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Melee/PM: GameClucks (Washington): August 3rd!

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
Otto's a ****


1st: DJ Combo
2nd: Hitsugaya
3rd: Blunted_Object10 (i think its 10 lol)
4th: Eggz
5th: Bladewise
5th: Silent Wolf


1st: Silent Wolf/DJ Combo
2nd: Ka-Master/Eggz
3rd: Bladewise/R.C.? Hitsugaya/Zeru?
4th: Bladewise/R.C.? Hitsugaya/Zeru?

Also I found an Orange controller, a cell phone charger, and I believe Shane's camera at my house, so let me know.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
shoutouts from fate

Otto- wow... sorry about how the 1v1s turned out. Gj though in teams, you're too good.

Shane- Quit being a ***** all the time and show respect.

Nate- wow congrats in the tournament and gj on showin canada how its done in wa

Hitsugaya- what are you gonna do with the money, its only good in america XD

Ben- ggz

Fear- ggz you're mario is the good.

genesis- gj today (goes for the rest of canada as well)

Ash- for some reason my roy did better than my marth against you... which shouldnt happen

Gonzales- same as above. Quit comboing like crazy. dash dance ftw

Jem- nice job in pools you were way too good at teh hacks.

Guy w/ the controller missing buttons- buy a new controller, and quit tellin me to go roy lol.

Chip.- Nice young link, you are the good with the projectiles.

dieslow- i thought you were some random until you're like "im from canada and canada ***** americans today for some reason"

Emo$- ggz, your gannon is too good (do pools next time)

PPA0- guess im not a rank 5 smasher yet lol

Deva- nice link tricks, sorry for SDing on you last stock in pools.

ppl who didnt come- come next time

*Special shoutout*

Gimpyfish- what can i say. GC just wont be the same with the master of bowser... err peach master from california who always has lived and always will live in cali.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
I edited mine, on another note

Stages & Character Select
1. The first round stage is selected by random, but if both players (teams) can agree on a stage then the first match can be played on any stage they agree upon except one from the banned list below.
2. Random Select Stages - Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Kirby 64, & Pokemon Stadium.
3. Stages Banned - Hyrule Temple, Onett, Fourside, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Venom, Yoshi's Island, Poke Floats, Mushroom Kingdom II, Termina, Corneria, Kongo Jungle, and Yoshi's Island 64.
4. Stages not listed on the random select list, that are not banned, are open for counter picks by the losing player.
5. Advanced Knock-out - each person may knock out one stage from the first round random select and one from the available counter picks. Both stages are off for the entire match.

copy and pasted of course

I show this because there were lots of questions today about rules, so this covers those discussions.

One thing it does not cover is Dave's Stupid Rule so according to this, we do not practice it in tourney.

Shane, I'll trade your Corneria for our not letting you guys pick the same stage XD.
also, sorry man, but Fate has a point =\.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
shoutouts from fate

Shane- Quit being a ***** all the time and show respect.

Uhhhhh I don't get it. xD

Otttttttttto - Good matches, I know your style too well, but I'm still nowhere near as good as you =[

Nate - Good matches, I forgot your style, but I think I'm as good as you. >_>

Nate AND Otto - you guys are too good at teams.

Ammon - I'll get you warmed back up xD

Adam - Fox > Ganon, but your ganon is still amazing. I love it!

Gimpy - I'm going to be so sad when you leave. =[ I love you. xD

Jamie - Thanks so much for all you've done for me in the last few days LOL IE: Countless monies of food. I had tons of fun, gotta do this again sometime. I'll be working with you more than Jem now that hes up to par-ish.

Jem - Epic improvement, thanks for hanging out with me, the last few days have been amazing.

James/Jesse - The only reason I wanted you to come was to hang out with you after the tournament LOL. I'll see you later this week =]

Eric - We didn't money match or play in tournament. HATE. >_<

John - Brinstar is the devil haha good games man. I had fun playing you =]

Tiep - I had fun driving around with you the night before GC haha. Hope you liked mah technoz.

Mark and Parker - GGz.

Deva - Sorry I didn't play you more, your link is always a blast to fight, I was just exhausted and on a kinda tight schedule.

Chip - I REALLY wanted to fight you with my mario and fox. =/ Next month, I'm looking forward to it. =D

Ashtenn - I didn't play you or really talk to you. Thats about it. xD

Ryan - Why were you dry humping me in the morning LOL

Dieslow - ur gooder than i thot.

Robbie - Your really good, you've improved a great deal. =] Your also hella fun to hang out with.

David - I expected you to do better. =[ Good times none the less, but we didn't go to dinner OR play. wtf man? ;_;

Teddy - Good games lol my fox > peach =D. Corneria is so **** lol now I know what Dans been thinking all along. xD

David - We HAVE to play before you leave =[ Play Oregon with me this monday! Yaaaaay!

Mike - Good seeing you at GC again yayuhz, and still rapin-ish.

Andrew - Sorry I didn't end up at your house either of the times I was planning too, I was kinda lookin forward to it. =[

Jace - Sorry I'm apparantly a **** because I don't enjoy the game or conversation when I'm exhausted? good job in pools though...

Paul - Don't talk **** about jem. Your luigi is fly though =]

Jorge - No broken hand johns, I miss your weird mario. =[

Janitor - I forgot you were you until after I left. LOL

The Prime - Keep coming =D

Almost every line has a smiley face...=D


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
I wasnt takling about not playing me, i was talking about finding it funny to call me and be like "Oh we're gonna be there at 10" to try and get me to come hella early and then you're like "oh haha im funny" then other things you say to other ppl that i've noticed. Not trying to start a flame war or anything. You can be a cool sometimes.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2006
shoutouts -

eggz -I don't talk **** about jem. Your mario/fox are amazing though

ka-master - always awesome seein yo luigi

tori/SW - good job on teams and singles

juce - great matches however dont ever do that shiz u did in the tourney, atleast dont ever do that with me dude

deva/gonzales/fate - good 1 gamez ppl

adam/eric - you guys rock i loves you

gimpy - GGz

tony *canadian* - thx for the smoke lol, lets play next time

everyone else - ggz/lets play next time/thx fo showin up/you guys are too good/i cant win against you


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
I didnt play very many people but

Noobking: Your nice. I thought you were mean from your appearance. I also liked how we ended up having a round together after we had like a million friendlies. See you at Melee's End.

Dieslow: I had fun chaingrabbing you. Your nice too.

Eggz: ; _ ;

Miserable: Pill more. Your nice too. I had fun Falco dittos.

Janitor: You suck at this game

ThePrime: Always fun playing you.

ManLi: You dont need a passport, your people cross the border illegally all the time. (hur hur)


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
First gameclucks, and it was really sweet, even though i only got to play one singles tournament match before i had to go, but the friendlies with everyone was worth the money for sure.

Vish - I noticed you were wearing a UW shirt, are you going there right now? Because im coming there this fall quarter. AND, WE MUST do a jiggs dito, the match will take 20 min, i know, but its worth it.

Ka-master - My only tournament match...and it was vs. you....and it was one of the funnest games i played the whole time i was there rofl (to everyone - pokefloats is a good counterpick hahaha), you are a cool guy.

Erik/Erin ? (I forget the name lol) - Your falco is amazing, really.

Guy who played mewtwo/dk - We need more people like you. It's one thing to play lower tier characters, but it's another to do pretty well with them, props.

Janitor - Ill be seeing you in about 3 hours lol, and i got some decent sleep last night so ill hopefully be in my playing mood. Unfortunely, i went swimming in my friends pool last night at like 10, and it was freezing. Somehow i landed on some rubber ducky toy or someone stepped really hard on my toe...and it REALLY hurts right now...it feels swollen...and i dont even know how it happened lol....all i can do is just laugh at it. So no toe johns right?

Combo Status guys - ill hopefully be seeing more of you, ill be coming to gameclucks more often now. And all of you are too good.

Canadian folk/Oregon dudes - Really cool that you guys came to WA. I thought it was funny when i heard someone say "Well dont invite us if you cant provide housing" lol, then Emo$ kept telling them not to break anything at his house haha.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
Uhhhhh I don't get it. xD

Otttttttttto - Good matches, I know your style too well, but I'm still nowhere near as good as you =[

Nate - Good matches, I forgot your style, but I think I'm as good as you. >_>
Fate was saying that lately you are generally quite mean.

Also those shoutouts imply I'm nowhere near as good as Otto, so whats your deal?
Good John too btw.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Good tourney.

DJ Tori - Thanks for housing everyone. Your Marth is to good. Your spacing is just amazing and I love watching your Marth play. Gotta play some more sometime.
Good Job destroying me in finals lol.

Otto - We didnt play except in friendlies. Good DK vs Fox matches haha.

Eggz - Good ****. Brinstar = death to all Fox's

Zeru - Nice teaming with you. Didnt play many singles matches.

Chip - ****! Your younglink is crazy good. Mad props for being so good with him.


Ryab - You NOOB! Stop spooning people at night.

Tiep - No idea how you did in the tourney.

Dieslow - Good stuff. You ***** hard for your first gameclucks.

David - Thanks again for driving me down there and back. To cool.

Adam - Plan better next time please. Train > Greyhound.

Eric - Play in winners finals! yayuhhhz. Marth vs Falco on FD went a lot better then I had hoped.

Genesis - Stop Farting.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Shane (Eggz) - Was really cool hanging out the last few days. Sorry about not going back to Jamie's, I was/am not feeling that great at the moment. Thanks for playing a lot of smash with me too and trying to get me better. Good job getting 4th in singles and 2nd in doubles, you're good.

Nate - Good job at winning the tournament, your marth was on fire. I was rooting for ya to not let Canada take GC :D And fun Strikers games too.

Otto - Yeah you still **** me at smash.. No suprise there. Strikers was cool too.

Gimpy - Was fun playing Strikers/Smash/ Watching 300 and Troy with you at Jamie's. KID!!!!!! EASY TARGET. *Everyone thrusts* Have fun in Cali, you'll be missed.

Shiek guy who I 2-0'd in tourney and 2-0'd in Pools - That was an epic comeback I had on Dream Land in PR Pools. 3 stock to 1 stock I won XD.

Chip - Was fun playing with you, you're the first good Y.Link I've faced. I guess Deva in tournament a couple times and PR Pools once before had me a little ready? Was still tight. Was cool you guys came to dinner with us.

Deva - Cool you came down again. Keep up the work, Link is weird to fight for me as Falco, so I play weird ( I play weird as it is? )

Gonzales - Why no PR Pools again? You would do fairly well *Shrug*

Emo$ - You should have stayed for PR Pools.

Ppa0 - You should have stayed for PR Pools and not talk **** about me when I'm doing Falco Dittos with Eric in-tournament. Don't worry, Shane told me what you said >_>

Eric - Wow.. You ***** me in Falco dittos pretty hard in-tournament. You're good, I want to play you some more. I cringed when I saw we randomed to FD..

Hitsugaya - We never played, but you had a good run in the tournament :D You're good.

Cowear - Good job beating me.. I think you've beaten me in losers bracket once before too. Your fox plays differently than Otto's and Shane's >_> Thought I'd be ready.

Teddy - We didn't have to play each other in-tournament for once.. Haha! For once I kind of wanted to though >.<

Ammon - We didn't really talk or play, but that bottom half bracket sucked in singles. But good job at second in doubles.

Everyone in PR Pools - Cool that you did it.

Everyone I played - Ggz had fun

Everyone that came to dinner - Was fun. Jesse, James, was tight hanging out with you guys, you're cool. Same with Ea-Wa.

The girl who was serving us at Olive Garden - She was totally flattered when I said OMG she touched my hand and smiled. CAUSE SHE SMILED BACK. Good gamessssssssssssss girlfriend.

Jun 27, 2005
the west
Nate said:
Fate was saying that lately you are generally quite mean.

Also those shoutouts imply I'm nowhere near as good as Otto, so whats your deal?
Good John too btw.
Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with that. I'm pretty sure Nate did even better vs you than he usually does, and really only lost on a banned stage to you as his secondary. If you're match with him wasn't proof enough...he kinda beat who you lost to preeeeeettty bad. xD
keep in mind he only lost a set that tourney due to him air dodging off. No johns I suppose, but that's no excuse for the truth.

Nate knows you're style as much as he knows yours. If you rely on knowing their styles, then comparing yourself to them by using a set like that isn't much help in telling how close you are. national tournaments are really all that count, and on a national scale, Nate is IMHO clearly > you.

Also Shane, try not to use so many of the things we used to make fun of people for. It ends up as you being just like them and being as much of an annoyance as they were or are. The same joke gets old after used once or twice, and so does the same annoying laugh. HO HO, HO.

I also noticed in friendlies you would say things like, "What's that Dan? beat you with 4 stock left?". Sure it's a joke, but it's just annoying. So is saying something like "lawl" when someone dies in a friendly. Didn't you make fun of teddy for things like that? Hipicrit. "Best Fox in the world!!!"

Just some thoughts.

Also don't take any of this TOO personal. You usually take things personal when not necessary.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Seattle - UW
Gonzales - Why no PR Pools again? You would do fairly well *Shrug*
I had to leave early...

Anyways, shoutouts:

Fate/Emo$/Ben: GGs, you guys are awesome.

Vish: GG in the tourny, you have a cool Falcon.

Deva: GGs - Our maches were hella close.

Genesis: GG, thanks for eliminating me. =P

Jem: I wanted to play you, but never got the chance...

Hiitsugaya: You are way too ****ing good.

Juce: It was fun teaming with you in friendlies, lol.

RC: Awesome Falcon. O_O

Everybody else: I didn't play you enough, lol.

[/lame shoutoutz]
Jun 27, 2005
the west
I guess I'll do shout outs for once.

Nate - You make me like 2v2s more than singles. Winning is fun and teaming is even funner. gj on victory.

Shane - I already said what I thought above. I'm also glad you don't want me going to Canada with you and Mike next time.

Ammon - We could've done better. we'd better practice for all 10 people to show up to next GC xD

Mike - glad you finally came haha. thx again for driving me to canada.

gimpy - I'm really disappointed that you're leaving. You're the one who brought the whole state together. It's always fun to hang out. See you in september.

teddy/david - ggz in 2v2s. close games. also ggs in singles david. i was worried about playing you.

jeremy - GGz on strikers, too good. keep improving as you have been. i guess youre too good for PR pools lol.

jamie - i didnt play you. im glad you were there though. you also ran the tourney most of the way. gj

john - i wanted to play you in the tourney. im sure it wouldve been petty good. maybe next time :p

ryan - didnt play you, nice seeing you again though its been a while.

tiep - ggz in the bracket, its been a while since ive seen you too.

eric - good job on 3rd, poke floats is too good lol

adam - didnt play you, though nice to see you as always. i hope to mae it up to canada as soon as you guys have another tourney.

robby - good job almost beating dan in that 1st set. i missed your second set with him.

david - youre outgoing. :p

tony - didnt really talk to you but ggz at nates house.

jace - sorry u got there so early. nice seeing you again. ill play you more next time, when ppl arent all over me :p

paul - thanks for warming me up against luigi in the bracket. :I

GC guy - terrible bracket.

thanks again for coming eastern and Oregon.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Fate was saying that lately you are generally quite mean.

Also those shoutouts imply I'm nowhere near as good as Otto, so whats your deal?
Good John too btw.
I'm pretty sure you talk up Otto more than anyone, and your the one always implying that hes the best in the world. Seems like hes the only smasher you have respect for in WA. I wasn't johnning at all, or being serious. Calm down, especially since I wasn't even trying to imply anything.

Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with that. I'm pretty sure Nate did even better vs you than he usually does, and really only lost on a banned stage to you as his secondary. If you're match with him wasn't proof enough...he kinda beat who you lost to preeeeeettty bad. xD
keep in mind he only lost a set that tourney due to him air dodging off. No johns I suppose, but that's no excuse for the truth.

Nate knows you're style as much as he knows yours. If you rely on knowing their styles, then comparing yourself to them by using a set like that isn't much help in telling how close you are. national tournaments are really all that count, and on a national scale, Nate is IMHO clearly > you.

Also Shane, try not to use so many of the things we used to make fun of people for. It ends up as you being just like them and being as much of an annoyance as they were or are. The same joke gets old after used once or twice, and so does the same annoying laugh. HO HO, HO.

I also noticed in friendlies you would say things like, "What's that Dan? beat you with 4 stock left?". Sure it's a joke, but it's just annoying. So is saying something like "lawl" when someone dies in a friendly. Didn't you make fun of teddy for things like that? Hipicrit. "Best Fox in the world!!!"

Just some thoughts.

Also don't take any of this TOO personal. You usually take things personal when not necessary.
As for style johns, telling me theres nothing you can do about my style of being a jumpy and campy fox? Sounds like style johns. Style doesn't matter like you said its who wins, right? Don't be a hypocrite, as you said.

Me and Dan both do that being a jerk sarcastically thing during matches with each other and I'm pretty sure we both are cool with it. But I'll stop anyway.

And Jace - Sorry about that, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

As right as you are, Otto, most of the things here really weren't required to publicly post. Especially after simply jumping to conclusions after one shoutout. GGz publicly humiliating me though. And no worries, noted and not taken personally.

I didn't really make fun of Teddy as much as you guys btw. I just laughed at the jokes and made funny asian jokes, I haven't really had that much of a problem with him to begin with, hes really only been minor-annoying but hes cool now.

EDIT: That "Nice Job in the tourney...PSYCHE!" thing last weekend really pissed me off btw...just sayin.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Thanks Otto, but I posted what I think of PR Pools in the thread :p
And Jace, you seemed pretty mad after losing in PR Pools. What was up with that? o_o
Gonzales - Yeah, I kinda wanted to play you too. I like Falco v Falcon or Ganon matches.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Shane said:
As for me being mean, I just don't try very hard to be nice to people that don't really hold my interest. Pretty immature, I agree, but I just generally don't care what most people think.
"try very hard" to not be a **** wouldn't fit right. "Going out of your way to try and be funny by being a ****" would better suit you. "Why isn't it funny when I blatantly ridicule a 10 year old kid to his face for no reason guys"?
Shane said:
As for style johns, telling me theres nothing you can do about my style of being a jumpy and campy fox? Sounds like style johns. Style doesn't matter like you said its who wins, right? Don't be a hypocrite, as you said.
Pretty sure you do know my style quite a bit better than I know yours. Why? because you base your Fox off mine and know what I do after time. I on the other hand, don't pay much attention to your Fox because it's an ugly copy. Yes, that's my fault, but I guess I'll have to actually watch players play since local tourneys are about knowing each others styles nowadays. johns johns johns I guess. but still true.

Sorry we didn't catch on to your online sarcasm btw. It's just that knowing you, you would say something like that and mean it after something like a 4th place or w/e. Get it? you take victory to your head often?

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
I talk up Otto's tech skill, which no one even comes close to when it comes to raw character manipulation.

I also didn't flame or try to collaborate with Otto to flame lol.

<_< can mean many things, sarcasm on forums can be hard to read and I didn't detect any, I just thought you were saying what you thought, but not being aggressive about it.

I didn't try to say the match was invalid or thought you were saying I suck... I just don't like how Otto and Ammon get all the hype when I'm just as good as them. This being because I am not flashy, or luigi, and also because of misfortunate things happening at the nat'l tourneys along with my lack of videos online which is my fault.

I'm not trying to start anything with you, especially publicly, but multiple people have said something to me about your more recent attitude so I brought it up with you then you immediately think I'm attacking you. I tried to be casual about it and you said I don't get it so I'm sorry if I came on too strong.

Sorry for not keeping it private, I didn't have negative intentions, I never do.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I talk up Otto's tech skill, which no one even comes close to when it comes to raw character manipulation.

I also didn't flame or try to collaborate with Otto to flame lol.

<_< can mean many things, sarcasm on forums can be hard to read and I didn't detect any, I just thought you were saying what you thought, but not being aggressive about it.

I didn't try to say the match was invalid or thought you were saying I suck... I just don't like how Otto and Ammon get all the hype when I'm just as good as them. This being because I am not flashy, or luigi, and also because of misfortunate things happening at the nat'l tourneys along with my lack of videos online which is my fault.

I'm not trying to start anything with you, especially publicly, but multiple people have said something to me about your more recent attitude so I brought it up with you then you immediately think I'm attacking you. I tried to be casual about it and you said I don't get it so I'm sorry if I came on too strong.

Sorry for not keeping it private, I didn't have negative intentions, I never do.
I understand what you meant and its all good. I've always liked your marth a lot.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
"try very hard" to not be a **** wouldn't fit right. "Going out of your way to try and be funny by being a ****" would better suit you. "Why isn't it funny when I blatantly ridicule a 10 year old kid to his face for no reason guys"?

Pretty sure you do know my style quite a bit better than I know yours. Why? because you base your Fox off mine and know what I do after time. I on the other hand, don't pay much attention to your Fox because it's an ugly copy. Yes, that's my fault, but I guess I'll have to actually watch players play since local tourneys are about knowing each others styles nowadays. johns johns johns I guess. but still true.

Sorry we didn't catch on to your online sarcasm btw. It's just that knowing you, you would say something like that and mean it after something like a 4th place or w/e. Get it? you take victory to your head often?
When did I blatantly ridicule a 10 year old to his face...? You mean when you were like "Lets go throw paper towels at redyoshi!" and I was like "Wow, im gonna go hang out elsewhere."?

Anyways, my fox plays nothing like yours in tournament. When I'm not trying to win it may look slightly like yours, but other than that, I actually think about what I do. I predict, you react.

Also, what do you consider it when you treat lesser players like crap by telling them you don't try ever? Jems like insecure and thinks everyones sandbagging him because of your "I only try as hard as I need to" shinnanigans.
EDIT: Ugh double post >_<


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
i have no respect for anyone anymore</because>

(just to be clear, because is apparently an auto-signifier of sarcasm, i learned that in an oregon thread a while ago)


NATE said:
I talk up Otto's tech skill, which no one even comes close to when it comes to raw character manipulation.
i disagree, my bowser does everything perfectly technically speaking theres nothing i cant do... sure i have less options but i mean come on now XD



i'm also the best fox moving to cali in the next 10 days.

think about it.

still no time for shoutouts yet haha
Jun 27, 2005
the west
When did I blatantly ridicule a 10 year old to his face...? You mean when you were like "Lets go throw paper towels at redyoshi!" and I was like "Wow, im gonna go hang out elsewhere."?

Anyways, my fox plays nothing like yours in tournament. When I'm not trying to win it may look slightly like yours, but other than that, I actually think about what I do. I predict, you react.

EDIT: Ugh double post >_<
I was talking about in CA when you said something to that kid, and Nate said something against it. Then when Nate went to play DDR you said, "Gimpy, how come Nate doesn't think it's funny when I make fun of children to their face"? lol.
That was like one time I was a **** to a kid, and I never actually did anything lol.

btw...You can't really say someone doesn't predict in tourney, especially not someone as good as me. (Not trying to sound conceited) That would just be saying that all my game is based on tech skill. Sure I gots lots, but thats not close to my entire play style.

LOL. Shane I see you haven't learned your lesson about double posting. XD


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2006
jem ur pissed off no matter what, when i was watchin u play eric, and jokin around, it be like someone else watchin me and ka-master play, get it? kamaster = pro, ppa0 = mediocre player, get it? eric = pro, jem = a good player, get it? i was JOKING, get it?... and your always pissed off no matter what... get... it...?


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I was talking about in CA when you said something to that kid, and Nate said something against it. Then when Nate went to play DDR you said, "Gimpy, how come Nate doesn't think it's funny when I make fun of children to their face"? lol.
That was like one time I was a **** to a kid, and I never actually did anything lol.

LOL. Shane I see you haven't learned your lesson about double posting. XD
Oh I remember that time lol. I got nothin to say to that lol. But you can't deny that you (as well as I) are a **** to redyoshi on a regular basis. And that one time you edited his wiki...

btw...You can't really say someone doesn't predict in tourney, especially not someone as good as me. (Not trying to sound conceited)...
...and failing. xD I can't really explain what I've notice, nor will I try to, because im missing a good movie. D=

jem ur pissed off no matter what, when i was watchin u play eric, and jokin around, it be like someone else watchin me and ka-master play, get it? kamaster = pro, ppa0 = mediocre player, get it? eric = pro, jem = a good player, get it? i was JOKING, get it?... and your always pissed off no matter what... get... it...?
It was still a little unnecessary, and Jems not mad about anything. He only lost to **** sauce players, and 2-0'd everyone in PR pools.
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