PK-remling Fire
Smash Ace
I don't know if anyone posted these yet, but here are some supposedly datamined voicelines for Raven, Iron Giant, Lebron James, and Marvin the Martian from the Multiversus Reddit page. Based on how Raven sounds, she's likely not going to be the Teen Titans Go version of the character.
The voicelines seem to contain references to Daenerys, Rick, Gizmo, and Eleven as well.

r/MultiVersusTheGame - datamined raven voicelines
167 votes and 56 comments so far on Reddit

r/MultiVersus - datamined iron giant voicelines
42 votes and 13 comments so far on Reddit

r/MultiVersus - all lebron datamined voice lines
132 votes and 39 comments so far on Reddit

r/MultiVersusTheGame - Marvin the Martian all voice lines, he seems to get along with rick
140 votes and 18 comments so far on Reddit

The voicelines seem to contain references to Daenerys, Rick, Gizmo, and Eleven as well.