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My Apex Money Matches

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
hi everyone

you just got name searched :cool:

i guess while I'm here I'll do one v Seibrik's Snake for $1. If I win and you want I'll give you a chance to win it back with a $1 MM against your MK.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Here is my logic

Mk Vs M2k-"500 thousand trillion dollars"
-its M2k >_>

Teams MM W/Afro Vs Inui/Atomsk-$50
-Olimar+MK is imo one of the best possible teams

Mk Vs Dr.MarioGuy(Diddy)-$20
-DMG has a lot of experience with this, iirc MK is the reason he picked up diddy

Dedede Vs Hylian-$5
-DDD gets ***** by ICs and G&W

Mk Vs Greg-$5
-Im skeptical about this one

Snake Vs Anti-$5
-DDD ***** snake, see Azen vs Ally

Mk Vs Snakeee-$5
-Snakeee has taken matches off of M2K in the past, and I dont think Seibrik has much ZSS experience outside of Nick Riddle
I love horrible logic.
Nah imma own.
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