Uhhhh, results:
1st: Piss N Twitch(You know who it is)
2nd: Boss Nasty and Travis
3rd: Peter and Boss Hog
4th: Black Dolphin and Brownguy(yeah they still play and they're legit)
Singles(Round Robin style):
1st: Dr Peeoee
2nd: Boss Nasty
3rd: Peter+Twitch+Seven(not joking lol)
Hosts: Thanks for hosting. It was real.
Boss Hog: Bro you looked a little rusty there in those teams matches, but I could see how smart you were playing at other times and forgive you lol. You gotta do singles next time man! Black Jack is cool and all, but I figured, you know, since we were all there and everything....ah well, what do I know? Good shiz regardless bro. Hopefully I'll see ya at Stongertron!
Black Dolphin: OGGGGG! Hey man, that Ganon wasn't too shabby. I'd love to see you and Ace and Jim get together and just ditto and 3 way Ganon all day lol. You would love it I'm sure.
Brownguy: Didn't get to see much of you man, but you're too good. I think if you put time into Melee again you'd be as **** as you used to be. Good shiz in doubles bro.
Peter: Haha you know you liked our ride to cookout and back. XD
Good stuff in teams man, you has me worried like always lol. Your singles game is fairly solid, but sometimes you just gotta dive in there instead of tryin to combo people(death percents that is). That's what makes you and Ali different sometimes imo. Anyway, your game is still solid(my falco's gay, don't count that lol), and I hope I can continue to see your improvement.
Twitch: You'll never read this lol but good stuff in teams. Stop being so nervous you dummy. =p
Seven: Dude you're getting so much better! I'll get those videos up asap and try to help you out with a critique again. I'm impressed with how you're doin bro, and I hope to see you continue to improve so you can **** at HERB and then you can be amazing when you train with me next year. =p
Travis: Thank again for hosting, and your Zelda is really good in teams lol. I don't understand sometimes....
Boss Nasty: Peach is not that fast dude. Quit pretending. XD Nah man but your Peach is too good for real, and I'll get those videos up asap so you can hopefully learn how to get even better with Peach. Keep rapin bro.