Smash Hero
Greetings, Bowser boards. I, Dryn, come again to ask for your thoughts on the match-up between Bowser and Samus. However, not only do I ask for your thoughts and opinions based off of your experience against Samus, but I am also requesting that we not only speak of the match-up in theory, but also in practicality. That is why I am asking that those of you who main Bowser, who have been using Bowser since the release of SSBB, take up several matches with me.
Any of you who wish to participate in practice, you needn't tell me your Brawl Friend Code, unless your FC is not present at the right. That is to say, where I can see the Join Date, Location, Brawl FC, and Posts. If your FC is not present, I ask that you write it in your post, please. To the moderators, I ask that you do not lock this thread, as this is not intended to see who is a better player, but simply is the best way to gather information. No moderator in the past locked my thread, so please, don't lock this.
As I said before, I am looking for those who have mained Bowser since the release of SSBB. If you have not used Bowser since the release date in North America, I am asking that you then at least have used Bowser for at least six months. I do not want to gather information from anyone who has had five months or less of experience with Bowser. The reason being is that it is a general concept that in match-up discussions, we are discussing two specific characters, both of whom are "good," in the sense that they know what to do in any situation given.
What I am also looking for is to brawl with anyone who is in North America, preferably West Coast and/or Mid-West. If, however, you do not live in these parts, that is fine as well. Again, it is preferable to gather information from those who live in the West Coast and/or Mid-West, but you don't necessarily have to be in these regions if you wish to participate in the match-up discussion through means of practicality. By practicality, I mean actual gaming experience, as opposed to theoretics, in which case you would be speaking about your experience from previous matches.
One more thing before I finish. Please have fun and enjoy yourselves. Whether I win or lose, or whether you win or lose, please don't become discouraged. Oh, and I am asking that all of you use Bowser only. If you have any alternative characters, don't use them when brawling with me. I want to learn only about Bowser and no one else. Thank you all for your time, and I hope to get feedback from all of you. For those who who haven't used Bowser for six months or since the release date, you are more than welcome to offer information in theory. The same applies to those who have been using Bowser much longer. Thanks again.
Any of you who wish to participate in practice, you needn't tell me your Brawl Friend Code, unless your FC is not present at the right. That is to say, where I can see the Join Date, Location, Brawl FC, and Posts. If your FC is not present, I ask that you write it in your post, please. To the moderators, I ask that you do not lock this thread, as this is not intended to see who is a better player, but simply is the best way to gather information. No moderator in the past locked my thread, so please, don't lock this.
As I said before, I am looking for those who have mained Bowser since the release of SSBB. If you have not used Bowser since the release date in North America, I am asking that you then at least have used Bowser for at least six months. I do not want to gather information from anyone who has had five months or less of experience with Bowser. The reason being is that it is a general concept that in match-up discussions, we are discussing two specific characters, both of whom are "good," in the sense that they know what to do in any situation given.
What I am also looking for is to brawl with anyone who is in North America, preferably West Coast and/or Mid-West. If, however, you do not live in these parts, that is fine as well. Again, it is preferable to gather information from those who live in the West Coast and/or Mid-West, but you don't necessarily have to be in these regions if you wish to participate in the match-up discussion through means of practicality. By practicality, I mean actual gaming experience, as opposed to theoretics, in which case you would be speaking about your experience from previous matches.
One more thing before I finish. Please have fun and enjoy yourselves. Whether I win or lose, or whether you win or lose, please don't become discouraged. Oh, and I am asking that all of you use Bowser only. If you have any alternative characters, don't use them when brawling with me. I want to learn only about Bowser and no one else. Thank you all for your time, and I hope to get feedback from all of you. For those who who haven't used Bowser for six months or since the release date, you are more than welcome to offer information in theory. The same applies to those who have been using Bowser much longer. Thanks again.