Great smashfest, but I think these results make it pretty clear that there is a major gap between the top players in Midland and the rest. Hopefully more RRs like this, more frequent updates to our rankings like Shibby announced and we can get some serious competitions and rivalries going.
Should be motivation to train harder.
If you're able to practice even one tech skill or something for a few hours a day to better perfect it I guarantee you'll notice better results.
Keep coming to our Smashfests, go top tourneys, use the boards and watch videos.
One thing that I feel you could easily fix is you stage positioning and get ups from the ledge, need to mix those up more.
I know MIOM had a stage positioning practice forums, I'll try to find it for you and post it on our FB page.
Also, feel free to message me if you want to play some Smash.
I'm usually free to play most evenings.