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MWW Circuit Event 3: IDSPISPOPD - March 30th, 2013 - Wichita, KS

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Yo. This is Mr. Doom, get it right.


In the Middle of "Nowhere"
Brings You
IDSPISPOPD - id Smash Players Into Small Piles of Putrid Debris

A smash tournament. It has been well over two years since I last ran a tournament, but some noobs really wanted me to get a scene going here in Wichita. I'm very pessimistic about it, but maybe we can get a monthly/bi-monthly going on? Anyway, are you interested? You better be.

Venue: Battlestations Gaming

Battlestations Gaming's Number: 316.558.5877
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BattleStationsGaming?ref=ts&fref=ts

Contact me: Mr. Doom
Facebook: Micah Finney
AIM: MrDoom8000
Skype: MrDoom8000
Preferably by AIM...

Confirmed Attendants
Just let me know what state you're from and if you're bringing a setup or not (a Wii plus SSBB). You can also check the facebook link as well, whenever I get around to posting it.

Tournament Schedule
Schedule of Events (all in Central Daylight Time)
We have basically twelve hours to get this tournament done, but I'll not hesitate to make you guys play your tournament matches.
Registration for each event will end promptly 10 min before the event starts.
12:00 PM = Doors open. Start setting things up at this time and play your friendlies and/or money matches. Registration begins when I say it begins.
1:00 PM = Brawl Doubles begin. If you want, we can begin doubles as soon as the bracket has been finalized.
3:30 PM = Brawl Singles begin.
06:00 PM = BREAK TIME!! Get some food! Battlestations Gaming has tons of junk food you can buy.
11:00 PM = Wrap up of tournament. I want to see that this venue looks the same way it did before we got there. Got it?
12:00 Midnight = Exit the venue.
Please be punctual at this tournament and play your matches when it is your turn to play them. I will NOT hesitate to disqualify you if you're twelve (12) minutes late.
Please be here on time. Please be here on time. Please be here on time.

11330 E. Central Ave. Suite 800
Wichita, KS 67206

Battlestations is located on the northeast corner of Central and Greenwich. It is behind the Scholfield Hyundai East Car Dealership. It is also across the street from QuikTrip and east of Hawker Beechcraft.

Food Locations
There's a bunch of fast food restaurants just two blocks south of Battlestations (Located at Kellogg and Greenwich). That area has IHOP, Taco Bell, McDonald's, and much more. However, it's highly recommended that you shop at Battlestations since they have a very good selection of snacks and drinks at very reasonable prices.
If you want to socialize at IHOP after the tournament, that's a go. That's what we usually did in the past. Of course, your friendly neighborhood TO won't have anything interesting to talk about.

All is Brawl Link: TBC

Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/events/105943826246085/105943982912736/

Venue: $10 (down from $15; you better be happy.)
Circuit: $3 (non-refundable)
Brawl 1v1: $9
Brawl 2v2: $16 per team (Eight per person.)
If you wish not to participate in any of these events, you can get a refund only if the tournament has NOT begun. BUT THE VENUE FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. Sorry.


Go to http://www.hotels.com/ and type in the address to Battlestations Gaming (11330 E Central Ave, Wichita, KS 67206). It should show you ALL the hotels closest to the venue. I'm not sure if people are still up for housing you guys, though. =(


Please please PLEASE bring setups(Wii and SSBB). I can't stress this anymore than it has been already. Setups MAKE or BREAK the speed of a tournament, so please help me out. If we want this done in a timely fashion, get it right by bringing a setup. If you seriously can't bring a set up, then you suck. Thanks in advance.
Currently we need at most twenty-five (25) setups. I can possibly get by with five (5) setups, but the ideal amount is about fifteen (15).


Preliminary Rules
  • 3 Stock
  • 8 minute timer
  • Items are set to "Off" and "None"
  • Pausing is set to "Off" (This counters rage-quitters and people who have the tendency to accidentally pause while trying to mash out of a grab)
  • Matches are best of 3. Winners/Losers/Grand Finals are best of 5
  • Double Elimination-style bracket. If you lose your first set, you're sent to losers. If you lose your second set, you're out of the tournament.
  • Controller port disputes will be resolved by Rock-Paper-Scissors or higher number with G&W's SideB, or however you want to do it. Just get it done.
  • First game stage will be determined by stage strike system
  • No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set/match unless agreed upon by both players
  • In teams matches one team will get ports 1 and 4, while the other team gets ports 2 and 3 (essentially 1221)
  • Make certain you fix your controller and your tag before you start playing. If a game is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties
  • Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that game for the player that initiated the action. That also includes epic knees that freeze the game, and anything fail that makes the wii believe it should freeze.
  • Players may not intentionally manipulate a button, trigger, bumper, D-Pad, and/or joystick on a teammate’s controller while a game is in progress. Breaking this rule will result in a forfeit of the game, set, or match, depending on the friendly neighborhood TO's mood.
  • [Stage Striking]: Players may agree to play on a specific stage (i.e. Smashville) for the first game of a set. Skip to step 4 if a stage is chosen via this method.
    1. Players may request a blind pick of characters for the first game of a set. In this event, the players will tell a random bystander or the friendly neighborhood TO which characters they will pick, the players will pick the characters aforementioned to the random bystander/TO, and finally normal stage-striking will follow.
    2. If a blind pick has not been called, players choose their characters for the first game.
    3. The player with the lowest port (i.e. port 1) strikes first any stage off the list of starter stages, and the player with the highest port strikes second the next two starter stages. In teams, the team with the lowest port will strike first, and the team with the highest port will strike second. The player/team with the lowest port will strike the last stage of the remaining two starter stages.
    4. The first game is played on that stage.
    5. After the first game has been played, the winning player/team may announce two stages to be banned for counterpicks of the set
    6. The loser(s) of the previous game announces the next game's stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counter-Pick Stage List
    7. The winner(s) of the previous game chooses his/her/their character(s)
    8. The loser(s) of the previous game chooses his/her/their character(s)
    9. Repeat steps 5-8 for all proceeding games until the set is complete.
Game-Specific Rules
  • No use of Meta Knight’s infinite cape glitch.
  • No use of an action that freezes a game, or otherwise disrupts standard gameplay.
  • Meta Knight is legal. Double Meat is legal.
  • Any infinite move must end before the affected character reaches 200%. Infinites on characters after 200% is considered stalling.
  • Stalling is banned. Stalling is defined as the act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while endlessly grabbing the ledge, flying underneath the stage, or long moments of no contact made between characters is. If stalling is confirmed by the tournament organizer, the offending player will forfeit that game.
  • In the event of a Bowser/Ganon/Dedede/Kirbycide (or any other suicide that sends both {or all} characters to the blast zone simultaneously), the end result is whatever the game determines.
  • [Time Limit]: If the timer runs out, the winner of the game will be determined by the following criteria in this order: Stock, then Percentage. If Stock is used to determine a winner, the highest number will win. If Percentage is used to determine a winner, the lowest number will win. If both Stock and Percentage are tied, Sudden Death won’t be used and a Tiebreaker Round will be played instead. In a Tiebreaker Round, stock will be set to 1, the timer will be set to 3 Minutes, and the same stage and characters must be used.
  • [Ledge Grab Limit]: If the timer runs out and a player exceeds the ledge grab limit for that game’s stage, that player/team will forfeit the game. However, if the timer runs out and both players in a 1v1 game, or at least one player on each 2v2 team, exceed the ledge grab limit for that game’s stage, the penalty will not be enforced (instead, use the [Time Limit] rule above). The ledge grab limit will be 35. The ledge grab limits only apply to games/tiebreaker rounds in which the timer runs out.
Other Rules
  • Absolutely NO CUSSING, RACIAL REMARKS, GANG SIGNS, ETC., in the store, or the store owner can throw you out. YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED.
  • MikeHaze rule: No yelling or making abrupt/obnoxious noises at your opponent. This applies to EVERYONE, players and spectators. Simply talking to the players are exempt.
  • Chibo's Video-for-the-masses rule: You cannot refuse to be recorded if you pay money to enter an event.
  • Razer's No Coaching rule: Spectators may NOT coach/give advice to the player(s) while they are playing a tournament game. In between games of a set is ok.
  • The Kyle rule: No hypin' Mr. Doom in an insane/hilarious way during Mr. Doom's hype matches. It makes him goof up and not take the match seriously. No johns.
Final Destination
Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Pokémon Stadium 1

Frigate Orpheon
Rainbow Cruise
Pokémon Stadium 2
Delfino Plaza
Lylat Cruise
Castle Siege

BANNED: Everything else. YOU CANNOT PLAY ON ANY OTHER STAGE, unless agreed upon by both players/teams.

And that's all for the rules.

1st - 48%*
2nd - 22%*
3rd - 14%*
4th - 8%**
5th - 4% each**
*Should less than 32 people show up to an event for any reason, payouts will be altered to 55/30/15 for Singles
**Should less than 64 people show up to an event, payouts will be altered to 55/30/10/5

1st - 55%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 15%

Payouts will be rounded and equalized in accordance to "fairness." If you have a question regarding what that means, speak with your friendly neighborhood TO.

Payout is subject to change if the attendance increases dramatically.

If you still have problems, questions, etc., AIM Mr. Doom at MrDoom8000.
If you see that there is some information missing, please AIM Mr. Doom so that he can get it right.
Thank you in advance! And prepare yourself for the revival(?) of Wichita Smash!

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Reserved for whatever I feel like.

Edit: btw, this collapse junk is stupid. I had it perfect, but html decides to say eff you.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
It's Frigate Orpheon :p

Is there any particular reason your rules call for a move from the standard of choosing characters and then stage striking to the reverse order of stage striking then character selection?


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
So do you intend for it to be that way anyways?

It doesn't really to me either way. It's just different from standard practice so I thought I'd clarify

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Nah. It wasn't intentional. Well, the copy pasta was.

Edit: There's talk of a Mario Party Side Event. Perhaps we should do MP9 since it's so short? All you need bring is a wii-mote.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Update: I talked to one of the managers at the venue a few hours ago, and he said a 10 dollar venue fee would be fine.

And MegaRobMan, I'm certain you've seen scarier, haven't you?


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Tried to make a joke, sounded way too socioeconomically evil so I'll just say

"Yes, I have seen scarier things than 15 dollar venue, including your Ike and watching what happens when you get inches away from dog ****".


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
There's a good chance this is going to join the KS/IA/MO/NE/CO circuit, more on this after DeLux's tournament this weekend.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Guys, we are going to need several component cables for the wiis. So, unless you want to play in black/white, I would encourage people to bring component cables.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
So excited for this but worried about TV issue. Can we bring our own TVs to try to help?

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
These TVs are built for gaming, fyi. I have personally tested them and there is no noticeable lag on them.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
If you wish to bring your own TVs, we can swap the ones BSG provides with yours. That's what I heard so far, but let me confirm that with them.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Mr. Doom you should add that this is part of the circuit in the title.

Also D3 has ledge infinite's on a lot of characters, is this banned or allowed based on your rules, because you gave characters specific bans and there are more characters who I feel fit into that criteria you are looking to ban.

Wait, why does it matter who I main :(

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
I may very well just allow the infinite to a certain percentage. I must admit that there are more infinite grab combos than I'm familiar with. Better yet...

from three years ago.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Nebraska/Iowa are going to be running late, like 2:00 p.m., but it's the only way we can come.

There's a car of 5 (Me, Bpow, T.W., Rocha and Ghoul) of us coming, we should be getting there at 2.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Micah told me he isn't starting til 2pm anyways, so don't come too much later than that please


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
KCBrawl got home alright it seems like

Ironically, I didn't have to leave early because they forgot to list PM and not AM on my schedule FML
Good tournament overall, wish the main setup for streaming worked/didn't lag but overall great stuff

Oops, didn't see the double post til just now >_>
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