-Original post was just unprovoked digs at how "suspicious it is" I only appear when the subject of Godzilla negativity pops up in here like "it's the only reason I joined", an attack on my age being listed as "almost 70, which he doubts", and saying I should actually contribute discussion elsewhere if I'm going to make an account."-
-a moderator can check edit history to verify

You're honestly not "owed" any explanation as to why I am here exclusively that I didn't already cover here:
A real one like me gets sick of seeing your bull while lurking.
To reiterate since it apparently wasn't clear; I am only a lurker. A lurker that for months has seen you flipping back and forth between
a. "Godzilla can't get in because Toho is stingy"
c. "Godzilla won't work because he's too big and couldn't possibly be resized"
Wash, rinse, repeat. No matter how many times people here address the first and last heavily flawed arguments, it just gets ignored EVERY TIME and it's right back to doomposting at every possible opportunity that has nothing related to Godzilla specifically. It gets old. Very old. For all parties involved here.
It's quite telling that people here resonated with a random nobody like me making a throwaway account calling you out and saying what they might want to say themselves but won't because they fear the consequences. And hell, I'm probably resonating with them now in this post too, who knows? Wasn't even going to make one until you decided to drag me specifically into the conversation (and then tried to cover it up by editing as I was making this). I was fully content on giving likes to those who were calling you out in my stead and lurking once more.
This should be a sign for you to stop, but you won't. You'll just be the ostrich with head in the sand and ignore everything being said until it's time to pop out and start the cycle all over.
And a BIIIIG round of applause for your deduction on the age being fake, considering it is set to Godzilla's own release date in Japan, which I would have assumed would have been recognized by someone who likes to talk about Godzilla but here we are.
And with that, back to the depths with me with the inevitable flaming/harassment infraction from your reporting of this post.
Edit as of 8/4/22:
This is now officially my last post as this account has been banned indefinitely not by receiving further infraction than what I have already received, but because the administration team decided to terminate me on grounds of being a "gimmick account" meant to "harass" Micheal the Spikester.
But let it be known that absolutely nothing I said has been inaccurate and I am essentially being punished for being brutally honest about someone's arguments and characteristics just because I'm a new account. Even though I am saying what many of you want to say.
So with this, I will continue being a permanent lurker and only logging in to give likes whenever someone else says something in my place as I planned on doing days ago before being goaded into making a post response. Take care, and may we see the G-Man as our next giant fighter.