Its not that simple. Alot of people want to stay involved in the community, but the egos of ALOT of it's players, are so twisted. People think they are doing amazing things, when they are not. People are hyped about winning matchups, in which all they literally did was run and grab, or run......
Who gets excited about this? Who get soooo happy over doing things that almost everyone else in the community could do..if they chose to. If the mentality of brawl was similar to melee, you would see tons of people priding themselves on being innovative, and people being impressed because the good players are doing things they CAN NOT DO.( Outside of being really good at waiting)
In short, to be happy with the brawl scene you must:
Deal with people who have huge egos, for doing things that are .00005 as impressive as general,basic things were in melee.
Deal with intense boring playstyles.
Choose whether you yourself want to play in an interesting way, and constantly be punished for it, or play gay as F*** yourself, therefore accepting that yes, this is the way the game needs to be played.
There are probably way more obstacles to dealing with the brawl scene but this should suffice. Why do you think Spammer is quitting?
ppl say brawl is nothing but gaw, snake, ddd, mk, falco
but melee is nothing but fox, marth, sheik, capt falcon, and falco
same thing right???
come up with a diff. excuse *******es lol
Brawl is all meta and snake. I repeat, Brawl is all meta and snake.
Just because there were top tier chars in melee didnt really mean anything.jiggs, Doc, peach, ics,samus, luigi,dk, ganon were ALL tourny threats. Like, none of these chars were taken lightly. Then you had people who were AMAZING with low tiers, and they themselves were valid tourny threats as well. So...the complaint about meta and snake does not go hand in hand with your comparison of the tiers in melee.