I'm trying to get these going again, any thoughts?
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Xilo Pryce <xilopryce@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, I'm interested in holding tournaments monthly or perhaps even biweekly for the game series Super Smash Bros. I've run them before, 5 or 6 different ones, but our venue (clix cafe) has recently been closed down.
I was interested, however, in seeing if the MJC gamers club would be interested in holding the tournament in their room, or somewhere nearby. I'd do all the work, I just need to place to use as a venue. We would be willing to (although would prefer otherwise) make a cut in the pot for venue rental.
If the club is interested, please write me back. I'm not personally a Mjc student, but if I cannot due it for that reason, I can find someone else who is willing, I would just prefer to do it myself. Please respond with your answer soon. Thank you.
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 9:23 AM, MJC Gamers Club <mjcgamersclub@gmail.com> wrote:
I myself am interested in having you run the tournaments for us, but I have to hear from the rest of the club first.
A few questions though:
How many people usually show up?
Do you charge an entry fee?
Do you have prizes?
What type of space / equipment would you need?
Unfortunatly, our next club meeting isn't until the fall. I can talk with various members over the next month or so and hopefully can tell you something before then, but we can't have anything official until after our first meeting, Sept 2. I will keep in touch though.
Thank you much,
Charles Palmer
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Xilo Pryce <xilopryce@gmail.com> wrote:
I can understand you having questions, and I'll be happy to answer them anyway I can.
A usual amount is between 15-25 people. I've had bigger turnouts, but those were first two tournaments and more hyped. My first tournament was about 50 or 60 people.
I do charge a fee, When I was running them, I was charging 7 dollars for singles, 10 dollars a team (5 per person). I really didn't want to charge that much, but the venue asked for a cut of the pot. We would be running at least those two tournaments in a day, possibly 3-4, as there are two games now.
Prizes generally consist of the entry fees, split up into percentages. Usually, in teams it's split up 70%(1st)-30%(2nd), and for singles it's 60%(1st)-30%(2nd)-10%(3rd)
Typically for equipment, the players usually bring setups for the whole tournament, but I do know that MJC has tv's, which would be a big help if we were able to use some. It's not needed, but would be helpful. The rest of the supplies (wiis, game, controllers, power blocks) would be supplied by the entrants. Space-wise, we've held tournaments in a garage a few times, while it was comfortable, it can be done. We would prefer a bit more space than that, but if it's that size, then so be it.
Another thought that crossed my mind, is that it is preferred to hold these events on weekends, usually saturday. I understand that it's a school, so I was just wondering if that was possible. Right now the tournaments are on hold until we find a new venue, but I'm trying to keep things as close to the old tournaments as possible.
I appreciate you getting back to me, and hopefully we'll be able to do the tournaments. Thank you.
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 4:45 PM, MJC Gamers Club <mjcgamersclub@gmail.com> wrote:
As it sounds, it will not be a problem. The only concern that I do have is the days. We can still hold events on the weekends but will have to pay for security and custodial fees. If we were to combine this with other events though, it won't be a problem. Do you usually run the events during the day or at night?
As far as the school, we can have up to 4 large screen projector screens to run the play on. Another location that is willing to hold our events is the Pizza Factory on Tully Rd, across from MJC East. They only have one large screen TV though and limited space.
We can hopefully work on the details over the next month or so and begin running them this summer.
Talk to you later.