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More news on other chars for those who don't leave the Falco section


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Well, we still have it better off than most people. Considering we're fast, agile in the air and we can spam lasors...we can easily keep a reasonable distance from the MK. Falco merely has to let MK use up all his stamina trying to get a free invisibility-hit on us, and then we attack with everything we've got. Sure, there will be people who master that techinque, but I could honestly see it being too much energy to be viable. Maybe a couple times a game. But the entire game...for multiple games...in a large tournement? Not likely. Even IF it isn't banned, it won't be used too often.

I'm not entirely positive about this. But can't we just stay in the air while they're doing the technique and there's 100% no way MetaKnight can hit us? So what if he has invincibility and he can pretty much get away from us whenever he wants. He won't be able to use it for damage. Only for position resetting. That's significantly huge, but we can still compete. And we'll spend far less energy playing than the cape-spamming MK. Because they can't use it for stalling...there's really no use for this awesome AT. Let them spam it, jump in the air and wait for them to finish. Let them waste their energy for no results.

Though I do believe it will be banned. So, it's probably nothing to worry about. I say we let MK burn his hands to hell. We'll just protect our bread.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Well, Shaded Strike, I'm hoping for your ban soon. kthxbye. Stop spamming the Falco board.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Those "Chara Ranks" rapidly change. Also, the Japanese list has no bearing here since the play styles we find effective are far different from how the Japanese play, be it better or worse. But honestly, I keep an eye out on that thread too ;P It's always good to see Falco on top. (Not what she said)

I was wondering if any testing was done with other characters' down-B or any other special.

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
Pikachus have no problem sharing our new found pizza cake with mk

And btw it's not as hard to do as some people think

You can easily use it to move across a stage

The stalling aspect might be what takes a toll on a player

The longest I've been able to record a replay of so far is 51 seconds

I've done it longer though...


Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2008
Jackson, Tennessee
I hate this, but it is rather cool.
I mean, indefinite invisibility? (well, until your fingers get tired.....for Falco players, tired don exits!)
That's awesome.

But Falco will always be the coolest.
'Cause he has bread and several sauces, spices, and toppings.
No WAY anyone could beat that.
Not even Kirby.
He may suck, but he can't cook for crap.
Have you seen what comes out of his pot?
Not bread.

In all seriousness, I think we Falco mainers still have an advantage.
Lasers, Reflectors (I use it often to throw others off), I think we have it covered.
Plus, if anyone tries to gimp us, just phantasm-meteor them before they strike.
I've done it.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I don't see a reason to worry about this tech. It's so bannable it's not even funny.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
E-town KY
Btw Spamming the c-stick for Meta-knights and wolfs shouldnt be an issue (the amount of practice they've had befor this tech came out) Its just a thought

Think they're all probably buying new GC controllers from practicing it consecutively for the past two days.

the melon!!!!!

Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2006
WilkesBarre-Scranton, PA/State College, PA
I've had it done to me... it's not all that bad for us. We don't need to worry as long as we aren't stupid, and I KNOW we aren't stupid. We still have our bread. If we were stupid, we'd have lost all our bread by now, but no, we haven't let a single bit of it leave!!!
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