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Mime Jr. for Brawl

Mar 21, 2007
I for one think that Manene/Mime Jr. should be a brawl character! He could be a very unique character and could represent the cuteness that the fourth gen has to offer...

Here's a moveset for him...

Speed: *****
Power: **
Weight: *
Size: = About pichu's height
Note: Mime Jr.'s shield is unbreakable but it only protects from one side.
A = Slap, can be used repeatedly 2%
Dash+A = Mime Jr. runs foward and head butts the opponent 4-6%
Forward+A = Mime Jr headbutts foward 4-5%
Up+A = Mime Jr. jumps upwards 5-6%
Down+A = Mime Jr. swats downards with his hand 5%
A = Mime Jr. spins around with his arms stretched out. Does damage like mewtwo's electric shock. 4% per half second
Forward+A = Mime Jr. spins again but this time he jets foward a little using his hat like a drill 3-4% per half second
Back+A = Mime Jr. flips backwards and kicks. 4%
Down+A = Mime Jr. kicks downards 7%
Forward+A = Focus Punch, Mime Jr. punches by gathering his focus 8-10% Charged 15-17%
Up+A = Mime Jr's head glows and he jumps upwards with head butt 10-11% Charged 17-19%
Down+A = Mime Jr. spins on his head with his arms stretched outwards 10-13% Charged 16-18%
B = Mimic- Mime Jr. copies the last used neutral b move until he loses a life.
Forward+B = Barrier- Mime Jr. creates a barrier in front of himself that stays on the field until it accumulates 20% damage. Only one can be placed on the field at once.
Up+B = Baton Pass- Mime Jr. throws a baton upwards. This move only works if someone else touches the baton. If the baton touches someone else you are instantly swapped positions with them.
Down+B = Teeter Dance - Mime Jr. starts dancing oddly and a music notes start flying off him. If a music note hits you your controls get randomly switched and you do damage to yourself like pichu every time you do a move. This lasts 2 seconds at 0% damage and for every 10% it increases half a second. If Mime Jr. is holding an item while he does this move it gets thrown off of him, this also can remove a stick bomb that was placed on Mime Jr.
Grab- Mime Jr. puts his hand upwards and telekinetically grabs the opponent.
Punch- Mime Jr. puts his other hand to his head and the opponent gets zapped for 2% Damage
Upwards Throw- The opponent is throws upwards for 7% damage. A little bit less knockback than Mewtwo's current upwards throw.
Downwards throw- The opponent is thrown under Mime Jr. and Mime Jr. kicks downward to kick them while they're down. 8% damage
Sideways throw- The enemy is flung the direction Mime Jr. is facing. High Knockback 3% damage.
Taunt = Mime Jr. spins around a says his name to the screen.
Super Smash Move = Trick Room- Everyone swaps position and they get their speed halved. This move lasts 10 seconds. While everyone is slow all the knockback from anyone's (even mime jr's) is cancelled out so no one can die unless they jump off the stage or were swapped with someone who was about to die.
Kirby Form = Kirby has a cute red nose and Mime Jr's hat
Mar 21, 2007
why don't you design a move set for Bonsly too? oh wait, nevermind, they won't be in the game that's why.
While Bonsly and Mime Jr. are counterparts I wouldn't put them on the same levels as being in brawl. Mime Jr. is in the anime still (while bonsly evolved) and is part of Team Rocket, which are very popular characters. Also Bonsly doesn't have four limbs, unlike Mime Jr. who can punch and kick. I think Mime Jr. has a reasonable chance because its a pre-release 4th gen pokemon with four limbs and because of its presence in the anime


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
Meh, good reasons, good moveset. But one can only wonder. MIME FREAKIN' JUNIOR?! Nice, I wish he would get in to. Just tone down some B attacks and it's good, just not halve damage. Maybe 1.5x?

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
I think Wobbuffet would be a kick @$$ pokemon to add. Be akward seeing him move around the place, but with Counter, Mirror Coat, and Destiny Bond in his move set he be unstopable :p


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Man now where gonna have a thread for every 4th gen pkmn? great... WHY would we need cute pokemon in brawl, they need no representation, and pichu, jiggly did it well enough in melee, lets just stick with pokemon that DESERVE it:

Pikachu, Lucario, Deoxys and mewtwo (better stats and moves)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
I support this thread, and though McFox may chafe, it is no more ridiculous than Paras, and certainly more original than Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee, who uses more than just his feet in battle.

Your moveset is one of the best I've seen, certainly comparable to some of Bowserlick's. Above all, it seems you really know your Pokemon attacks and how best to translate them into a fighting game. No one will like this idea, because Mime Jr. is cute, and they all want pseudo-serious characters like Cloud in the game. But the Pokemon series has learned to make fun of itself (play Diamond/Pearl), and that is something I can stand behind. Though I wouldn't bet on it, Mime Jr. has the same kind of popularity in the anime now that got Pichu a spot.

If all the characters in Brawl have movesets that viable and relevant, I'll be happy. Here's to hoping they do Metaknight that well.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
It's also pretty **** Broken. To highlight the fact that first of all "All attacks do half damage to Mime Jr." is just silly. Plain silly. Next that his super smash move is a garunteed hit, a full heal and considering 1 on 1 that equates to transferring all his damage to his opponent it's pretty imbalanced.

Onto the 3rd point which is that his barrier is practically unstoppable, making projectiles useless since it has to be used 4 times in 4 seconds to break, yet it lasts 2 seconds. Who would use a barrier that didn't disappear upon hit (unbreakable) that lasted 2 seconds 4 times in 4 seconds? If you made it using it 3 times in 12 seconds it'd make some sense.

Random switching of controls from Teeter Dance is also stupid, since at least reversible controls you have some way of knowing which way they'll go and would take some skill and adjusting to get it working. Random switching for say 60% would last 8 seconds, which is a pretty huge amount of time to just let someone wail on you since you wouldn't be able to move properly, jump or shield without mashing the controller which is hardly effective.

Lastly, assuming you can damage him enough to actually hit him off the stage and assuming he didn't use his super smash move to negate all of his damage, Baton Pass is completely and utterly broken. Say you're edge-guarding Mime Jr. as he comes back to the stage, he uses Baton Pass to get to the ledge, the Baton hits you, you're swapped with Mime. Jr (so you're now below the stage) and he's pretty much on the ledge. Therefore he's pretty much impossible to edge-guard and edge-hogging would take awesome timing to make sure that it didn't hit you outside of invincibility.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
Vali's right--the moveset and percents you give are quite broken. But anything can be balanced, so here are my suggestions. Mewtwo sounds amazing, but they nerfed him into the ground, remember.

Starting with filter, one would have to almost destroy him to balance that. How about making his shield unbreakable instead? It just poofs out when you've used it up, and Mime begins to take damage from hits while still holding his shield animation. Also, his bubble shield, like Yoshi, could be game specific, taking its cue from Light Screen.

No real issue with the A moves, though percents must always be tweaked.

To keep mimic from being too much like copy, how about it mimics the last neutral B used in battle? I understand the importance of mimic, Mime Jr. being a mime, and all.

For the barrier, make it breakable, about 20% damage, and only one can be up at a time. The idea of a wall that can't be walked through is good, though. I had a similar idea involving Tom Nook and his shovel. Put some decent lag on Mime Jr. after throwing up the barrier, and I'd say it's fixed. And not too tall, either.

Even reversible controls for Teeter Dance make it too confusing for the opponent (but Pomfrod, that's the point!) To stay true to confuse, make it so that when opponents attack Mime Jr. for the next [very short amount of time], they do damage to themselves, as well. And birds fly around their heads.

As for Baton Pass, I love the idea. But Vali is right about it. Make it aimable, like the FireFox, with some lagtime to input direction. Give Mime Jr. a good jump and double jump. Here's the catch--if the baton doesn't hit another character, it falls and does nothing. No boost for you, so if you want to use it as a recover, you have to be smart about it. It would work likewise on the ground, and great as a projectile dodge. Imagine tossing it at Samus just as she offs a missile, then switching spots with her for some amazing self-ownage.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the super smash. Why not go with what Trick Room actually does in D/P? Other characters are slowed down, perhaps to 1/2 or 2/3 their normal speed, while Mime Jr. stays the same?
Mar 21, 2007
Vali's right--the moveset and percents you give are quite broken. But anything can be balanced, so here are my suggestions. Mewtwo sounds amazing, but they nerfed him into the ground, remember.

Starting with filter, one would have to almost destroy him to balance that. How about making his shield unbreakable instead? It just poofs out when you've used it up, and Mime begins to take damage from hits while still holding his shield animation. Also, his bubble shield, like Yoshi, could be game specific, taking its cue from Light Screen.

No real issue with the A moves, though percents must always be tweaked.

To keep mimic from being too much like copy, how about it mimics the last neutral B used in battle? I understand the importance of mimic, Mime Jr. being a mime, and all.

For the barrier, make it breakable, about 20% damage, and only one can be up at a time. The idea of a wall that can't be walked through is good, though. I had a similar idea involving Tom Nook and his shovel. Put some decent lag on Mime Jr. after throwing up the barrier, and I'd say it's fixed. And not too tall, either.

Even reversible controls for Teeter Dance make it too confusing for the opponent (but Pomfrod, that's the point!) To stay true to confuse, make it so that when opponents attack Mime Jr. for the next [very short amount of time], they do damage to themselves, as well. And birds fly around their heads.

As for Baton Pass, I love the idea. But Vali is right about it. Make it aimable, like the FireFox, with some lagtime to input direction. Give Mime Jr. a good jump and double jump. Here's the catch--if the baton doesn't hit another character, it falls and does nothing. No boost for you, so if you want to use it as a recover, you have to be smart about it. It would work likewise on the ground, and great as a projectile dodge. Imagine tossing it at Samus just as she offs a missile, then switching spots with her for some amazing self-ownage.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the super smash. Why not go with what Trick Room actually does in D/P? Other characters are slowed down, perhaps to 1/2 or 2/3 their normal speed, while Mime Jr. stays the same?
I have to say that your post was the best one in this whole thread. You brought up interesting points and I have edited the first post with some of your suggestions.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
I don't think that Mime jr. is a bad idea, but I think other pokemon will get in before him.
Meowth and lucario are still high contenders (imo) I just don't think it will happen.
But you have a pretty good moveset.
Mar 21, 2007
I don't think that Mime jr. is a bad idea, but I think other pokemon will get in before him.
Meowth and lucario are still high contenders (imo) I just don't think it will happen.
But you have a pretty good moveset.
Everyone always thinks that Lucario will get in... He has high chances but I think most people in here are saying that they think Lucario will get in is because they don't know much about pokemon and picked Lucario cause he has a cult following or something....

I doubt Meowth will get in because he is a 1st gen pokemon and there are already three 1st gen pokemon already in brawl. Mime Jr. has a higher chance (IMO) than Meowth. For one both of them play roles in the anime (a big boost for both) but Mime Jr. ups his chances by being a Fourth Gen cute pokemon.

I am almost certain that a cute fourth gen pokemon is going to be included. The list isn't that long for characters that have four limbs, are part of the fourth gen, and are cute in some sorts.
* Pachirisu (he will NOT get in because he will ultimately be a pikachu clone, even though he is in the anime I doubt his chances are that high)
* Mimiroru (While Mimiroru seems like a logical choice, she doesn't seem like one who would get in because she has had only two episodes where she actually did something)
* Pochama (Pochama would be an excellent choice IMO but he is a starter pokemon and will probably just be confined in a pokeball)
* Gonbe (Gonbe seems like a good character addition. He was really popular in the anime when Haruka caught him and he does have four limbs and is 'cute' i guess. I think it will either be him or Manene who will get a spot in brawl)
* Rioru (If Lucario doesn't get in for some reason I think Rioru has a good chance of getting into brawl. Although it would be highly unlikey for Riolu AND Lucario to become playable characters)
* Bouysel (Bouysel seems like a pokemon who could get in but I doubt he will because of the way he is portrayed on the anime as an obnoxious pokemon with a big ego. That pretty much ruins his cute appearance.)

Out of this list none of these pokemon really fit in brawl. Therfore I think Mime Jr. would be the best choice to represent the 4th gen cute side while Lucario represents not the fourth gen but just a tough pokemon that doesn't have a silly appearence.

My picks for the pokemon in brawl are as following
* Pikachu
* Jigglypuff
* Mewtwo
* Blaziken/Deoxys
* Lucario
* Mime Jr.

see that's six... mario franchise has about 6 already (Mario, Peach, Luigi, Bowser, Wario, Yoshi) if you don't include people who could get in like Toad and Bowser Jr. We don't really need representation for the second gen because the pokemon in this generation weren't really present in the anime and none of them would really fit in brawl due to their lack of limbs.... I think the only second gen pokemon that have a small chance of becoming a character are: Elekid, Tyranitar, and Heracross


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
...whew. You do seem to have some extensive knowledge in the field.

Say, how would you rate the chances of Gardevoir? *ahem*


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
I think five Pokemon might be our upper limit here. Sure, the games sell like nothing else on the market right now, but Sakurai may want to represent more established franchises.

I'll tell you, sometimes it's really difficult when you launch a stellar game to differentiate between the two. Take Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Are they core games or expanded audience games? Sometimes our view is that they are in a category all by themselves. In just two weeks of availability during the month of April, these two games sold through 1.7 million copies. That made them not only the best-selling games of the month, but just during those two weeks of availability, the best-selling games of the year. Now, I know that Mr. Iwata and I take a great deal of pride in being able to say that currently we're the top game publisher, and these two games might keep that claim going for quite some time.
That's what Reggie said about Nintendo's perception of Pokemon. Certainly a cash cow, but how much will Sakurai want to inject into a "Nintendo All-Stars" game? I would gamble on five, unless the roster is in the high forties. One must remember, the Mario franchise has had many successful spinoffs, so much so that Yoshi and Wario could almost be considered as proprietary characters in their own lines. Certainly, they're pushing Wario as the WarioWare star, and Yoshi takes cues from the Yoshi's Story games. Pokemon is a little bit more centralized, in that its spinoff games haven't created a separate direction in the series. Five sounds about right, and I've logged upwards of 500 hours, all told, on the Pokemon games.
Mar 21, 2007
...whew. You do seem to have some extensive knowledge in the field.

Say, how would you rate the chances of Gardevoir? *ahem*
I did hear somewhere that Sirnight was being thought about being added into brawl and sakurai did say he wanted more female characters in brawl. Sirnight is REALLy popular in japan mostly because of its ummm female characteristics... .____.;; but if both Mewtwo and Deoxys are included in brawl I doubt they will include a third psychic type pokemon. It would be funny though to see Gardevoir as an alternate costume to mewtwo.
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