Stage Info
Start - 8049e6c8
0x0000 float camera left limit
0x0004 float camera right limit
0x0008 float camera top limit
0x000C float camera bottom limit
0x0010 float camera x-axis offset (limits start from here)
0x0014 float camera y-axis offset
0x001C float camera vertical axis tilt
Note: 0x20-0x30 copied directly from stage grGroundParam data
0x0020 float camera dynamic rotation about y-axis
0x0028 float camera fixedness around characters (higher shows more stage along with all chars, pseudo-zoom value)
0x002C float camera fixedness zoom when not moving? (higher = further out)
0x0030 float camera speed smoothness
- 0 freezes camera in place
0x0034 float camera character zoom (?) (set to 0 and camera doesn't move)
0x0044 float camera pause initial z-axis position
0x004C float ?? camera pause initial _ position
0x0050 float ?? camera pause initial _ position
0x0054 float ?? camera pause initial _ position
0x0058 float ?? camera pause initial _ position
0x005C float fixed camera, x-axis offset
0x0060 float fixed camera, y-axis offset
0x0064 float fixed camera, depth max
0x0068 float fixed camera, zoom or something (8049e730)
0x006c float fixed camera, tilt about x-axis
0x0070 float fixed camera, focus point x-axis
0x0074 float Blastzone left
0x0078 float Blastzone right
0x007C float Blastzone top
0x0080 float Blastzone bottom
0x0084 word ??
or'ed with (00000020) once 0 targets remain in BtT. Maybe flag to end game of some sort? Haven't tested.
0x0088 word Internal Stage ID (0x4 from Gr__.dat ASCII in DOL)
0x008C byte ??
(00000004) - ?? set in stage initialization
(00000008) - stage has multiple respawn points per player
0x0098 word Music ID currently playing (49e760)
0x009C word Bombrain - frame of last bomb drop, other uses?
0x0180 point ??
0x0184 point ?? 801c2ba4
0x0280 point P1 spawn point bone
0x0284 point P2 spawn point bone
0x0288 point P3 spawn point bone
0x028C point P4 spawn point bone
0x0290 point P1 Respawn point bone
0x0294 point P2 Respawn point bone
0x0298 point P3 Respawn point bone
0x029C point P4 Respawn point bone
0x04D4 point camera limit, left-top, stage file info
0x04D8 point camera limit, right-bottom, stage file info
0x04DC point blastzone, left-top, stage file info
0x04E0 point blastzone, right-bottom, stage file info
0x06A8 point itemdata stage file info
0x06AC point coll_data stage file info
0x06B0 point grGroundParam file info
--> 0x004C =
0x06B4 point ALDYakuAll stage file info
0x06B8 point map_ptcl stage file info
0x06BC point map_texg stage file info
0x06C0 point yakumono_param stage file info
0x06C4 point map_plit stage file info
0x06CC point quake_model_set stage file info
0x06E0 float Home-run Contest Distance?? load function 801c57f0
0x06E4 word Vs mode / single player flag of some sort
0x06D4 short Number of Targets left [Break the Targets]
0x06D8 word ?? load function 801c5764
0x06DC short ?? load function 801c5774
0x0724 float ?? load & store function 801c4368 (BtT?)
0x0728 float ??
0x0740 word ?? load function 801c5794
--- 8049EE10 ---
0x0748 point Gr_.dat file offset start in RAM
0x074C point Gr_.dat, Map_Head offset
0x08A8 float P1 Spawn Point - x coord
0x08AC float P1 Spawn Point - y coord