Smash Master
Disable Spot Dodge
04099894 4E800020
The things in the 20XX pack that freeze P1 (on purpose) is if Frame Counter is on and P1 presses D-Pad Up to taunt, and then also SDI Freeze toggle.
EDIT: Yoshi's spot dodge was not affected in original code. It has been updated to include him.

Disable Spot Dodge
04099894 4E800020
Are you talking about in the 20XX pack or in your vanilla smash ISO?@Achilles1515
have you experienced an issue where Player 1 freezes? it's pretty similar to the ice climber freeze glitch.
player one can still pause and reset. when i reset the match the problem goes away. just don't want it to come up during an important match or something :^(
hopefully you've heard of this before and have a solution. searching the thread for "player one" or "freeze" doesn't really yield much lol.
The things in the 20XX pack that freeze P1 (on purpose) is if Frame Counter is on and P1 presses D-Pad Up to taunt, and then also SDI Freeze toggle.
EDIT: Yoshi's spot dodge was not affected in original code. It has been updated to include him.
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