The MC Clusky
Smash Lord
The Mizuumi Anime Club is proud to announce Mizuumi-Con 3! Held on the beautiful 72-acre campus of Our Lady of the Lake University, you won't want to miss Mizuumi-Con 3. The convention will be be Saturday February 27th, 2010. Ticket prices are only $10 for pre-registration and online registration is available here on our website. Vendor and Artist tables are available and can also be purchased online.
You can pre-register here:
February 27th, 2010
Game room is open 10 AM to 6 pm, prizes to be decided.
Our Lady of the Lake University
411 S.W. 24th St.
San Antonio, TX 78207
Entry Fee:
You need a badge. 10 Pre reg until Valentine's Day, 12 at the door.
Children 10 and under are free with the purchase of a standard badge.
Cash tournaments will be five dollars to enter.
Register here:
Schedule of Events:
Brawl @ 1 PM
Street Fighter 4 (PS3 and 360) @ 2 PM
Tekken 6 (PS3 and 360) @ 2:30 PM
Other games to be featured (possibility of a side event as well)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Melee, Blazblue, Modern Warfare 2, Nintendo World Championship, and other games to be added (this is pending on what is volunteered.)
Nintendo World Championship is this FYI:
More to to be added on this, there will be some prizes for this as well.
Other games may be ran as side events, but there is a very small amount of time. Right now those are the three I plan on having.
Volunteers and consoles:
-The first 20 people to PM me and post what they can bring will given a FREE volunteer badge.
Please include the following:
Full Name
Nickname/Gamer Tag
Phone Number
Equipment you can Provide:
-you must do your share of work and bring at least one console w/game, TV, or both. As much as you can is greatly appreciated.
-You must be able to leave your equipment in the game room for the majority of the day.