Ooh, I wanna get some of this hot summary action.
[collapse=Summary, derp]I had no idea what to expect the first round, except a loss. Although I consider myself well-Versed (cwutididthar) in all the tiers, I had little hands-on experience with UU. I threw together a few "generic" teams: Sandstorm balance, Rain offense, and an anti-Rain Dance team, which I believed would be very popular (ScarfPrimape lead that exactly outspeeds max speed Electrode and SHEDINJA). I laddered a bit with it, but I learned little to nothing, making few adjustments.
Round 1: Zook.
A variation of
Zook's Favorite Team smashed through my Sandstorm team, plain and simple. I had more success with my Rain Dance team; Kingdra, Kabutops, and Gorebyss failed in the end, however. I lost my first match.
After seeing a Blissey and Mojonbo, a wonderful thought occurred to me: Blissey walls half of all Pokémon. From there, I built a stall team based around walls and Toxic Spikes. With Venomoth in my lead position, SkarmBlissCress, Donphan, and Dusclops, I don't think I could have done much better. I made slight variations to the team, as I always do. Replacing Cresselia (who was UU) and Donphan for Slowbro and Registeel, and experimented with a Latias instead of Blissey.
Round 2: bowser king
I don't recall the specifics, but I know this is where I honed my stall team to what it is now. RegiBro definitely outclassed Cresselia and Donphan, while Latias's Roar wasn't worth the loss of pure wallfulness.
Round 3: Pete278
Won by default. :/
Round 4: MysticKenji
From the beginning we had connection problems; I've always had issues playing on Smogon University, so we relocated to the CAP Server. Our first match was
nearly half an hour long... and after it, Kenji's computer asploded or something, and I had to leave.
Match two was cut unexpectedly short when Kenji disconnected a few seconds after the match started. >_>
Match two-point-five when smoothly, and was a repeat of out first one; Kenji disconnected near the end and gave me the game. I suspect I would have won, though I cannot be sure.
Seeing how much trouble I had with a Rest Talking Charge Beam Cresselia, I added a Perish Song Altaria to help deal with such threats.
I also constructed a purely offensive team, with Infernape / Dugtrio as a lead, AgiliGross, Swellow / SD Lucario, Calm Mind Raikou, Scarf Magmortar, and Substitute Haunter / Espeon.
Round 4: UltiMario
Abomasnow stared me down at the beginning of our first match, and I groaned. Hail stall. I managed to pull through somehow. I suspect it was mostly luck that I had a Magmortar, Raikou, and HP Fighting Haunter.
Round 5: choknater
I had no idea what to expect. I'd never really heard of choknater being awesomesauce before then. I was outplayed. A lot. choknater later said that he only had one team, which I found a bit amusing. Between trying to use Earthquake on Solrock and Solrock Exploding on my Slowbro, I wasn't doing too well. To fight fire with fire, I brought out my own sandstorm team: Tyranitar, Regirock, Cursedily, Cacturne, ScarfRoserade (Weather Ball is fun), and Calm Mind Claydol. Claydol was Exploded on. Facepalm. In turn, I brought out my defensive behemoth with crappy typing, Regirock, who Exploded on the opposing Quagsire. Twice. My ScarfRoserade was, unfortunately, KOed early on. I was left with Cradily, Cacturne, and Tyranitar. Cradily was killed by carelessness on my part. Cacturne, however was punching holes in his team throughout the entire match, especially after his Toxicroak had fainted. I won with the help of his Rhyperior's Roar missing. lol. The second match was mostly a repeat of the first; I lost Claydol early on, Roserade did little to nothing, Regirock asploded on Quagsire, and Cursedily failed. Cacturne, once again, tormented his team, but in the end failed win a second time.[/collapse]
A great tourney, with few delays (sorry 'bout the Greece thing...). Well-run, and thoroughly fun.
Thanks, Tery!