haha banks that sounds amazing. Well well time for shoutouts
Banks/Bobby/Goofy time/guy who got 2 stocked by my kirby on YS while using sheik- LOLLLLL i don't think u need me to tell this but you sir are hilarious. Thanks for the awesome hospitality i loved the microphone in the shower LOL. nah but seriously thanks for everything. I had an amazing time. Good times talking and playing melee at least for me since i **** you LOL jk you're really good just work on being gay and those dumb habbits like grabbing darc after hes beeing ducking for like 5 seconds
LOOL. loved the year book as well.
Milktea- yeah LOL after not talking at IXesticle i was like oh boy *charges ipod* this is going to be a bus ride full of sleeping and listening to music and awkwardness, but LOL it was so awesome haha. Def was so easy to talk and chill and im glad were friends again =D. We were both playing a little stinky on teams at first but we both stepped it up
too bad i phailed vs darc the last game else we both know we would of taken them LOL. Step it up in singles v_v.... dont worry about everything though LOL i had a lot of fun too =). We have to do this again sometime.
Skler- Whoa man , i didn't even realize i took u out of every event LOL, i wanted to do that to banks =(. Im extremely grateful for the housing and the rides ! You saved me and lil a metric f*ck ton of money by going to manchester and it was cool to stay at the legendary skler's house as well. I didnt mind splitting at all and especially since u helped us out and also because LOL i didnt want your bag of quarters LOL. You're too good , link dittos coming soon at a theatre near you.
Boxman- Thanks for running the tournament LOL and good stuff with luigi revenge LOL. You're a pretty chill dude it was def good to see you and talk. PS i stole a pretzel and then bought a whole bag because it was tasty. =D
Thorn- i really wanted to go up to your friends and explain to them how we played a video game with pokemon in it all night and all day. LOL that was so funnny. You're really good man i never noticed it till u were ****** me in some friendlies but wow im impressed. Tough luck in teams LOL even though we still would of won the set
Learn to DI vs darc v_v LOL
Darc- LOL country bumpkin <3 your falcon is scary i have a reason to not want to play you in tournament again ._. you 3 stock my peach with falcon i 3 stock ur puff with peach <_< something isnt right here LOL. Anyway good matches and always good seeing you. Im going to cheer for you and dazwa massively at pound 3.
Dazwaaaa- dont worry man im always impressed with how you play. Your combos are actually original for sheik and most ppl would consider that an oxymoron. you're crazy good on teams LOL ill stick to darc next time. good seeing u =)
PC Dan LOL- Es' is too good LOL yeah we got to play some more even tho it was mostly low tier oh well still fun =D. good chilling with you hahaha hows your voice from the WUUUU WUUUUU chanting ? u should of worn your snow boots to the tournament =(
Cogsmooch- yay we got to play haha fun stuff LOL your isai falcon is too good *fast falls knee off stage* good stuff talking to u as always.
Pine- your doc > kentarros LOL too good man i haven't lost to a doc in a long time v_v it was fun playing but we still need to play more. Fun G&W ditto though =)
Ice man- you do better vs me than banks does LOL probably because you're better LOLOL funnny stories i had to hold my vomit in LOL
Iron Chief- your falcon scared me on teams on pokefloats LOL one knee and i would of probably died x_x intense haha we should play singles sometimes v_v
Pixel- MOST SHY AWARD i heard u were beasting during tourney, good stuff.
Allendorf- Way to have dorf in your name and actually rep ganon unlike shminkledorf from CT. Had some trouble with that back seat in skler's van? LOL
JV- always a pleasure to see you. glad you liked my link =D
WUUU WUUUUU!!- we played a good amount of friendlies. fun stuff =)dayum welcome to the best coast ever LOL (mostly north east) hopefully ill seeya around at some more tournaments
Larx- LOL v_v mindgames!?! we didn't get to play sorry. your story about getting sick was sad but i can't tell if ur making stuff up half the time x_x
Keto- nice one match LOL
Hopefully i got everyone. This tournament was amazing <3 mainehampshire rocks
edit : THORN i told him i had to concentrate for a match LOL your mean v_v