LMAO bro when I saw boom genuinely asking what "take my hand" meant and concluded it must've meant "take my head" I literally ****ing lol'd, I love how we take that phrase for granted here because of that meme, it's just part of the mafia parlance here
Idk if this is the exact vibe I get but the slot definitely feels off, like he's leaning into being a newbie in terms of rhetorical posturing but then he isn't just going on and playing the game without restraint of his naivete which I'm more inclined to think a town noob would do. Like I'd expect "lol yeah Im a noob, guess its obvious from what I'm saying, well ok just gonna keep doin what I'm doing" instead of what I feel we're getting here which is "yep Im a nooby alright, pay me no mind teehee" and then just, nothing else? Starts to feel more like an excuse to lurk than an explanation for unfiltered stumbling thru genuine reads