting that true objectivity in portraying a character is not only possible, but necessary. Anyone with eyes and ears and a functioning brain can tell you that this is blatantly false. Mario in Smash does not behave the same way he does in his own games, so it could be argued that his portrayal in Smash is untrue to his character, because he is not constantly brooding and combative in his own games. It's also a subjective opinion - apparently the creators of Smash feel that he should be portrayed this way, regardless of how fans feel the character should be treated. You understand that it's impossible to please everyone, correct? People who want Wario one way will disagree with people who want him another way, but that's inevitable in any case.

Now this is entirely speculation but I think most people agree that due to the timeframe, whether it's a port or a new game it's still going to be using a lot of assets from 4. I highly doubt that every character is going to be worked at from the ground up.
This shows a poor understanding of high-end game development like Nintendo is doing. Nintendo does not half-ass Smash games, they rarely do heavy asset flipping to the extent that you're suggesting for headliner system-seller games like Smash. Melee to Brawl did not reuse many assets, and likewise neither did Brawl to SSB4. Even the assets they did reuse, like stages and such, needed to be revamped for high-definition TVs, textures and models needed to be updated with higher resolutions and larger polycounts, and none of the characters reused animation assets from the previous games. Pretty much everything had to be redone. Unless Smash Switch turns out to be a port of SSB4, this is going to be the case here too - they WILL have to redo every asset from scratch. So the time is now to let our voices be heard.

I guess I should have made it more clear that this is something I support. Your passion for the old games is great and you absolutely should be taking this chance, but comments like:

All completely disregard that there are people who do like the current Wario, the vulgar and crass one. You literally start this thread by completely disregarding the first person who likes him, and in responding to me you've essentially thrown in the "no true scotsman" by saying that the only Wario fans are the ones who grew up with him, and not the 'kids' who enjoyed his humour that was targetted at them.

Asking for Wario to be true-r to his roots is fair, and wanting references and mechanics from your favourite games is pretty much expected. Saying that his current moveset should have none of his new characteristics is self-important.
Again, while I freely admit I disregard people who like the current Wario, I don't see how it benefits me to regard them anyways, because either way I am going to be arguing for a moveset change, regardless of whether I acknowledge Biker Wario fans or not. You and I both seem to understand that it's impossible to please everyone, but that does not mean I am going to veto my desire to be pleased for the sake of others. I am well within my rights to ask for a moveset change, just as anyone else on this forum is within their rights to ask for changes to other characters, or the addition of characters that others might not like. If you're going to be criticizing me for this, you may as well go to those other threads and criticize them for being childish as well, because they also disregard people who won't like their characters or what they're saying. Your hypocrisy is quite astonishing and I suggest you realize it before it comes back to bite you.
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