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MasterWarlord's SSB4/MYM 6 SM: Sacreligious Chaos


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Sacreligious Chaos

World 1: Kanto

The story mode opens up with POKEMON TRAINER leaving his house in Pallet Town and heading off into Professor Oak’s Lab, where the good doctor is nowhere to be found. His rival, Blue, is of course there to mock him, though. “So you think you have what it takes to become a Pokemon Trainer, Red? Pssshaw. Like gramps would let YOU have a Pokemon.”. Red sighs slightly and looks annoyed. “And what makes you so sure you’re gonna get one, huh?”. Blue folds his arms and smirks. “I’m gramp’s favorite! Of course I’m gonna get one. Anyway, he ain’t here yet, so you can stay in your little fantasy world where he’ll give you a Pokemon a little bit longer.”. Red just rolls his eyes and shakes his head as goes to leave, Blue chuckling. “Smell ya later.”

The camera follows Red as he goes to look for the professor. Suspecting that he might be doing some field research, he goes into the tall grass on the edge of town for Oak to hastily come up behind him and pull him out. “What do you think you’re doing?!? It’s dangerous out there with all the wild Pokemon! You need a Pokemon of your own for protection! Come back to my lab with me.”. Oak motions Red to follow after him and he does so, rolling his eyes again. . .”I was already –trying- to get one, thanks. . .”.

Upon arriving back in Oak’s Lab, Blue has already let the three Pokemon out of the pokeballs (Though we don’t have a good view of them yet) and is looking them over, thinking of which one he wants to choose. Oak angrily comes over and hastily picks up the pokeballs, returning them inside. He gives a glaring look at his grandson. . .”What do you think you’re doing? Do you want them to escape?”. Blue is completely uncaring and utters an extremely sarcastic “Sorry gramps”. Oak turns to Red. “You can pick any of the three Pokemon you want to. Choose wisely. . .”. Blue twitches slightly. “But graaaaaaaamps. . .I wanna pick first!”. “Maybe if you behaved yourself you would’ve been able to, but now you can forget about it.”. Oak goes to turn to Red again, but he’s already looking over the Pokeballs. “Pretty eager, aren’t we?” Oak says as he hastily comes over to his side, chuckling.

Red picks up a pokeball and lets SQUIRTLE out of it. Squirtle happily looks up at Red and lets out a cry for Red to turn to Oak. “This one’s Charmander, right? Can I pick it?”. Oak smacks his palm on his face and mumbles to himself “Always Charmander. . .”, then hastily looks up at Red and says “Yes, Charmander it is! It’s all yours!”. Blue chuckles slightly and picks up one of the two remaining pokeballs. “You idiot! That’s not Charmander! This is!”. Blue throws the Pokeball down for a Bulbasaur to come out of it, then motions forward. “Tackle!”. Red strikes a similar pose and utters the same attack name while Oak facepalms again. “Kids these days. . .”. The camera cuts to a shot of the two starters tackling each other. . .


Brawl: Squirtle Vs. Bulbasaur
Stock: Infinite Vs. 1
Music: Red/Blue Trainer Battle

This is a tutorial battle to start off the SM. Oak will be standing in the background talking to you through text bubbles in a style like Resetii, telling you about the various controls and such. Bulbasaur is, of course, a faster weaker Ivysaur clone. Standard walk off stage.


Squirtle tackles (Seeing it has no other attacks yet) Bulbasaur to the ground, his eyes swirling about in pain. Blue sighs and returns his Pokemon, then glares up at Red. “You only won cause you had type advantage on my Charmander. . .Water beats fire.”. “No way! Mine’s Charmander!”. “Even if yours was Charmander and not mine, you still have type advantage. Fire beats grass!”.

Squirtle is twitching slightly at this, annoyed, rapidly saying his name aloud to try to show his species, though the two amateur trainers ignore the small turtle. Oak sighs and takes the remaining Pokeball and lets Charmander out of it, who lets out a single cry of his name (Instantly grabbing the attention of Blue and Red) before Oak hastily returns him to his Pokeball. “THIS is Charmander, and because of you boys’ idiocy, I’m going to keep it.”. Blue whines “Oh come on, that’s not fair, gramps!”. Red chuckles. “Looks like you had the type advantage.”. “If that’s the case, then it was a fluke, I should’ve won!”. “Was not!”. “Was too!”. Blue and Red continue bickering as Oak goes over and looks at his two Pokedexes. He turns to look at the brats arguing, then the Pokedexes again and shakes his head. “Like those fools would ever be competent enough to fulfill my dream.”. Oak motions for the children to leave. “Out of my lab, both of you. You’ve already made enough a mess of things with your little “battle”, if you can call it that.”.

Red and Blue leave the lab, going their separate ways, the camera following after Red. Red goes to leave Pallet Town up into the tall grass. . .”Why do I need a Pokemon to protect me out here again? It’s just harmless little things out here. . .The old man’s paranoi-“ though Red’s thoughts suddenly get interrupted as a Ratatta bites into his leg, causing him to yelp out in pain. He hastily sends out Squirtle to tackle it. . .


Level 1: Route 1
Play as: Squirtle
Stock: Infinite
Music: Route 209 (Brawl)

Another easy tutorial level, although you thankfully don’t have obligatory dialogue boxes getting in your way now thanks to the absence of Oak. While you have infinite stock, you don’t particularly need it seeing it’s just Pidgey and Ratatta you have to deal with. It’s mainly just giving the noobs a chance to get used to the game mechanics.


Red arrives in Viridian City and returns Squirtle to his Pokeball. He eyes the gym in the distance. . .”Alright! Time for my first gym battle!”, but takes a good while to notice the closed sign on the door. . .”Go figure. . .Maybe Indigo Pleateu’s open?”. Red goes out through the western exit of Viridian to try to challenge the Elite Four with his level 9 Squirtle, but bumps into Blue coming back from the place.

“You trying to challenge the Elite Four? That’s rich. While I’d love to see you get slaughtered, you need 8 gym badges to get in.”. Red sighs. “Yeah, I know, but the gym here’s closed, so how do we get the badges?”. Blue chuckles. “Who cares if it’s closed? I’m gonna go bust in and see about getting my Earth Badge early!”. “You can’t do that! That’s breaking the Pokemon league rules!”. “What they don’t know won’t hurt em. You gonna stop me?”. “I will if I have to. . .”. Red draws his pokeball for Blue to draw both of his in return. “Just as well. I was wondering if you’d gotten stronger yet. . .Let’s see your cute little turtle go two on one!”. Blue sends out a Pidgey and his Bulbasaur while Red sends out his Squirtle. The two starters go to tackle each other again while Pidgey uses Sand Attack into the camera. . .


Brawl: Squirtle Vs. Bulbasaur
Stock: 1 Vs. 1
Music: Red/Blue Trainer Battle

Now here’s your first chance to actually get a Game Over screen! The stage has water on one side and a pit on the other, meaning this isn’t a generic walk off either. While the battle is for the most part perfectly fair, there’s a generic Pidgey enemy on Blue’s side from the previous level, ever so slightly tipping the odds in Blue’s favor.


Blue’s eye twitches violently as both Pidgey and Bulbasaur fall to the ground unconscious. “Good job, Squirtle!” says Red in his annoying voice as he returns him to his Pokeball while Blue sighs and returns his Pokemon as well. “I can’t believe I lost AGAIN, and it was two on one. . .It’s rigged. Gramps must’ve been lying. That turtle you’ve got there is so Charmander.”. Red smirks. “So you still think you’ll be able to take down Viridian Gym when you sneak in?”. “Fine fine, I’ll do some training first and dump the worthless bird. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get to work. Smell ya later!”.

Red and Blue split up again, Blue throwing away Pidgey’s pokeball into the nearby lake where it’s promptly devoured by a Magikarp, then he heads for the Pokemon Center. Red goes to head out into Viridian Forest, but is stopped by an crazy old man with a ****y eye, who pulls him aside. “Hey you! Do you know how to catch Pokemon?!?” he says as his eye twitches violently and lets out an unnerving grin. Red hastily shrugs his hand off his shoulder and backs away intimidated. “Here, let me show you!”. “That’s quite all-right, thanks. . .”. The old man of course refuses to let him go and throws a Pokeball at a nearby Weedle. The Weedle breaks out of the pokeball however and Poison Stings him, causing him to run off yelping in pain, Red just watching the whole thing weirded out. A girl, presumably a relative, comes up to Red. . .”You must excuse him. He hasn’t had his coffee yet.”. Red raises a brow. “You think that guy needs to be –more- hyper? I think he’s had too much coffee, if anything. . .”. The girl shrugs and says “Never thought about that. . .” and leaves to go after the old man before he makes too large of a fool of himself.

Red continues on his way into Viridian Forest. . .”Feel sorry for anybody who’d have to take care of that guy. . .I’d expect to see some new Pokemon missing it’s number in the Pokedex before a guy –that- crazy. . .”. Red finally arrives in the forest for the screen to zoom out and give us a good view of the forest before the level starts up.


Level 2: Viridian Forest
Play as: Squirtle
Stock: 3
Music: Mystifying Forest

While the most common enemies are wild Caterpies and Weedles, they’re not much threat. Kakunas and Metapods have ridiculous amounts of HP and regenerate it through hardening, but can’t move, meaning they’re easy to ignore, though the fact Metapod has a ranged attack (String Shot) makes him a bit more annoying.

Of more particular note is the Bug Catchers in the forest. If you come into their sights, they’ll challenge you to a battle with an exclamation point appearing above their heads. You won’t be able to move away more then 2 Battlefield platforms from them until you finish off all their Pokemon, which means you can be forced to fight Metapods and Kakunas, quite annoying.

While you can avoid some of the Bug Catchers by going past them when they’re not looking, some are unavoidable. . .Unless you go up into the trees. While there are Beedrills and Butterfrees up here, you can run from them, unlike the weaker Pokemon owned by the Bug Catchers, allowing you to get through the level quicker.


Red continues on his way through the forest to find a wild PIKACHU. He opens up his Pokedex which gives an obligatory blabbering of useful information about the creature, though by the time Red looks up from his Pokedex again Pikachu’s already gone. He goes around to look for it, but the camera pans behind Red to show that Pikachu’s simply behind Red, shadowing him and chuckling slightly at how clueless he is. Pikachu suddenly trips into Red, though, causing him to turn around and smirk. “Finally found you.”. He releases Squirtle and motions towards Pikachu for Squirtle to nod and let out a cry.


Brawl: Squirtle Vs. Pikachu
Stock: 1 Vs. 1
Music: Wild Pokemon (Mewtwo)

If you KO Pikachu here, you lose, as Red intends to catch it. How do you do so? Your useless down special now serves a purpose, as it causes Red to throw a Pokeball from the background at Pikachu. If it hits (There’s little lag on it and infinite range but it’s far from undodgable), the chance that Pikachu will actually be caught is equal to his damage percentage, so once Pikachu is up to 100% a capture is guaranteed.


Red throws a Pokeball at Pikachu for him to wiggle about inside the ball. Squirtle looks pretty tired and Red looks at the Pokeball anxiously, but it eventually stops, signifying Pikachu is caught. . .Red lets out a “Yes! Yes!” as the camera zooms in on his face and cheesy music plays in a M. Bison fashion. He proceeds to eat a sandwhich and says “This is delicious!” as he returns Squirtle and goes to pick up Pikachu’s pokeball, but Pikachu instantly comes out without being ordered to. Red looks annoyed. “Stay in the pokeball.”. He shoots the beam out of the Pokeball to try to get Pikachu to return, but he dodges it. He repeats the process a few more times, but Pikachu still refuses to go back inside. Red sighs and just gives up for Pikachu to smirk and chuckle. “Come on. . .”.


We cut back to Blue and Bulbasaur. Blue’s training Bulbasaur against more Route 1 Pidgey and Ratatta, trying to get ready for the upcoming Gym Battle. Bulbasaur’s getting pretty tired and motions off to the Pokemon Center with his vines, but Blue shakes his head. “You wanna go back there already? You’ll never be able to take out the gym if you can’t take out the trash. If you don’t pick up the pace here, I’ll throw you in the lake with Pidgey there. You want that?”. Bulbasaur stares up at Blue hatefully for a good few seconds, but continues his training. . .


The camera is zoomed in on Red’s jacket to show that he has the Boulder Badge, then slowly zooms out to show Red fully as he goes to enter Mt. Moon (A Youngster in the background talking with a Lass about how he likes shorts because they’re comfy and easy to wear.). Red enters Mt. Moon for the screen to zoom out a lot and show the complex tunnels of the place, Pikachu and Squirtle just being tiny dots when the game prompts you to select your character. . .


Level 3: Mt. Moon
Play as: Squirtle, Pikachu
Stock: 2
Music: Pokemon Gold/Silver Cave Remix
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjvUFTMhdWY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjvUFTMhdWY

There are more trainers here that work like the Bug Catchers in the previous level, and there’s some actual slight variety among them now. Again, you can go around them by going deeper/higher into the mountain, but you’ll bump into more wild Pokemon. While Clefairy are rare, you won’t wanna take much chance with them, seeing they abuse metronome which performs any move in the game at random. You’re best off ignoring the many Zubats entirely, seeing they leech life and refuse to die, and Geodudes will harden up like Metapods and Kakunas, but actually have the ability to move (Albeit slowly).


Red continues on his way through Mt. Moon, Pikachu cowering behind Red, scared of the darkness and Zubats. Continuing on their way, they see a Hiker running away screaming. Red tries to ask what he’s running from, but the Hiker simply runs right past him. . .Red goes further to look at what he’s running from for Pikachu to hold Red back by the pant leg, shaking his head and letting out a cowardly cry. Red chuckles. “It can’t be that bad, Pikachu. Let’s take a look.”. Pikachu sighs, seeing there’s no stopping him, and follows after him. . .To find that the source of the Hiker’s worry is a mere JIGGLYPUFF. “See? It’s kinda cute, if anything. . .”. Jigglypuff puffs up and inflates angrily as she hears this. “But then again it did somehow send that guy back there running. It’s probably worth catching.”. Pikachu nods to Red, and turns to Jigglypuff, cheeks sparkling with electricity. He’s not afraid anymore. . .Then Jigglypuff takes out her microphone and gets ready to sing.


Brawl: Jigglypuff Vs. Pikachu, Squirtle
Stock: 2 Vs. 2
Music: Wild Pokemon (Mewtwo)

Yep, you play the wild Pokemon this time around. While you have two foes to take down, you have two stock, and Red plays by the obligatory Pokemon League rules meaning he only uses one Pokemon at a time. Fairly standard stage with two pits on the edge, though the side blast zones are very close. An occasional wild Pokemon from the previous level will occasionally show up and interfere, but that’s it.


The cutscene picks up where it left off with Jigglypuff starting to sing, causing Red and Pikachu to instantly fall into a deep sleep. Jigglypuff has realized her singing power by now and knows that it causes people to drift to sleep, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy drawing on people’s faces. She hastily goes over and doodles on Red’s and Pikachu’s faces, letting out a content cry.

Jigglypuff proceeds to walk through the cave happily bouncing about, but suddenly walks into a bunch of Clefairies singing. How dare they try to out-sing the master! Jigglypuff hastily takes out her microphone and drowns out their voices with her own, coming into the center of them and getting their attention. Before the Clefairies realize what’s happening, they all start falling asleep to the balloon Pokemon, who proceeds to promptly start drawing all over their faces happily. . .Until some loud footsteps are heard. Jigglypuff turns around to hear the noise of the sound, intimidated, for a bulky Clefable to come into the room. Jigglypuff hastily starts singing to try to put her to sleep, but Clefable just tosses a substitute to Jigglypuff, who absorbs the effect. Unlike Clefairy, Clefable won’t be taken down so easily. Jigglypuff hastily flees from Clefable for her to go chase after the balloon Pokemon, not terribly fond of what she’s done to her Clefairies. Jigglypuff runs past Pokemon Trainer and Pikachu, who she promptly double slaps to awaken from their slumber. Of course, this causes Clefable to gain a lot of ground on Jigglypuff, looming over the group. . .She starts using metronome and launches a massive Hyper Beam forwards into the camera. . .



Play as: Squirtle, Pikachu, Jigglypuff
Stock: 3
Stamina: 450
Music: Gym Leader (Stadium)

Clefable surprisingly isn’t that easy considering how early on in the game she is, though she’s not terribly difficult either. Her stage is the same one as you had the previous battle in. Clefable is roughly the height of Ganon and DK’s width. While she doesn’t have much in the way to actually hurt you (A whopping one attack, to be precise), she’s great at sponging up your hits, healing herself and generally being annoying to finish off. While you won’t consider this much of a threat when you see this in boss battles, you’ll loathe it none the less simply due to the annoyingness of Clefable.


Body Slam:
This is actually the most powerful of Clefable’s attacks despite being the most basic. Clefable leaps up double Ganon’s height into the air, then body slams the ground. Contact with Clefable as she body slams onto the ground does 18% and knockback that kills at 80%. If she misses with the attack, she’ll bounce off the ground and continue following you to try to body slam you again, doubling her height each time she goes. She’ll keep doing this forever until you attack her on while she’s jumping up before she body slams down.

Substitute: Clefable reaches out and tries to grab you, interrupting any moves you’re doing. This has little lag, and if she grabs you she’ll take out a substitute and stuff it into your arms. From here, you’ll of grabbed the substitute, and must perform one of your throws to get rid of it. While you can use the substitute as a projectile to hit Clefable as you throw it, you’re best off just getting rid of it ASAp with your fastest throw, as if you get hit by this Clefable always follows up with Body Slam.

Wish: Clefable waves her fingers about briefly, nothing seeming to happen. . .Until 10 seconds pass, at which point a shooting star comes down from the top of the screen and goes into Clefable, healing her for a rather large 40 stamina! However; if you touch the star before it goes down into Clefable, you’ll intercept it and heal 25%!

Cute Charm: Mass hearts start flying out of Clefable in a cute fashion for graphical effect. If you attack Clefable during this time, you’ll simply heal her instead of damaging her, so stay far, far away during this time. This has big start-up and end lag, so you won’t fall victim to this more then once. . .

Attract: Or not. This move has an identical animation and lag to Cute Charm, but if you don’t hit Clefable during this time before the moves’s over you’ll be stunned, becoming attracted to Clefable. This means that when Clefable uses this attack or Cute Charm you’ll want to just poke Clefable with a weak attack to see what she’s doing, then react accordingly. Clefable always follows this up with Body Slam if she attracts you to take advantage of the stun.

Helping Hand: A gigantic hand the size of Bowser appears in front of Clefable and gives a thumbs up. If you’re inside it when it appears, you’ll be forced to use your most laggy most powerful attack on Clefable. . .Should she hit with this, she’ll nearly always follow it up with Cute Charm to get some nice healing.

Encore: This is the other attack Clefable will consider using after hitting you with Helping Hand. Two hands appears like Helping Hand and rapidly clap together. While this doesn’t rapidly force you to use the attack, you won’t be able to use any attacks beside it for 10 seconds. The other time Clefable uses this attack is after she uses cute charm. If you just poked Clefable with a jab to find out what she was doing and then she hits you with this, you won’t be able to do much of anything to her for a bit.

Belly Drum: Clefable rapidly pounds her belly, causing her to lose a whopping 50 stamina, but doubles the power of Body Slam the next time 3 times she uses it (She has to be knocked out of it 3 times, not just do 3 slams). This helps put some punch behind her only actual offense, and considering how great Clefable is at healing herself, the stamina is a perfectly acceptable sacrifice. She doesn’t have to worry about Body Slam being easy to dodge on it’s own – her other attacks prevent you from dodging it.


Clefable falls dizzily over onto the ground, doing her faint animation from the various 3D Pokemon games, getting “X”es for eyes. Jigglypuff chuckles and goes to high five Pikachu, who happily does so. Meanwhile, Red throws a Pokeball at Clefable to try to catch her, but it doesn’t work for whatever reason due to her being fainted (There’s Video Game logic for you). “Why doesn’t it work. . .?”. Jigglypuff shrugs as Red sighs and goes to pick up his Pokeball, then continues on out the exit of the cave with Pikachu.

Jigglypuff looks as if thinking for a moment, but ultimately decides to follow him. “You wanna come with us. . .?” Red says as he smiles down at the balloon Pokemon. Jigglypuff, impressed with Red’s skills in taking out Clefable, nods happily. Red goes to absorb Jigglypuff into a Pokeball, but Jigglypuff dodges the beam, much like Pikachu did earlier. Red facepalms. . .”I take it you don’t like Pokeballs either?”. Jigglypuff inflates up and then deflates entirely like in one of her taunts in response, not being terribly fond of the lack of space, Pikachu nodding in agreement. Red sighs and just motions them to come along as they go into Cerulean City. . .

After this boss fight, Jigglypuff is unlocked.


We cut back to Blue, who’s still training his Bulbasaur in Route 1. “Vine Whip, Bulbasaur!”. Bulbasaur, getting rather fed up with Blue by now, ignores his order and instead uses a plain old tackle to finish off the Ratatta he’s currently fighting. This is still more then enough to KO the poor rodent though, who falls over backwards. Blue looks rather annoyed and goes to scold Bulbasaur, but Bulbasaur suddenly starts evolving, a bright white light enveloping him. When he’s visible again, he’s finished evolving into IVYSAUR.

Blue raises his hand up into the air in victory. “Alright, yeah! Looks like all our training’s finally paid off, Bulbasaur!”. Ivysaur hastily speaks his name aloud in annoyance to correct Blue, then motions off to the Pokemon Center with his vines, exhausted. Blue looks as if considering it, but then shakes his head. “Nah. We don’t have time to lose. Seeing we spent all this time training, we’re gonna have to move straight on to the gym battle if we’re gonna beat Red to the punch on the Pokemon League. . .Though I’m not worried. That loser couldn’t even beat any of the Gym Leaders, probably. Anyway, return!”. Blue shoots the beam out of his Pokeball to make Ivysaur go back into his Pokeball. Ivysaur tries to scurry off to the Pokemon Center, but is too weakened to resist, being sucked back up into the Pokeball.

Blue goes up to the Viridian Gym, the closed sign still there. . .He rolls his eyes as he casually goes around the side of the gym and busts down a window, then hops through it. A Tamer who’s training his Sandslash with his whip sees this and looks rather annoyed. “Hey! You can’t just bust in here!”. Blue smirks and chuckles, flipping up his hair. “Oh? Thought I already did. Go, Ivysaur!”. Blue sends out Ivysaur while the Tamer grows more enraged. “It’s high time somebody taught you some manners, brat!”. The Tamer cracks his whip at Blue, but Ivysaur blocks the whip with his vines and grabs it, then snaps it in two. The Tamer angrily motions his Sandslash forward to attack. . .


Level 4: Viridian Gym
Play as: Ivysaur
Stock: 3
Music: Elite 4 Tower (Stadium)

The trainers in this level are completely unavoidable, unlike the trainers in the past two levels, so you’ll have to fight their Pokemon. While the trainers are in low quantity, their Pokemon are much stronger and the fact they’re unavoidable makes them a pretty big threat. In addition, the Tamers and Black Belts will actually attack you and become vulnerable to being attacked after you defeat all their Pokemon.

But if it was just the battles, this level would be over with rather quickly. What makes this a full fledged level are mazes of floor panel spinners. You have to jump over some of the floor panels to get to the ones that spin you to where you need to go (All the spinners spin you to another spinner in the background then to a spinner on the playing field, and eventually to a final destination), rather then the ones that just send you back to the start of that section.


We can see two figures conversing in the shadows of the gym. One of them is completely obscured by shadow, but Giovanni is only obscured slightly to make him look more sinister, how he’s often shown in the anime. “It’s been a while since I’ve conversed with you. . .I do miss the old partnership we used to share. A shame we didn’t share the same goals.”. The figure’s eyes glow harshly in the darkness. “You intended to use me as nothing but a tool for your own gain. . .I’d hardly call that a partnership. My my, how the tables have turned, eh Giovanni?” he says as he chuckles very subtly. Giovanni scowls and grips the armrests of his chair tightly, but forces himself to regain his composure before his superior. “Regardless of our past interactions, I hope that we can put all that aside and start anew. Let bygones be bygones and such. I assure you that Team Rocket will be a great asset to your conquest and will be an excellent force to occupy Kanto with once we’ve succeeded.”. The figure seems rather uncaring. “I honestly couldn’t care less what you do with the humans of this world. Do with them as you see fit, but I’ll be taking the Pokemon of the world to rule over in a domain of my own. I’ll let you keep the ones you have long enough to ensure your control over the region, but after that they’ll be coming with me to participate in my new world.”.

Giovanni chuckles. “Fair enough.”. ”Pokemon are nothing more then tools to be used, so I couldn’t care less what happens to them so long as I’m left with a region to rule over. . .Of course, I doubt he’d be nearly so understanding simply due to being a Pokemon. Rather stupid that he clings to being one so much, considering how high he is above all the rest. . .”. The figure chuckles rather heartily. “I appreciate your trying to give me some respect, Giovanni, but you’re more then well aware of my power. I can hear all your thoughts. . .To answer your question, it’s not Pokemon I identify with, but clones. I intend to wipe out the Pokemon race and replace them with clones.”. Giovanni looks rather uneasy as he remembers his superior’s ability to read minds, but then suddenly we can hear Ivysaur and Blue approaching. Giovanni turns to the noise, facepalming slightly, then turns back to face the figure. “Guh. . .A challenger’s approaching. . .I thought I had the Gym closed. . .Bah humbug. Would you care to humiliate him with me? Pose as my Pokemon? Just for old time’s sake? Crushing defeats are absolutely priceless.”. The figure seems rather uncaring again. “I’ve got some time to kill, anyway. May as well enjoy this.”.

Blue arrives in the room, Ivysaur at his side. “My name is Blue from Pallet Town. . .I’ve come to challenge you for the Earth Badge!”. Giovanni smirks and chuckles slightly. “Quite confident, aren’t we? If you insist on having your Pokemon decimated beyond recognition, I won’t deny you your request.”. Giovanni pushes a button on his chair, causing one of his many stolen Pokemon to be shot up out of a tube (In a Pokeball) next to him. Giovanni takes the Pokeball, then throws it down in front of him. He doesn’t bother calling out the Pokemon’s name, not knowing which it is. The light from the Pokeball fades to reveal Dugtrio. . .



Play as: Ivysaur
Stock: 3
Stamina: 375 (125 each)
Music: Route One Boss Battle

Each of the three Digletts that make up Dugtrio have 100 stamina. When Dugtrio splits up the Digletts individually, they take full damage from attacks, but if you attack Dugtrio when all the Digletts are together, each Diglett only takes a third of the damage. If you take down the Digletts individually they won’t have much of a chance to set up anything big, but if you just mindlessly attack them and split your damage among them, this battle can become pretty scary. Giovanni is of course in the background commanding the Ground Pokemon.


Dugtrio digs underground, then after a brief period one Diglett sprouts up underneath you, and two the distance of your character’s roll dodge. The Digletts are lingering hitboxes, meaning you can’t spot dodge them, and contact with them at they sprout up does 15% and above average knockback. How do you avoid this? Getting into the air as they sprout out. After the Digletts have separated from each other, they’ll perform one other attack, then dig underground and join back up together again, doing triple damage and knockback as they sprout up from the other variant of dig (Or double if only Digletts remain), but removing the hitboxes to your sides, allowing you to roll dodge it.

Magnitude: Dugtrio looks up to the sky and lets out a cry, creating two shockwaves that come out either side of it that travel the distance of the entire stage. The rocks that forms the shockwaves are too wide to be dodged, but are short enough that they can be jumped over (Albeit barely by Ivysaur and his lack of a third jump). The magnitude deals 30% and huge knockback. If Dugtrio use this move when separated into Digletts, each Diglett creates a magnitude wave, but they’re much thinner (They can be dodged normally) and only deal a third the damage.

Sand Tomb: Dugtrio causes a pillar of sand to come up around him, doing mass multiple hits that can potentially add up to 40%. The hitbox is very wide, and the last hit does slight knockback. If the Digletts are split up, they each create a sand tomb that does 13% total.

Attacks used at 66.6% health:

Dugtrio unites in the center of the arena as a fissure takes place in the gym. This causes some ground to give out on either side of Dugtrio, causing there to be only three layers of ground left in the arena. The arena is originally the distance of five Battlefield platforms, but then the two connecting the edges to the middle give out. The ledges created by this attack are ungrabbable. Of particular note, when Magnitude is used here the shockwaves will wrap around the stage like Pikachu’s neutral B and sand tomb’s hitbox will cover entire platforms. . .

Attacks used at 50% health:

Arena Trap: Dugtrio unites in the center of the arena and causes the ceiling to come crashing down and spikes to come out of it that spike down at the power of Rob’s dair with 15%. This gives you very little to no room to jump to dodge Dugtrio’s attacks. If all three Digletts are alive at this point, they can split up and go onto each of the remaining platforms, then use sandstorm to be magnitude or sand tomb to be completely undodgable, as there’s nowhere to run and if you jump too high you’ll just hit the spikes. If you don’t kill one of the Digletts before this point, things will become much harder then need be.

Attacks added at 50% health:

Rock Slide: Dugtrio causes a bunch of rocks to fall from the ceiling in the gaps he made via Fissure. These rocks all spike downwards with 20% at the power of Ganon’s dair down into the pits Fissure created, further trapping you on the platform you’re on. The rocks continue to fall for 10 seconds, Dugtrio able to perform other attacks while they go down. If there are only two Digletts left, this will only occur in one of the gaps. If only one Diglett, it will only occur in one gap and the Diglett will have to stay in place to perform the attack. Once the deadly attack is over, the rocks will of stacked up on top of each other, filling up the two gaps and allowing you much more breathing room. . .

Or not. If Dugtrio uses rock slide again, the rocks will stack up on top of each other even further to form walls inbetween the main three segments, literally trapping you in a cage with one of the Digletts/Dugtrio. The rock wall has as much health as the walls in shadow moses, at which point Dugtrio will have to use rock slide again to rebuild the wall.

Strength: A massive boulder the length of a battlefield platform falls down one of the gaps, doing 35% and an extremely powerful spike down into the pit. If this falls down on top of any piled up rocks from rock slide, it will destroy them entirely. While this prevents Dugtrio from making a rock wall, it’s better then having the stage be completely walkable again.

Rock Blast: This attack can only be used if Dugtrio has formed up a wall separating a part of the arena from the rest via Rock Slide. All the rocks suddenly burst apart in a huge explosion, sending them hurtling everywhere. Mass Kirby sized rocks fly at random trajectories, doing 15% and above average knockback. While not insanely powerful, there are a lot of them, and they can potentially fly to the other side of the arena.


Giovanni looks over the mess his Pokemon left of his gym. . .”While it is indeed powerful, it could do with some better discipline. . .”. Giovanni returns Dugtrio to his pokeball then looks up at Blue and Ivysaur, who are celebrating, then smirks. “You think it’s over, boy? It’s a three on three challenge. Send out your next Pokemon.”. Bluetwitches slightly, then rubs the back of his head in a stupid fashion. “Well, Ivysaur’s my only Pokemon so far, so yeah. . .”. Giovanni looks rather annoyed as he sends out for his next Pokemon. “Did you honestly expect to defeat me so easily? I’m the final gym leader, not the first, you fool.”. Blue smirks and puts his hands on his hips. “Well, I beat your first one, so you can’t be that tough, can ya?”. “Just wait and see. . .”.

Giovanni throws out his next Pokeball to reveal Kingler, who clacks his claws angrily. Giovanni notices how tired Ivysaur looks. . .”That foolish boy is clearly forcing that single Pokemon beyond anything reasonable. . .It’s surprisingly durable to of made it this far, but at this rate I won’t get to spring my ultimate surprise on him. . .”. While Giovanni is thinking, Ivysaur unleashes several attacks on Kingler upon Blue’s orders. Giovanni just drums his fingers, not telling Kingler to attack. Kingler looks at Giovanni questioningly, waiting for orders, but just continues to get pummeled into the ground. Giovanni rests his head in his palm, waiting for Kingler’s demise. Giovanni chuckles subtly as he watches his own Pokemon fall, then returns him to his pokeball.

Blue has a cocky expression as usual. “What’s so funny? You just lost! What was that you were telling me about earlier, huh, old timer?”. Giovanni instantly stops chuckling. “I said you’d see, and see you shall. . .Come.”. The figure Giovanni was talking to earlier comes out from the shadows. MEWTWO (As if it wasn’t obvious enough already who it was). Mewtwo does his laughing taunt, and Blue raises his eyebrow and takes out his Pokedex, which has no data on the Pokemon. As he’s busy doing that, Mewtwo uses his psychic powers to repeatedly slam Ivysaur into the wall brutally, easily knocking him out. Blue twitches and looks very intimidated. . .”What kind of Pokemon is that?!?”. Giovanni grins. “This is the ultimate Pokemon. It cannot be defeated.”.

Mewtwo continues slamming Ivysaur via psychic powers against painful objects, starting to get some rather severe injuries on the poor thing. Blue hastily yells out “Stop!” for Mewtwo to be completely unresponsive, though Giovanni does a dismissive motion with his hand to Mewtwo. “That’s enough. Seeing how much that Pokemon went through to get here and take down Dugtrio despite its’ laughable trainer, it would be a fine addition to my collection. It certainly has potential. . .”. Mewtwo stops as Blue looks even more frantic as he starts backing away. . ."What do you mean YOUR collection of Pokemon, huh?”. Giovanni rolls his eyes. . .”Mewtwo, show this fool the door, will you?”. Mewtwo nods then casually proceeds levitating Blue out of the gym. “You can’t do this! This is illegal! I’ll-“ Giovanni rolls his eyes and cuts Blue off. “Oh shut up. You broke in here yourself. If I wanted to, I could put YOU in jail. Besides, who do you think the law will believe? An amateur like yourself or the Viridian Gym Leader? Be glad you’re getting off as lightly as you are.”.

Mewtwo slams the door on Blue as he throws him out via his psychic powers, then teleports to appear back alongside Giovanni. “That was surprisingly entertaining. I haven’t been able to let out my ruthless side in a while. . .A shame you didn’t let me kill the boy though.”. Giovanni sighs. “Indeed. While I would’ve loved to paint my gym with a fresh new coat of blood, it would’ve been difficult to hide it from the authorities. . .So anyway, seeing you enjoyed it so much, you wouldn’t be willing to actually become my Pokemon again, would you?”. Giovanni smirks while Mewtwo has a completely emotionless look on his face. A period of silence follows, during which Giovanni’s smirk slowly fades and turns into a scowl, causing Mewtwo to grin. “You’re not the one in power here, Giovanni. Just be glad I’m letting you oversee the humans in this world rather then destroying them in one fell swoop. You’re the only one who I trust would make them suffer properly from this world. . .”. Giovanni grins slightly. “I’ll take that as a complement.”.

Mewtwo looks at a clock which somehow managed to survive Dugtrio’s wreckage of the gym then sighs. “I’ve stayed too long. You know what to do. . .I’ll meet back up with you at Cinnabar.”. Giovanni nods. “Fair enough.”. Mewtwo teleports out of the gym, then Giovanni finally gets up from his chair and picks up a Pokeball, then tosses it at Ivysaur to catch it with ease (He’s an NPC, thus he doesn’t have to abide by Red’s petty game mechanic rules). He takes the Pokeball, then hands it on to one of his Black Belt gym bodyguards. “Have this shipped to the S. S. Anne. We’ll pick it up when we steal all the others aboard the ship. . .”. The camera zooms in on Ivysaur’s pokeball. . .


The camera is zoomed in on Red’s jacket again at the start of this cutscene, him now having both the boulder and cascade badges, then zooms out to show him inside the Vermillion Gym. Red’s Pikachu zaps a Magnemite of a Gentleman unconscious as all the other trainers of the gym watch, seemingly having already been defeated. Pikachu lets out an exhausted sigh as Magnemite falls to the ground and the Gentleman returns him to his Pokeball. “Good show, my lad, good show!”. Red twitches slightly and points to the electrified gate blocking the way to Lt. Surge. “Alright. . .So I beat all of you. How do we get to Surge?”. The Gentleman chuckles. . .”None of us are allowed to tell, my boy. Surge is far too busy to battle an amateur like you. . .There’s no way in. It’s absolutely impossible!”.

While the Gentleman’s blabbing his gums, munching sounds are heard from a trashcan. The gym trainers and Red all go over to look to find Jigglypuff eating some half eaten candy bars inside. . .And more notably a button. The gentleman facepalms as Red smirks. “Impossible, eh?”. “It was just dumb luck on your part” The gentleman says with a serious expression. Red reaches in and pushes the button for the electrified gate to open. Jigglypuff hops out of the trash can and follows after Red alongside Pikachu as he goes to see Lt. Surge, who’s busy training his Raichu.

Surge and Raichu stop their training to turn out to the main gym. “So who’s the challenger? It can’t be that brat, can it?”. Red twitches. “I’m not a brat. . .I’m here for my Thunderbadge.”. “Is that the best comeback you could come up with? Psshaw. Your cute little Pokemon aren’t even fully evolved yet! How can you possibly expect to beat me?”. Raichu comes over to Pikachu and looms over him, electricity sparkling from his cheeks as he grimaces. Red sighs. “You don’t have to fight him if you don’t want to, Pikachu. . .”. The camera turns to Pikachu, who looks rather annoyed and insulted at this, then zaps Raichu back. Raichu is rather startled by this, but then lets out a menacing cry as he leaps forward at Pikachu.


Brawl: Pikachu Vs. Raichu
Stock: 1 Vs. 1
Music: Red/Blue Gym Leader

The stage has walls, but the ceiling’s too high to box you in completely, so star KOs are still impossible. Neither you or Raichu can trap each other against the wall via AAA, as the walls are electrified, doing 10% and set knockback away from the walls. Raichu, of course, is a Pikachu clone. . .A bigger and stronger one. Not slower at all.


Raichu falls to the ground in a daze for Lt. Surge to be in utter shock. He lets out a deep sigh as he returns Raichu to his pokeball, humiliated. “That’s some army dedication your Pikachu’s got there. . .Can’t say you’re too bright of a trainer, but that Pikachu’s hard work is more then enough to warrant you the Thunderbadge.”. Surge takes out a badge and hands it out to Red, who takes it with an annoyed look rather then a happy one. “What makes me such a bad trainer?”. Surge folds his arms and chuckles. “You should’ve evolved that Pikachu before you challenged me. Done your part to make it more powerful. . .I’ve got a spare thunderstone to evolve it. I’d be willing to pawn it to ya for only 300, so long as we keep it under the table. . .”. Surge smiles smugly at Red, who looks as if considering the offer. Just when he’s about to take it, Pikachu zaps his shoe lightly and glares up at him, shaking his head. He doesn’t want to evolve. . .Red sighs. “Sorry, but I doubt things would go over too well if Pikachu doesn’t wanna do it.”. Surge smirks as he stares down at Pikachu. “So he wants to make a challenge for himself, eh? I like it. Quite some Pokemon you’ve got there. . .What say you trade it for my Raichu?”.

Red looks as if considering Surge’s offer again, but Pikachu zaps his foot more harshly and storms out of the gym. Red (And Jigglypuff) hastily goes to run after him as Surge and his trainers laugh. “You know I wasn’t actually gonna do that, right?”. Pikachu folds his arms and turns away from Red, nose lifted high and eyes closed in a snobbish manner. “Oh come on. . .Don’t be that way. Why would I trade you for something you beat?”. Pikachu’s ears perk up slightly at this as he slowly turns around and opens his eyes, but his arms are still folded. “Pika?”. Red sighs. “What do I have to do for you to stay?”. Pikachu looks as if thinking, then a delicious aroma comes from off camera. Pikachu starts following after the smell to see that the source of it is the S. S. Anne as Red and Jigglypuff struggle to keep up with him. Pikachu arrives at the dock (Where a Fisherman can be seen catching a Shellder) and goes to go onboard the ship, but two sailors block the electric mouse. “It’s 500 for a ticket.”. Red twitches. “Are you insane? That’s robbery!”. Red goes to walk away, but Pikachu grabs his pant leg and points in towards the S. S. Anne. “Fiiiiiiiiiiine. . .”. Red sighs and fumbles around in his pockets, barely managing to find enough cash, then hands it over to the sailors, who salute him and stop blocking his path. Pikachu hastily runs into the S. S. Anne as Red merely gets out a mere “Wait up!” before he’s long gone, having to chase after him again.


We’re shown a Pokeball inside a rather small crate wiggling about violently. Before long, the Pokemon inside the Pokeball escapes and destroys the small crate as it forces out with its size. It’s Ivysaur. Ivysaur takes a good look at his surroundings to find himself inside some sort of storage area, filled with countless other crates and cages containing Pokemon. Ivysaur looks around the corner to see some Sailors patrolling the place, but then some Black Belts and Tamers from Giovanni’s gym come and mug them, take them around the corner, then come out in their uniforms. Ivysaur looks rather uneasy about this. . .He has to tell someone! But first he’ll have to get out of this place. . .


Level 5: S. S. Anne Lower Deck
Play as: Ivysaur
Stock: 2
Music: Team Rocket Base (Red/Blue)

This level is a platforming/stealth level. You’ll want to stay high up on top of the crates to avoid having to deal with Giovanni’s lackies, but if you make one wrong jump you’ll fall down and have to fight one of them, unable to flee from them like in the previous levels with trainers. They have plenty of Pokemon, and unlike in the previous levels the goons won't be afraid to challenge you at the same time here. As if that wasn’t enough, the goons can throw pokeballs at you once their Pokemon are gone that will instantly KO you if you don’t button mash out in time. Thankfully, you do have some means of getting through the level without perfect platforming, as there are various Pokemon that you can free from the crates and cages to help you, which will function in the same way they do as when summoned from a Pokeball.


Ivysaur is seen fighting a pair of disguised Rockets in a disguise alongside a Machoke. The Machoke Cross Chops down a rocket Ekans, but is then captured by a pokeball. The rockets then proceed to send out an Arbok and another Ekans. .Ivysaur looks rather intimidated and goes to flee. They throw a pokeball at him as well, but he jumps over it. He vine whips a bunch of crates as the Rockets and their Pokemon chase after him, causing it to fall down on top of them, crushing them, Ekans in an exceptionally painful position with his head trapped under a box, flailing his body about. Ivysaur strike a triumphant pose, but then the Arbok bursts up from under the crates and hisses, causing Ivysaur to flee out the exit. . .

We cut to Pikachu pointing up eagerly at some chocolate cake at a buffet (Next to a well done roasted Shellder) on the ship, the source of the smell that lured him here, Pikachu too low down to reach it. Jigglypuff also looks pretty eager to have some of the stuff now that she sees it. Red chuckles and slices off two pieces for the both of them, which they ravenously devour and hold their plates up for more almost immedately. Red raises an eyebrow. . .”I just gave you some. . .Are you really that hungry?”. Both Pokemon hastily nod. “You know this stuff can’t be good for ya. . .You sure?”. Jigglypuff lets out a deep sigh but nods, though Pikachu just hoists up his plate again. Red sighs and slices him off another piece, though Pikachu has a much harder time with this piece of cake, becoming bloated before eating that much at all. . .

As Pikachu gets close to finishing his cake, Ivysaur comes in, still being chased by the Rocket Arbok. A good few sailors (Not Rockets in disguise) are chasing after the pair of them as they cause quite a ruckus, food splattering everywhere. Arbok slithers over Pikachu’s plate, causing his chocolate cake to be flung into his face. Pikachu at first looks as if he’s about to cry, but then sparks it off with a jolt of electricity and chases after the Arbok. Pikachu zaps the Arbok successfully, knocking it out, though the sailors continue chasing Ivysaur about.

Ivysaur eyes Red, then gets a brief flashback of him fighting his Squirtle back in Oak’s lab. He then eyes Squirtle’s pokeball, the camera zooming in on it. Ivysaur vine whips Squirtle’s pokeball to let the tiny turtle out, then hastily gets a thought bubble of the battle which he points up to with his vines. Squirtle looks up at the thought bubble and nods, then it vanishes as Ivysaur shakes Squirtle’s hand with one of his vines and hides behind Red.

Red looks back at Ivysaur with a questioning look as the sailors all stop in front of him. “Is that Pokemon yours, kid?”. Red raises an eyebrow and goes to shake his head, but Squirtle hastily comes in front of Red and rapidly shakes his head yes, flailing his arms about to get Red’s attention. After a brief pause, Red regains his composure. “Yeah. He’s mine. . .Eheh. Sorry about all the trouble he caused for ya. I’ll have to look after him better in the future. . .”. The lead sailor simply grunts at Red in annoyance. “You better. Next time we’ll throw it overboard.”. The sailors go to leave. . .”We really need to enforce a Inside Pokeball only policy. . .” they mutter.

Red looks down at Ivysaur, who’s rather timid about the whole thing. “So you wanna come with us?”. Ivysaur wasn’t thinking about joining Red for good, simply wanting to use his connection to Squirtle to stay alive. However, he puts one of his vines to his chin in thought as he gets some flashbacks of how much Blue forced him to train, and of him throwing Pidgey’s Pokeball in the water without a second thought. The flashback stops, and Ivysaur lets out a happy cry and nods.

Before anything else can happen, Giovanni comes into the room and snaps his fingers for several random people in the room to shed disguises and reveal themselves as Team Rocket members. Naturally, this causes mass commotion among the actual valid passengers. Giovanni comes to the fore-front of the Rockets. . .”This is no cause for alarm. Merely surrender your Pokemon over and no harm will come to you. While we’re re-routing the ship to Cinnabar, we’ll let you off there perfectly fine and well. . .However; there will be no mercy for any who intend to resist.”. Giovanni smirks and chuckles, then motions some of his Rockets to come with him as he leaves the commoner area, presumably to go take control of the captain’s quarters to re-route the ship.

An amateur trainer sends out his cute little Pidgey and has it use gust on the Rockets, but the pathetic bird is promptly pummeled down by a horde of Rocket Poison Pokemon, followed by it’s trainer. A Rocket Executive comes to the fore-front of the group and laughs. “Anybody else feel like playing hero?”. The various trainers of the ship hastily start going up to hand the executive all their Pokemon. While Red looks rather uneasy, his Pokemon looks more then ready to fight, Pikachu’s cheeks sparking with electricity.


Level 6: S. S. Anne Upper Deck
Play as: Squirtle, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ivysaur
Stock: 4
Music: Gold/Silver Team Rocket Battle

For the first half of the level, you have to battle mass Rocket Pokemon at the start at the buffet and won’t be able to proceed until defeating them all. Thankfully, a few of the trainers aren’t absolute cowards and will occasionally send out a Pokeball Pokemon to help you from the background, and unlike the previous levels the Rockets won’t throw Pokeballs at you this time seeing you’re not wild (While they would steal the Pokemon, “the trainer blocked the ball!”). In addition, there’s respawning food on the buffet line that you can eat to recover health (Enemies can’t eat it due to not being playable characters).

The second half of the level is more standard as you fight through the sea of Rockets who have taken over the ship on your way to Giovanni. It’s not particularly tough, but the first half will of probably taken down a good 2 or 3 stocks from you to make it considerably harder.


Red arrives up at the steering wheel of the massive ship (Where a Shellder out in the sea is zapped by lightning in the background, seen through a window), where Giovanni himself is at the helm. Red points forward at Giovanni. “You! Give everybody their Pokemon back right now!”. His Rockets go to send out their Pokemon, but Giovanni leaves the steering wheel and does a dismissive motion with his hands and does a slow laugh, starting with a mere chuckle, but then bursting out into laughter. After a brief awkward moment of silence on the part of the grunts, they hastily join him in laughing. After a bit more laughter, Giovanni stops and raises an eyebrow. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”. Giovanni hastily does a cutting motion with his arm, causing them to all cease laughing instantly.

“You don’t seriously think that a mere child like you can single-handedly take down Team Rocket. . .Do you?”. Red’s Pokemon all are more then ready to attack at a moment’s notice as he glares at Giovanni. “I’ve gotten this far, haven’t I? I’m taking you down.”. Giovanni chuckles slightly again. “You’re much better then that other boy who attempted to take me down earlier, but I haven’t the time to make a show of things right now. I’m still impressed that you got here, though. . .So to make things fast, I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse, seeing you were smart enough to get here. . .How would you like to join Team Rocket? I’d even make you an executive. While we normally don’t take children, we could make an exception for a trainer as skilled as yourself.”. Giovanni smirks as Red hastily retorts with a simple “You wish!”.

Giovanni rolls his eyes. “It seems this fool merely got here through dumb luck.” He proceeds to throw down all six of his Pokeballs all at once. Upon the initial flash of them being summoned fading, they Pokemon are revealed as the Dugtrio from earlier, Kangaskhan, Persian, Rhydon, Golem, and Nidoking, who all leap out and attack. The Rockets in turn send out their Pokemon (One Rocket shocked that his Ekans comes out fainted) and take out guns. The Pokemon attempt to fight (Ivysaur and Dugtrio eyeing each other particularly fiercely), but are easily overwhelmed by sheer numbers, the enemy Pokemon knocking them out. The Rockets go to shoot Red to finish him, but Giovanni suddenly looks as if he’s had a revelation as he continues to stare at Red. He hastily puts up his arm in a dismissive motion. “That won’t be necessary. . .On second thought, I recognize this child. . .”.


Giovanni and his men are seen coming out of the S. S. Anne onto Cinnabar, a storm going on in the background. A wild Shellder and Pidgey are seen happily playing together, but the rockets are continuing to march towards them. Shellder is facing away from the Rockets, but Pidgey sees them and tries to warn Shellder, motioning behind him. Shellder, being physically incapable of turning around for whatever reason, stupidly does nothing and is crushed underneath Giovanni’s foot.

Giovanni goes to head to the old abandoned Cinnabar Mansion, taking most if not all of his troops, leaving but a few to guard the S. S. Anne. However; a good chunk of trainers come out to fight from the Cinnabar Gym, sending their Pokeballs flying. Giovanni sighs and gives a dismissive motion to a squadron of Rockets. “Take care of them, will you?”. The executive from earlier on the ship nods, then takes the group with him and goes to fight the Supernerds and Thieves (Quite a strange following Blaine has. . .) of the Cinnabar Gym.


Blaine is seen training his Arcanine in his gym when several Rockets bust down the door to his gym. “Finally some more challengers, I see? I suppose you lot will make up for the drought of them I’ve been having recently all at once. . .”. A Rocket sends out his Ekans to fight Blaine, but it’s quickly fire blasted before it can do so much as a single attack. The Rocket next sends out his Drowzee and begins fighting Arcanine. Another Rocket attempts to throw in one of his Pokemon, but Blaine points towards the Rocket for Arcanine to Fire Blast him down. “Wait your turn, will you? One at a time. We have a strict first come first served policy.”. Blaine chuckles to himself as his Arcanine blasts down the Rockets’ Pokemon one by one, the Rockets patiently waiting their turn to fight him in a stereotypical video game fashion. However; the Rocket Executive leading the squadron comes into the room and sends out all of his Pokemon at once. He looks at the other grunts standing around like idiots. . .”What do you think you’re doing?!? Attack! Attack!”. The Grunts finally stop standing around and proceed to send out all their Pokemon.

Blaine, still abiding by the Pokemon League rules for whatever reason, gets his Pokemon promptly owned one by one as they get dog piled on. He eventually releases his final Pokemon. . .CHARIZARD. Charizard lets out a mighty roar and slashes an Ekans down to the ground. The Rockets send their Pokemon to attack in mass, but the executive does a dismissive motion and steps in front of them. Charizard goes to attack him, but Blaine utters a simple “stop” for Charizard to very reluctantly hold back. “What do you want?”. The executive smirks. “I can see that you’re an intellectual type, and seeing you’re the second best Gym Leader after Giovanni himself you’ve got talent as a Pokemon Trainer. Seeing all the little thieves you’ve got going around in your gym, I imagine you aren’t too unfamiliar with crime yourself. . .How’d you like to join Team Rocket? I’m sure I could get you to be among the highest of the executives. . .”. Blaine rubs his chin in thought, deeply considering the offer. . .”Your offer is a very intriguing one, but I’d like to talk over my exact ranking with Giovanni. Would you be so kind as to show me to him?”. The executive smirks and motions him to come along. “But of course. Welcome aboard, Blaine.”.

Blaine goes to take Charizard back into his Pokeball, but he dodges the beam and gives Blaine a very serious glare. He motions to the Rockets, then runs his finger across his throat. . .Obviously he isn’t very intent on joining them. Blaine mutters something (A curse?) under his breath. . .”Come now, Charizard. Don’t make this difficult. You were my first Pokemon all that time ago. Surely you wouldn’t separate from me over a trivial matter like this? It’s not like I’ve done stuff like this before. . .”.

Charizard gets a flashback of the Cinnabar Mansion before it was wrecked. Blaine can be seen leading a pack of thieves inside, his Arcanine and Charizard (Albeit in Charmeleon form) alongside him. They go and steal a good sum of cash, then Blaine and his men start placing bombs all about the lab. Blaine’s Arcanine proceeds to light the fuses, Charmeleon looking very uneasy all the while. He tugs at Blaine’s leg and motions to the bombs, but Blaine just laughs and kicks him away. Blaine and the thieves promptly escape, the lab being blown up to a miserable state. . .

The flashback ends as we cut back to Charizard standing before Blaine, fists clenched. He snorts in Blaine’s face, then slashes him across the face, knocking him out and sending him hurtling to the ground painfully. Charizard turns around and promptly fire blasts the Executive before he can send out any more Pokemon, then grabs two nearby Ekans and proceeds spinning them around rapidly, using them as whips, striking a pose for the camera. . .


Level 7: Cinnabar Gym
Play as: Charizard
Stock: 3
Music: Burned Tower

Again, the biggest battle here is at the start of the level, but it’s not nearly as bad as the one on the S. S. Anne, thankfully. However; after the battle, you’ll have to go through a series of rooms where you’ll have to answer Pokemon trivia (That’s actually remotely challenging, unlike back in the actual Red/Blue games) or else fall victim to mass traps before you can proceed. Some rooms have some rockets in them, although the most common trainers you’ll face here are Blaine’s thieves, who are ransacking the place seeing all the blame would be placed on the Rockets anyway.


In a rather brief cutscene, Charizard comes out from the Cinnabar City Gym and flaps his wings triumphantly, but is then outraged as he sees mass Rockets going into the lab. He stomps off towards the lab, though the camera stays at the gym as Blaine comes out of it, walking with a slight limp, now with a scar across his face where Charizard slashed him, glaring at him with hatred. . .


Level 8: Cinnabar Mansion
Play as: Charizard
Stock: 3
Music: Tin Tower

This level will have you backtracking a lot back to statues to hit switches to alter the level layout, much like in the actual Pokemon games. In addition to the Rockets and Thieves from the previous level, you’ll also find wild Pokemon and some scientists deeper within the lab. . .Is this place perhaps secretly still being used? While this level doesn’t have that challenging of fights, there’s endless amounts of them, and the switch puzzles in combination with the length of the level makes this a decent endurance test.


Charizard gets deep into the lab and eyes Giovanni, him standing out considerably as the leader, what with him wearing a suit rather then a stereotypical uniform. He goes to approach him, but he suddenly gets hit by a Fire Blast from behind. Charizard turns around weakly after being hit to see the source of the blast is Arcanine, who Blaine is standing alongside. “After all I did for you, this is how you repay me? You would’ve died if I left you back at Seafoam where I found you. You owe me your life. You do know that, Charizard?”. Charizard gets up begrudgingly, then shakes his head angrily as he has another flashback.

Charizard (In Charmander form) is seen wandering about the Seafoams Islands, absolutely lost. A Shellder comes up and sticks out his tongue at him, but Charmander just slashes it to send it back into the water. However; the Shellder’s mother, an angry Cloyster, comes out and rams Charmander into a wall, sending him running away hastily.

Charmander eventually bumps into Blaine (Who is a young man at this point) and tugs at his leg, motioning to his mouth, begging for food. Blaine just kicks him away. “I’m just as lost here as you are. I need all the food I can get if I hope to last long enough to get out of here, thanks. . .”. Charmander sighs, but still follows the cranky fellow around anyway. Blaine looks annoyed at this. . .”If you must, you can follow me, but don’t expect me to protect you or give you anything to eat.”. Charmander looks down at the ground sadly, but continues to follow Blaine around like a lost puppy. . .

The screen fades in and fades out to signify a time gap of a couple days for Charmander’s stomach to be gurgling considerably while Blaine chows down on a rice ball (Which of course is censored into a sandwhich in the American version of the game). Charmander motions up to Blaine weakly for him to mutter a curse under his breath and toss Charmander a crumb. “Far more then you’re worth. Don’t know why I’m giving it to you, seeing it’ll probably just make you stick to me all the more.”. Charmander happily goes to eat the crumb, but a Seel comes up out of the water and slaps him in the face with his tail and steals it, eating it, then hops into the water from whence he came. Charmander bursts out into tears as Blaine simply rolls his eyes. ”Cut it out you useless whelp. . .”.

The screen fades in and out once more for Blaine to look as hungry as Charmander was before while the fire Pokemon is seen crawling weakly behind him, starving, barely managing to keep up with him. Charmander weakly clings on to his leg for Blaine to shake him off. “We’ve been here three days now. . .We’re hopelessly lost. While you’ve been good company for someone to talk to so that I wouldn’t go insane, there’s only enough food here for one of us. . .”. Suddenly, Articuno swoops across the waters and lands up on a rock aways from Blaine and Charmander. Both of them stare up at the majestic bird in awe as it points its’ wing in a direction, then proceeds to fly away from whence it came. Charmander goes to head in the direction Articuno pointed, but Blaine looks more skeptical. “How can you trust that thing? It could be luring us into a trap!”. After a brief pause, Blaine sighs and goes along with the fire Pokemon. . .

The flashback ends as Charizard has his arms folded, glaring at Blaine. Blaine sighs and folds his arms right back. “You can’t honestly think that stupid bird saved you. What did it know? We obviously got out of there based off my keen sense of direction. . .Now get back in the Pokeball!”. Blaine tries to return Charizard to his Pokeball again, but Charizard dodges the beam of the Pokeball and slashes the ball out of Blaine’s hand. Blaine, outraged, points forward at Charizard, causing Arcanine to let out a fire blast. Charizard lets out his own fire blast in return, clashing against Arcanine’s for an epic pose as the screen loads. . .



Play as: Charizard
Stock: 1
Stamina: 200
Music: Legendary Dog Theme

While Arcanine’s stamina is surprisingly low, the fact you only have one stock to take him down with makes the battle considerably harder. Arcanine is rather upsized here, being 2.5X Bowser’s width and as tall as the Koopa King to boot, so don’t think Charizard exactly towers over him. . .The arena’s a standard walk off, though Blaine’s in the background commanding Arcanine, and he’s rather blatant about it, giving you slight warning of Arcanine’s attacks. You’ll want to kill off Arcanine as soon as possible, particularly once he hits 50% health, to minimize his cursing and limit his time to use Extremespeed, much less when he hits 25% and can gain his speed back with agility. . .


Fire Spin:
Arcanine looks upwards, then breathes a vortex of swirling fire around himself. He’ll start using other attacks as the fire vortex is around him, and contact with it deals 10% and average knockback. It blocks you off from attacking him pretty well, but there’s an opening at the top. Go jump over it then come down and dair him. The moment Arcanine’s hit, the fire vortex goes away, but not until. The vortex also reflects your fire breath, so don’t think you can try it.

Take Down: Arcanine does a generic leap forwards to try to tackle you. While this does a hefty 30% and huge knockback, it deals 30 damage back to Arcanine. If Arcanine dies from the recoil damage, you win, even if his attack would’ve KOd you otherwise. If Arcanine has no stamina left, feel more then free to let yourself be hit by this.

Curse: This attack is what Arcanine is using during his “downtime” when most bosses are just standing in place, white energy swirling around him in a circle formation. This lowers the attack speed of Arcanine when he’s performing actual attacks, but makes them more powerful. If he curses up enough, his attacks will all become one hit KOs, but they’ll be insanely laggy to the point of being hard NOT to dodge. While a middle ground would be more of what Arcanine would want, he never ceases to keep cursing up. . .

Flash Fire: A shield of fire rapidly flashes over Arcanine briefly. Arcanine only uses this attack when you use a fire attack on him. If you use a fire attack when he has this up, it’ll increase his power the equivalent of 5 seconds of cursing. This is only that much of a threat to your fire breath, making it near unusable, although you can use this to your advantage by poking him with something like fair to bait him into using this and wasting his time then attacking him with non fire moves while he’s defending from it. However; every third time you do this, Arcanine will grab you in his jaws and throw you upward for 15% and above average knockback, so the technique is far from abusable against him.

Swift: Arcanine crouches low to the ground as he opens his mouth wide, stars materlizing slightly in front of that head toward you. While this attack can potentially become very laggy from curse, the stars will ALWAYS hit you, being impossible to dodge. Thankfully, it’s impossible for them to have any knockback or even a stun, and they only deal 4% each (There’s 4 in total). Still, when cursed up, this is a deadly damage racking mechanism.

Fire Blast: Arcanine breathes a cone of fire in front of himself that reaches out a Battlefield platform and is as tall as Arcanine is. This racks damage at twice the rate of your fire breath, but if you’re behind Arcanine you can easily rack damage on him as he uses this laggy attack. What makes this attack useful is that the fire lingers on for a while after Arcanine blocks it, being a weak hitbox like PK fire. More importantly, Arcanine will go inside it and use Flash Fire to absorb the flame and power himself up. You can prevent this by poking him with a fire attack and causing him to turn it on early, so you’ll generally want to save your chances to force Arcanine’s flash fire up to prevent him from absorbing his Fire Blasts.

Attacks added at 50% health:

Extremespeed: This is the main attack that makes Arcanine a threat. While it’s nothing but a generic charge forwards, it’s extremely fast. . .Albeit only does 10% and average knockback. However; by this time, curse will of buffed the attack considerably, and this attack doesn’t get it’s speed downgraded by curse.

Attacks added at 25% health:

Agility: This replaces curse when Arcanine goes down to 25% health. Arcanine’s attack speed goes up and this DOES NOT decrease his power. This allows him to negate the speed decrease from curse and enables him to hit you with other attacks besides Extremespeed while superpowered from curse. Thankfully, he won’t have much time to get much speed back before you finish him off, unless you heal him when he has flash fire up. . .


Arcanine falls over onto the ground unconscious. Charizard viciously goes to finish him off for the kill, but Blaine hastily returns him to his pokeball to save him. Charizard then goes to attack Blaine, but he quickly releases his Rapidash and Ninetales to use as meat shields. . .

The camera pans over to Giovanni in the other room as Charizard clashes with Blaine’s less then stellar other Fire Pokemon. Several scientists are with him in high tech suits of some sort, scanning for something or other. Giovanni paces around as he waits. . .”Come on, you fools! It has to be around here somewhere!”. One of the scientists turns to Giovanni. “Please, just give us some more time! This is a very delicate process. . .The first clone was reproduced with a single eyebrow. If we hurry up more, we risk the chance of destroying any other DNA left here.”. Giovanni folds his arms and just mutters a curse as the scientists continue to search. Eventually, one of the scientist says “I think I found something!” for the other scientists to instantly come up and look, Giovanni joining them as he pushes some of the other scientists out of the way. Giovanni looks very excited, but upon actually seeing what the scientist found he looks unimpressed, the camera showing the object, a simple fingernail. “This is what we came for? You can’t be serious. . .”. The scientists all nod in agreement. “This matches up with all the records we have on Mew. This will certainly do as a fresh DNA sample.”.

Mewtwo suddenly comes into the room through a portal. He levitates the fingernail out of the scientists’ grasp and studies it briefly, then nods in satisfaction as he stashes it. He then strangles the scientists via psychic powers without a second thought for Giovanni to look slightly intimidated. “Was that really necessary?”. Mewtwo nods again. “They know too much. . .They’ve proven their use already. Their use is not outweighed by their ability to leak information.”.

Mewtwo takes out the nail again and studies it some more. . .“Yes. . .This will do just fine. It’s more then you lot used to create me. We can use this to create the perfect warrior. . .But this time, we’ll be sure to make it obedient. We can’t have it turn out to be a rebellious young fool like I was, can we?”. Mewtwo chuckles as Giovanni just stares at him in annoyance. “Why didn’t we just use your DNA? Why’d you have me come back to the ruined lab? Isn’t the original inferior to you?”. Mewtwo rolls his eyes. “We don’t want it to be –too- powerful, lest it rebels despite our attempts to limit it’s intelligence. Besides, this model will be designed for mass production. We can’t make them all absolute quality due to lack of resources.”.

Giovanni looks as if in thought. “So what’ll we call this new model then, hmm?”. “Mewthree, of course. What else?”. “Rather unoriginal. . .”. “There’s no need for us to get some stupidly creative name from the name rater. Practical is best. It serves it’s purpose.”. “True.”. “So who are you going to entrust to do the development?”. “You think I’d trust you after you tried to use me when you were creating me? Hardly.”. “I never said that. I merely wanted to know who’d be handling it, was all.”. “Hmph. If you must know, I was planning on giving the project to the space pirates.”. Giovanni grins. “I’ll just have to pay the Space Pirates a visit sooner or later then. . .”. “Could you make your intentions to use Mewthree against me any less obvious?”. “I could, but you can read my mind anyway. May as well gain some points for being honest.”. Mewtwo chuckles. “True, true. I don’t give you much choice, do I?”. “Exactly. So, how do you intend on keeping me from getting my hands on Mewthree?”. “Simple. I’m assigning you to the Mushroom Kingdom.”. “Bah. Whatever. Can you at least wait until I complete my take-over of Saffron? I’ll be wanting to give out some orders to keep my men active in my leave.”. “You know I don’t care. Go ahead.”. Giovanni smirks and chuckles. Mewtwo attempts to read his mind, but doesn’t seem to find anything. “Just what are you hiding, Giovanni. . .?”. Giovanni continues his smug smirk. “No matter how deep you search into my mind, there’s no way I can afford to let you figure that out.”.

Mewtwo just scoffs, then attempts to go open a portal. Charizard glides in after the all powerful psychic Pokemon just as the portal closes. Giovanni folds his arms and raises a brow at this, then turns as Blaine weakly crawls in. Giovanni stands tall over him and smirks. “From the looks of things, I take it your Pokemon rebelled on you?”. Blaine just weakly nods and grabs Giovanni’s heels weakly. “I came here to join you, Giovanni. . .Help me. . .I beg of you. . .”. Giovanni kicks Blaine in the face to shake him off his heels, then spits at him. “I don’t want your help when I have to give more then I’m getting. You’re not worth it.”. Giovanni smirks as he sends out his Nidoking from his Pokeball. “Horn Drill!”. Nidoking turns to Blaine, then the camera shows the Ground/Poison Pokemon from the front as he uses horn drill into it, causing the cutscene to instantly black out.


The next scene opens up at the outskirts of Celadon City, inside a sort of security building of some sort. After a few seconds of nothing, Doc Louis comes into the building on his bicycle, chewing a Wispa chocolate bar as always, while LITTLE MAC comes in behind him. A guard looks uninterested as Doc passes by, but upon Little Mac going by he hastily extends out his arm to stop him. “Woah there. You’re gonna need a bicycle to go down cycling road. Gee, I sure am hungry though. . .”. Little Mac looks as if thinking briefly, then eyes Doc’s chocolate bar and snatches it from him just before he takes a bite out of it and offers it to the guard. “Mind keeping your yap shut some of this?”. The guard just happily digs into the chocolate and nods while Mac continues to go out.

Upon getting outside onto Cycling Road, Doc looks severely disappointed. “Did you really have to give that guy my chocolate, Mac? That stuff doesn’t grow on trees, ya know!”. Little Mac scratches the back of his head. “Well. . .Technically they come from cocoa plants. . .So yeah. But you’ve got plenty more of em anyway, don’t ya?”. Doc sighs and looks back at the guard in the building eating his chocolate bar, taking a “moment of silence”, then instantly takes out another chocolate bar, already having forgotten completely about the “terrible loss” of Wispa.

“So what sort of training are we gonna do here anyway, Doc?” Mac asks questioningly. Doc chuckles. “Let’s just say there’s a reason you don’t have a bike here. . .You’re gonna have to race me to the bottom of the road – on foot.” Doc smirks while Little Mac twitches slightly. “How am I supposed to do that? You won’t even have to pedal and you’ll be down there in a couple seconds. . .”. “Well yeah. That’s the point. This isn’t my workout, now is it? Otherwise I wouldn’t be chowing down on these.”. Doc takes another bite out of his chocolate bar and chuckles while Mac just sighs and gets into a stance, ready to run.


Level 9: Cycling Road
Play as: Little Mac
Stock: 1
Music: Poke Floats (Melee)

Thankfully, you get a head start on Doc here, as some bolts fly out of his bike when he first goes to take off and he takes a decent bit to fix them. However; if you just dash to the end Doc will beat you by a longshot regardless of his slight mishap at the start of the race. To beat him, you have to go up to the other biker trainers to cause them to throw out their Pokemon, then continue to run. Since Mac isn’t a Pokemon or a trainer, he isn’t locked into battle against them, and thus he can set the enemy Pokemon up to hinder Doc when he passes by. While this means you’ll want to be intentionally leaving enemies alive so Doc will have to go through them, you’ll have to land at least three tagging punches to get enough star power to clear a pit at the very end (Which Doc easily clears on his bike) with your up special. Of course, moves which make use of Doc are unusable in this level.


Mac is seen waiting at the bottom of the Cycling Road, looking at his watch and looking generally bored. Eventually, Doc arrives at the bottom of the road, his bike torn up and a Shellder latched onto his head over his eyes, preventing him from seeing. Doc crashes down at the bottom of the road, causing the Shellder to fly off his head into the distance and land on a barbeque off next to Koga’s gym, where he gets deep fried.

Doc gets up and moans while Mac smirks. “What kept you?” “Don’t play innocent. I saw you riling up all those Pokemon. . .While you were using your mind, you were hittin’ below the belt there, Mac. That kinda stuff won’t be tolerated in the ring.”. Mac sighs. “What now then?”. “We’re gonna keep going until you beat me fair and square, that’s what.”. Mac groans as the camera fades out.


We can see a sky view of Saffron City as the camera slowly zooms in. Everything seems to be in place here, except for another arena next to the fighting dojo which Mac and Doc are seen heading into. Doc isn’t chewing on a chocolate bar for once, actually taking things seriously. “So, Mac, this is what all your training paid off for. You ready to take the title?”. Mac looks exhausted. “Was it really such a great idea to train so much right before the fight?”. Doc slaps Mac on the back. “Mac, baby! A champion doesn’t know weariness! Get in there and show em who’s boss!”.

Mac sighs and goes up into the arena groggily as the announcer calls out his name, then his opponent, Glass Joe comes out and steps into the opposite corner of the arena. Mac looks him over. . .”You know anything about this guy Doc? Glass Joe. . .Is he a glass cannon or something?”. Doc chuckles. “If he were a glass cannon, he wouldn’t be called Glass Joe, now would he? He’s all glass, no cannon about it. This should be an easy warm up for ya, Mac.”.


Level 10:The Arena
Play as: Little Mac
Stock: 2
Music: Soda Popinski’s Theme

This level takes place on Little Mac’s stage – none other then the arena from Punch Out!!. However; there are no true playable characters to Brawl here – only stage hazards, that is, the enemies of the Punch Out!! series. You have to take them all down here, one by one. This is really more of a boss battle then a level, particularly when you get up to Soda Popinski himself.


Popinski rapidly smacks Mac like a punching bag, making him fall to the ground, causing the announcer to start counting down the time he has to get up. Doc starts yelling at him to get up, while Popinski just laughs and takes out a can of soda and starts chugging it. Mac, however, was just playing dead, and upon seeing his chance gets up and gives Popinski an uppercut to the jaw, knocking him out. The referee comes over and raises up Mac’s hand in victory. Doc comes into the arena and hefts Mac up into the air in celebration upon him being declared the winner. The other losers stare at Mac in hate, King Hippo in particular. . .


Mac is seen smacking Glass Joe’s lights out again with little to no problem. Seems title defense isn’t nearly as hard as it used to be. . .Upon Mac coming out of the arena, Doc and a familiar face come over to him. . .It’s the Rocket Executive from the S. S. Anne and that got slashed up by Blaine’s Pokemon, as shown by his scars, though he’s dressed in a suit rather then a uniform now.

He extends out a hand to Mac. “Good job on another win, Mac!”. Mac reluctantly takes his hand and shakes it. “Uhhh, who’re you?”. Before the executive can introduce himself, Doc interrupts him. “This is the manager of the place, Mac. We’ve got a marketing strategy to make some quick cash. . .”. Doc rubs his hands together greedily as the executive speaks up again. “That we do. . .This fight, I want you to intentionally lose to a Pokemon that’s coming in to the ring, alright?”. “What? Why?!?”. “I recently bought out the fighting dojo next door, kid, and thanks to you this place is getting all the business. I need you to lose to a Pokemon from the place to help gather some publicity over there, alright?”. Mac attempts to hastily protest, but Doc puts a hand on his shoulder. “Mac, the manager’s agreed to give us a big cut of the money if we play along with this. C’mon, you’ll still be champion of the human league, Mac, baby! Whadda say?”. Mac considers it briefly, but still shakes his head. “I told you I’m not doing it.”. Doc sighs while the executive chuckles and pulls out a contract. “Too late, kid. Your manager already signed you on.”. Mac glares at Doc, who just shrugs innocently. Mac lets out a deep sigh. “Where’s this stupid Pokemon. . .”. “He’s already in the ring, kid. Ready when you are.”.

Mac goes up into the arena, a Hitmonchan seen at the opposite end. He shrugs off Doc as he attempts to comfort him. “Mac! Baby! C’mon, don’t be this way. Besides, he didn’t say you had to let him walk all over ya. You can still make it look convincin’!”. Mac smirks at the mention of this then eagerly smacks his fists together, then goes up into the center of the arena to Brawl Hitmonchan.


Brawl: Little Mac Vs. Hitmonchan
Stock: 1 Vs. 1
Music: Mr. Sandman’s Theme

First and foremost, Hitmonchan is a clone of you, though he doesn’t have Doc on his side. Easy battle, right? Well, it would be, if you didn’t have to lose, and not just by a fluke either – a convincing loss. You have to deal 150% to Hitmonchan without KOing him here, then get KOd by him (Not self destructing either). The stage is the same as the previous level, though the “stage hazards” aren’t present here.


Mac “sandbags” a good bit towards Hitmonchan to let the Fighting Pokemon finish him off. Hitmonchan stands over Mac and lets out a triumphant cry as the people cheer, although the human brawlers Mac had previously beaten look outraged that the kid who managed to beat all of them lost to a mere Pokemon.

The Rocket executive comes over to them as he counts a stack of cash. “So, you guys do realize now that that’s settled, nobody’s gonna come to this place anymore? That wasn’t even the best Pokemon they had. Considering that one beat your best brawler, everybody’s gonna go to the Pokemon dojo rather then this old place. . .Hence why I’m closing it down.”. The executive smirks and chuckles while the boxers look all the more outraged. Popinski hastily comes out from among them. “What if we could defeat the Pokemon? Would you not close this place down then?”. “Sorry, big guy. I’ve made my choice. However; seeing you lot will need to find a new line of work, might I suggest to you. . .Team Rocket?”. The executive lowers his shades and grimaces while most of the boxers eagerly rub their hands together. . .


Little Mac gets up groggily from the arena floor, not a soul left in the arena besides Doc, who has a rather worried expression on his face. Mac looks around weakly. . .”Where is everybody, Doc?”. “They all left, Mac. They’re all over at the Pokemon Dojo. . .As if you losing to that guy wasn’t bad enough simplicity, the manager closed the place down to put the final nail in the coffin.”. Mac twitches. . .”Well, I hope you’re getting that precious money of yours you care about so much.”. Doc lets out a deep sigh. “When I approached him, he ripped up the contract and had his two new bodyguards, Popinski and Hippo, show me the way out. . .So yeah, Mac. We’ve been played”. “We? You’re the one that signed the stupid contract in the first place! I had nothing to do with this!”.

Mac storms out of the arena. Doc hastily calls out to him to try to stop him, but he ignores him entirely and heads straight for the Pokemon Dojo next door, where all the people are at. Hitmonchan can be seen beating a Machoke to the ground here as the people cheer all the more, now alongside his Blackbelt trainer. Mac goes to storm up into the arena, but the Rocket executive casually snaps his fingers and simply mentions King Hippo’s name, motioning to Mac. Hippo hastily shakes his head stupidly and backs away from Mac. . .Soda Popinski rolls his eyes. “I’d think you’d be hungry for revenge rather then be afraid of the guy after what he did to us. . .”. “He beat us good! You afraid of him too, right?”. “Hardly. Didn’t you see my fight against that pip squeak? He played dead and hit me while I was off my guard. Hardly fair.”.

Popinski goes up to block Mac from the arena rather then Hippo, arms folded. “And just where do you think you’re going?”. “Popinski? Heh. I knew Hippo would, but I never thought you’d stoop down this low.”. Mac smirks. “Why don’t you help me out here? Prove that humans are superior to these beasts.”. “I would, but I can’t change the manager’s mind. He’s already closed down the other place. Besides. . .If all goes well, I’ll get to be an executive for Team Rocket.”. Mac raises an eyebrow. “Team Rocket?”. “Yes, Team Rocket. You would be wise to join us. . .”. Popinski eyes down at Mac menacingly for him to raise an eyebrow. “Just let me through, Popinski. I’m not interested in becoming a rocket scientist or whatever. You remember how things went last time, don’t you?”. Mac smirks while Popinski smacks his fists together, causing Mac’s smirk to hastily fade. He goes to punch Mac, but Hitmonchan comes down from the arena and puts up his hands in a “stop” motion. He turns his attention to Mac, then smirks and motions him into the arena, letting out a cry. It seems he knew it was merely a set up and wants to beat Mac for real. Popinski scowls, annoyed at having his chance to get his vengeance on Mac taken, but just goes back to the rocket executive’s side, taking out a can of soda and ignoring the fight. Mac steps into the arena as both he and Hitmonchan take their stances. . .


Brawl: Little Mac Vs. Hitmonchan
Stock: 1 Vs. 1
Music: Mr. Sandman’s Theme

Yep, you get your rematch against Hitmonchan here. However; this time it’s a perfectly fair fight, and you have nothing holding you back. . .Or so you’d think. Seeing Mac stormed off from Doc, he can’t make use of moves that utilize him, while Hitmonchan has his Blackbelt trainer by his side who functions like Doc does. Essentially, this is the opposite of the previous battle.


Hitmonchan is knocked down to the ground for the count. His Blackbelt trainer yells at him to get up, but to no avail. Doc hastily comes into the arena and lifts Mac up into the air in victory again. Mac can’t help but forgive him upon him getting back into his usual antics, and seeing the threat of the Pokemon taking over the boxing industry is now over. Popinski and Hippo even look overjoyed. . .

Or not. We get a shot of another creature’s eyes as it squints in annoyance. “Arrogant human. . .It is time to prove the superiority of Pokemon once and for all. We shall be stepped on and treated as pets no longer. . .”. The camera shows Doc putting down Mac in surprise as the figure comes into the arena, the camera panning over to him. LUCARIO. “Watch the power of aura!”.


Brawl: Lucario Vs. Little Mac
Stock: 1 Vs. 1
Music: Victory Road (Brawl)

Yeah, you finally get a break from playing Mac non-stop. Seeing Mac now has Doc back, there’s nothing unusual about this Brawl. More just an introduction for Lucario then a challenge.


Mac is seen on the ground, beaten to a pulp. Doc frantically tries to get him up, disqualifying him, not that he was gonna get up anyway. Popinski and Hippo look outraged, their one chance at proving humanity superiority having been instantly taken by Lucario. Hippo looks as if ready to storm into the arena, but Popinski pats him on the shoulder. “Don’t do anything you’ll later regret.”. He then proceeds to chug yet another soda, but seems to of chugged too much and hastily heads off for the restroom.

Sabrina enters the arena and goes over to the Rocket Executive. Hippo attempts to block her. “No woo mans in the dojo!”. Sabrina lets loose her Alakazam from a Pokeball, uttering it’s name and motioning to Hippo non chalantly. Alakazam levitates Hippo away who flails about in the air stupidly as Sabrina turns to the executive, who looks rather shocked. “Just who do you think you are?”. “My name is Sabrina. I’m closing this place down. . .Just a bunch of mindless brutes here. The gym next door will be taking over as the official Gym of the city. Direct orders from the boss.”. Sabrina casually drops a contract into the executive’s lap. “. . .Heh. My job was to just get some new recruits from closing the old place down anyway.”. Sabrina glances over to Hippo flailing about stupidly. “Seems like you’ve done a great job. . .”. The executive shrugs innocently. “Well, it wasn’t a total failure. . .”. He motions to Popinski as he comes back to his side from the bathroom and begins chugging another soda. The executive looks Sabrina over slightly. “So. . .Heh. Didn’t think Giovanni was accepting women into Team Rocket, much less in such high positions.”. Sabrina stares blankly at the executive in annoyance, then just sighs and motions him to come along with her, shaking her head and returning Alakazam to his Pokeball. Popinski notices his boss leaving and goes to follow him, but the executive gives a dismissive motion to him. “We’re closing this place down. I want you and Hippo to get everybody out.”. Popinski nods. “Can do.”.

The camera cuts to Lucario in the distance, who is ignoring the crowd trying to get at him and has his hands placed on his head, having focused on the conversation with the executive and Sabarina. He takes off his hands on his head as he follows after them subtly and as Popinsiki and Hippo shoo everyone out of the dojo. ”Mindless brutes, eh? We’ll just see about that. While just following after that woman won’t get what I need, she may be able to lead me to that Giovanni person. . .Yes. If I can take down this organization, I can save the dojo.”

Lucario stalks Sabrina into her gym, but upon getting inside she’s nowhere to be seen. Lucario scratches his head, but before he can do anything a Channeler instantly lets out a cry of “fwaaaah!” and releases a Haunter to attack him.


Level 11 Saffron City Gym
Play as: Lucario
Stock: 2
Music: Lavender Town

This level is a randomized maze with a bunch of warp panels to transfer you between rooms. Each room has a trainer which you’ll be forced to fight before leaving, you getting locked into battle against them again now that you’re playing as a Pokemon once more. To prevent you from just getting lucky and getting to Sabrina straight from the start, the maze isn’t entirely randomized, there only being a few possible spots where the teleporter to Sabrina can be that are rather deep within the maze. While this isn’t terribly hard, you have to actually *gasp* think slightly in order to get to Sabrina.


Sabrina is seen waiting in a bored fashion in the center of her gym alongside the executive, Popinski, and Hippo. The tubby boxer is the first to decide to speak. “So what we waiting for again?”. Sabrina and the Executive glare at him while Popinski sighs. “Haven’t we already told you, Hippo? We’re waiting for our new boss, Giovanni, to show up.”. “Oh. Right. . .Heh.”. Sabrina sighs and turns to the executive. “What did you see in him again?”. “He’ll at least be a good bouncer if nothing else. . .”.

At this time, Lucario reveals himself. Apparently he was already there awhile, but there wasn’t anything worth sticking around to eavesdrop for. “You have a challenger. . .Sabrina, is it? Yes. I am just one of the “mindless brutes” you spoke of from the dojo. I should hardly be a challenge. You will entertain my request, yes?”. Sabrina smirks and takes out a Pokeball. “Impeccable timing. I could certainly use something to pass the time.”. Hippo, Popinski, and the executive all stare at him rather wide eyed. Hippo is the first one to speak their mind. “How’s the Pogey Man talking?”. Sabrina rolls her eyes. “It’s called telepathy. . .Although I question how a fighting type knows it.”. Lucario smiles smugly. “I learned it from my master back in Sinnoh. We’re not as mindless as you might think, eh?”. The executive rubs his hands together greedily. “Indeed. Once we pulverize you, we’ll be able to sell you for tons of money with that ability.”. “If you can defeat me, I’m all yours.”. Sabrina throws down her Pokeball to reveal Hypno. “Quite confident, aren’t you? Don’t worry, after you lose, I’ll be sure to add you to my roster. I can’t let such psychic talent as yours go to waste.”. “Don’t count your eggs before they hatch.”. Hypno begins swinging his pendulum back and forth and utters his name. . .


Play as: Lucario
Stock: 3
Stamina: 500
Music: Gold/Silver Kanto Gym Leader

Hypno’s size is exaggerated like the other Poke sizes here for the sake of him being a boss, being roughly Dedede’s size, and he’s completely stationary. The arena’s a standard walk off with the four characters from the cutscene in the background, Sabrina issuing out an occasional command to Hypno. Hypno is excellent at damage racking and won’t go down for a long time with all that stamina, but lacks in the way of KOing. Due to this, you may want to intentionally let Hypno rack up damage on you so you can make use of your aura. While this strategy is good on paper, Hypno has a few tricks up his sleeve to make it difficult to execute.


Hypno begins swinging his pendulum in front of himself to try to hypnotize you and make you fall asleep, uttering his name as he does so. This attack has a rather long duration, making it rather punishable, but has infinite range in front of Hypno as tall as he is. However; if you’re facing away from Hypno, you won’t be affected by it. Keep in mind that his attack has little to no warning or start up lag, so you’ll want to constantly keep your back turned to Hypno and mainly damage him with your bair. You stay asleep 3X as long as Jigglypuff’s Sing from this move.

Confusion: Hypno extends out his arm forward and lets out a cry for average lag on both ends. The attack has decent range in front of Hypno, though the hitbox is very brief, Hypno’s eyes flashing as it shows up. If it actually connects, this move can be quite deadly, lasting a nasty 30 seconds. While it only does 10% and flinching, it will either reverse your controls or cause your moves to have a 50% chance to damage you instead of Hypno. The two effects will switch randomly about during the 30 seconds, causing all the more confusion. The reversed controls are particularly threatening against Hypno, as it makes it much more difficult to keep your back turned to Hypno.

Dream Eater:] Hypno only uses this attack on you if you’re asleep, and it’s pretty much always what he’ll do when you are. Hypno deals 15% to you per second as mass orbs fly out of you and into him (Dreams, apparently) until you button mash enough to wake up. This is a nasty damage racker heals the already bulky Hypno, so avoid Hypnosis at all costs.

Poison Gas: Hypno farts out a Poison Gas from his rear end. While the range is tiny and only directly behind him, if you get hit by it you’ll be poisoned and take 2% per second for the rest of your entire stock. Considering there’s no way to get rid of this, this adds up disgustingly fast for another killer damage racker. This’ll make you think twice about just staying behind Hypno due to his other attacks only coming out of his front, as this attack comes out with no warning (Albeit the duration is very long) and Hypno will sometimes even fart while performing other attacks.

Disable: Hypno lets out a cry and raises both of his arms up into the air. This attack is very brief and doesn’t do anything to directly hurt you, but the next move you use on Hypno will become disabled. This means you’ll want to intentionally hit him with a crappy attack you won’t mind losing. Hypno uses this at very random times inbetween his other more regular attacks, so be on-guard that he doesn’t use it just as you use one of the main moves you use to damage him.

Future Sight: Hypno does an animation identical to the above attack, meaning you’ll want to poke him with a weak attack before using a more serious attack after he uses this, just to be sure. Anyway, what this move actually does is creates a psychic blast the size of Bowser where you currently are when he uses this attack 15 seconds later that does 30% and knockback that kills at 70%. This is without a doubt the main way Hypno will be actually KO you.

Iron Ball: Hypno turns to face you and levitates forward a Iron Ball at your current position. If you get hit by it, you take 15% and knockback that kills at 150%. In addition, the ball gets absorbed into your body. What’s it do? It reverses the effects of your aura, similar to how it reverses the effects of your speed in the Pokemon games. This means if you have high damage, you’ll be weaker, while if you have low damage you’ll be stronger. Hypno has decent AI and will mainly only use this attack when you’re at a high percent, but the few times he uses it at a low percent you may want to intentionally get hit by the move for the aura boost.

Attacks added at 50% health:

Brainwash:Hypno turns to face the screen and utters his name rapidly. That’s your cue to come to the center of the arena, as this attack is undodgable. After the long duration of the attack is complete, Hypno will have successfully brainwashed you and force you to walk off the nearest edge to suicide at your walking speed. This is 4X as hard to escape as a grab and you have to button mash to get out. This attack is likely to catch you by surprise the first time. If you don’t go to the center of the screen, resisting the attack becomes much harder, as you’re that much closer to an edge.

Trick Room: Hypno turns to face the screen and lets out a loud cry as the screen colors get inverted (Though they’re made relatively dark and ensured to not be flashy so those ever complaining Japanese won’t get seizures). This lasts anywhere from 10-20 seconds at random, and while it’s in effect, damage you and Hypno deal to each other actually heals the both of you rather then damaging each other, though in Hypno’s case his moves will steal deal knockback, so if you’re at a high percent you’ll still need to avoid his moves. This move also reverses the effects of your aura, so absorbing an Iron Ball at a low percent may not be such a good idea. The only way you can damage Hypno when this is in effect is letting him use Dream Eater on you, which heals you and damages him, so if Hypno insists on spamming this when at low health, let him kill himself through it, although be cautious of Trick Room ending just before Dream Eater starts. . .


Hypno falls to the ground unconscious for Sabrina to return him to his Pokeball. Lucario smirks slightly, but it quickly fades as Sabrina instantly readies another Pokeball, but before she can throw it down clapping is heard. Sabrina puts away her Pokeball as she and the others turn to look to see Giovanni come into the room. “Not bad at all. What’s this Pokemon’s name?”. Lucario hastily speaks for himself. “It’s Lucario. . .”. “So a Pokemon I’ve never heard of and it can speak intelligently to boot? I must have it. Where is it from?”. “You do know I’m standing right here? I’m from the Sinnoh region.”. “Heh. My apologies. I should know not to underestimate Pokemon, considering my. . .Situation with Mewtwo.”. Sabrina’s attention is instantly caught at the mention of Mewtwo’s name. “So when am I going to get meet Mewtwo anyway? He is going to be my future star of my Pokemon team, you know . .”. “. . .Don’t say foolish things like that. He could come here at any time.”. Giovanni turns to Lucario with his eyes closed and looks as if about to say something, but then he opens his eyes and the camera reveals that he’s no longer there for him to facepalm. “What are you idiots waiting for? Get him!”. Popinski and Hippo hastily run out through the teleporting floor panels while Sabrina rests her face in her palm. ”Like they’ll ever find their way out in time to get to him. . .”. Giovanni sighs. “It doesn’t matter that he got away. That Pokemon is probably common in the Sinnoh region anyway. . .After all, seeing how well he did, he deserves to survive a bit longer before the pathetic fighters in the streets are crumbled to dust.”.

Giovanni chuckles slightly and leads Sabrina and the Executive out with him. The camera cuts to the three of them walking out of the gym, Sabrina presumably having led them out, then Giovanni takes the lead and motions them to come along with them to the Silph Co building. After getting inside, Sabrina sends out her Alakazam for the Executive to get rather jumpy. “Hey! What’re you doing?!?”. Giovanni goes to send out one of his own Pokemon in retaliation, but Sabrina simply utters “Mind Reader” for Alakazam to freeze Giovanni in place. “I knew you were a traitor! This is why we shouldn’t let women into our ranks!” the Executive lets out. Eventually, Alakazam stops and Giovanni puts his hands on his head. Sabrina returns Alakazam to his Pokeball. “Well? Did it work?”. The executive looks utterly clueless. “Did what work? What are you talking about?!?”. The pain finally ceases as Giovanni lets go of his cranium and smirks. “That it did. I remember our plan now, and your idea worked like a charm. Because that Pokemon of yours made me forget our plan earlier, there was no way Mewtwo could find out my intentions to betray him. There was nothing on my mind to read. Sorry about earlier, our plan must’ve slipped my mind, somehow. . .”. “Not a problem. Let’s just execute it before he arrives, shall we?”. The executive still hasn’t the faintest idea of what’s going on. “So…What –IS- our plan, exactly?”. Giovanni rolls his eyes. “We’re here to get the Master Ball Silph Co. is developing. With it, we can finally rid ourselves of that monster Mewtwo and do as we please.”. Sabrina hastily retorts. “Hardly. We’re going to put him to good use.”. “You keep thinking that. . .He’s far too powerful. The moment we let him out of the ball, he’ll kill us all. The moment we capture him in the thing, I’m going to destroy it. Besides, even if the Master Ball could bend him to our will, there’s no way I’d let HER have all the power. . .”.

Lucario peeks his head into of the building and chuckles subtly. ”So that’s their base of operations, eh? This is too easy. . .”. Lucario stalks the three Rocket members stealthily into the building, but before he gets in he gets smacked down from behind by Little Mac. “If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve been able to take the spotlight back from that stupid Pokemon Dojo!”. Little Mac goes to take another smack, but Lucario hastily rolls away from the punch and gets up. Doc hastily puts a hand on Mac’s shoulder. “Hey, Mac. . .No need to carry grudges like those other stupid boxers. You’re better then that, right, baby?”. Lucario strike a meditative stance. “You would be wise to listen to your master. . .A warrior is nothing if he neglects his teachings.”. Doc chuckles slightly. “Master, eh? I like the sound of that!”. Mac just rolls his eyes, but Lucario speaks again before he can retort. “You know the person who shut down your arena? Well, a woman came down and made him shut down my arena as well. . .I went to follow her, and it turns out that both those people were ultimately working for the same organization. While they didn’t seem to have much purpose in shutting the places down other then to kill time and gets some more followers, are you really willing to just accept that? This is the time for vengeance. . .”. Lucario points off towards the Silph Co building. “That’s where they went. I assume they’ll try to take over that place next. . .”. Mac sighs. “This organization wouldn’t happen to be the Team Rocket Popinski was talking about, would it?”. “But of course. The whole reason they closed that place down was to get him and the other boxers to join the organization. They probably assumed you would join as well. . .So how do you want to repay them?”. “Alright, enough. You’ve made your point. I’ll go with you.”. Lucario nods in satisfaction, then continues off into the building, Mac right behind him. Doc struggles to keep up due to eating another chocolate bar. “Hey! Wait up for the master, would ya, Mac?”.

The camera fades in and fades out to show Mac, Lucario, and Doc a good bit deeper within the building. Lucario does a force palm on two Ekans to knock them out easily while Mac grabs the owner of the two Ekans in a chokehold, causing him to go unconscious from lack of air. They go on into the next room (Doc throwing away a chocolate bar wrapper onto the Ekans corpses in disgust) to find Red bound and gagged. Mac goes to untie him, but Doc gets in the way. “Mac, Baby! What makes you think we can trust this guy?”. “He’s just an innocent little kid. . .What’s the worst he’s gonna do to us?”. Lucario nods. “Probably just a hostage.”. He proceeds to free Red for Pikachu and Jigglypuff to hastily come out of their Pokeballs, having been trapped inside for a considerable time. They act practically as if gasping for air. . .Gotta be cramped in those things.

“Thanks. . .So, uh, mind telling me where I am?”. Lucario grunts. “Some sort of business. It seems that those “Team Rocket” people are taking this place over.”. “Team Rocket? I took down plenty of them back on that boat. Just their leader’s the problem. . .Mind if I come with you?”. “With those pathetic Pokemon? You haven’t even fully evolved them yet. Don’t insult me.”. Pikachu’s cheeks sparkle with electricity and Jigglypuff puffs up angrily. Lucario charges an aura sphere, but Mac puts a hand on his shoulder. “We need all the help we can get, don’t we? No reason to not let them join us.”. “Fine. Whatever. . .”.


Level 12 Silph Co.
Play as: Little Mac, Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pikachu, Jigglypuff
Stock: 5
Music: Silph Co.

There are ten floors that you can switch to from the elevator, but your progress in each will be severely limited until you find the (randomly placed no less) Card Key, which lets you open up a good deal of sliding doors. You can find it by defeating all of a certain Rocket of all his Pokemon and watch him drop the key, just like in the old days. Even once you’ve found the card key, though, there’s plenty of annoying teleporter panel puzzles to deal with and all the floors are big and complex. It’s quite the maze, you’ll need your stocks.


Giovanni is seen in the President of Silph Co’s office, Sabrina is at his side, and Popinski and Hippo have also reunited with him. The Executive seems to of stayed behind to order around the Grunts, though. Giovanni chuckles as he swipes the Master Ball from the President of Silph Co, then shoves him over to Hippo who holds him to keep him from struggling. As he does this, though, Little Mac, Doc, Red, and the Pokemon arrive in the room as Red swipes the card key through the scanner to open the door. Giovanni raises an eyebrow as he sees them come in. “Well this is rather unexpected. The prodigal son returns! Time for a little family reunion before I head to the Mushroom Kingdom, eh?”. Red is rather taken aback by this. “What’re you talking about?!?”. “What else? Didn’t you ever find it suspicious how your mother refused to talk of me? Don’t deny it. The fact you have my blood in your veins is the only reason you were ever able to make it this far. It’s also the reason you’re still alive. . .I had every reason to kill you back aboard the S. S. Anne.”. “No. . .That’s. . .Impossible! That can’t be true. No! NOO-“. Popinski hastily interrupts him. “Oh for the love of god, just shut up!”. Giovanni chuckles and turns to Popinski and says “My executive was right to hire you.”, then turns back to Red. “Come now. I’ve got some time to kill before my ride to the Mushroom Kingdom arrives. Care for a Pokemon battle?”. Giovanni takes out a Pokeball and throws it down to reveal Kangaskhan. Red still is in a state of shock, but snaps out of it to order his Pokemon forward to attack Kangaskhan.

The fight begins, but Lucario and Little Mac attempt to join the brawl against Kangaskhan. He turns back to Popinski, Hippo, and Sabrina. “Would you three mind taking care of the others while I spend some quality time with my son?”. Popinski nods and finishes the current bottle of soda he’s chugging, throwing it to the ground and crushing it, then goes to attack them. Hippo simply knocks out the President then goes to join the Brawl. Sabrina non chalantly sends out her Alakazam to attack them. The camera cuts to a shot of Kangaskhan stomping down on Pikachu and smacking Squirtle into Ivysaur while Jigglypuff cowers away from the outraged Pokemon. . .



Play as: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Ivysaur
Stock: 4
Stamina: 150
Music: Route One Boss Battle

While this boss stage is another stereotypical large walk off, the background is quite detailed as you can see Popinski, Hypno, and Hippo fighting Mac and Lucario in the background, along with Giovanni commanding Kangaskhan. While Kangaskhan’s stamina is pitifully low, it’s not actually her stamina. It’s that of her baby. Kangaskhan herself is completely invulnerable. If you attack Kangaskhan, it simply increases her rage level by one point (The max is 35), making her attacks all the more powerful. . .Though some of them will gain the possibility of endangering her baby (Referred to as Babyskhan from her on out). Kangaskhan doesn’t like staying in one place for long and moves around a lot when not attacking, but she doesn’t necessarily head towards you. Kangaskhan is absurdly large by playable character standards, being 1.5 Ganon’s height and Bowser’s width.


Dizzy Punch:
Babyskhan innocently comes out of Kangaskhan’s pouch and tiptoes forward while Kangaskhan charges up a punch behind her head. If you attack the baby from a range, you’ll be safe, but if you try to come up close Kangaskhan will simply smack you away for 20-30% and knockback that kills at 50-75% based on her rage. That’s absolutely insane power there. However; if Kangaskhan’s rage meter is at it’s max, she her fist is capable of damaging Babyskhan, so if you’re at a low percent you may want to bait her into attacking her baby. After the attack is complete, Kangaskhan puts her baby back in her pouch. How cruel to use him as bait. . .Then again, she was raised by Giovanni.

Earthquake: Kangaskhan performs this attack only when she’s randomly running around, though she’ll change the direction she’s going to head towards you when using this attack. She leaps up into the air up to a Battlefield platform towards you, her body being a huge hitbox that deals 30-40% and does spiking knockback that kills vertically at 80-90% based on her rage if you’re grounded based on her rage level. As she lands, she causes a tremor that will cause you to be pitfalled if you’re on the ground that does 8-15% based on rage. While this attack is pretty powerful, the force of Kangaskhan falling down causes Babyskhan to skyrocket up out of her pouch and into the air. He goes higher up if mama has more rage, giving you all the more time to attack him before he falls back safely into mama’s pouch.

Double Hit: This attack is performed from a dash like the previous one, but Kangaskhan leaps very high into the air when performing this attack. Here, she smacks downwards for 10-15% and a spike as powerful as Rob-Ganon’s dair, but if she misses with the attack she’ll hit poor Babyskhan downwards. Babyskhan is invulnerable as he gets hit down, but he’s very powerful, doing 20-30% and potentially becoming twice as powerful as Ganon’s dair in terms of knockback. Babyskhan will be buried in the ground and unattackable as Kangaskhan lands and plucks him out of the ground as the attack is complete, but he’ll still take the damage of the punch. Kangaskhan won’t hit Babyskhan down unless she has at least 15 rage.

Skull Bash: Kangaskhan rushes towards you wildly, head lowered for a headbutt. Being hit here does 20-35% and knockback that kills at 40-50%. Kangaskhan very fast here, but if you dodge the attack she’ll keep going and impale her horns into the wall on the side of the screen (Which if off screen to allow you to be KOd in a walk off style). Babyskhan goes flying out of her pouch from the force of this a Battlefield platform’s distance behind her, during which time you can attack him. Kangaskhan takes longer to get her horns out of the wall and pick Babyskhan up based on how hard she charged, which in turn depends on how high her rage was. With no rage she’ll take her horns out nearly instantly, but at 34 rage she’ll be stuck for a good 3 seconds.

Focus Punch: Kangaskhan only uses this if you’re right up next to her. She does a wind-up behind herself, then punches forward powerfully. The start-up lag for this move is surprisingly low, though it still deals a hefty 20-25% and knockback that kills 70-80%. However; this move can be interrupted by attacking Kangaskhan’s head and making her lose her focus. Also, though, due to Kangaskhan focusing on the punch, you can attack Babyskhan while he’s still in mama’s pouch during the start-up of the move. However; the start-up is pretty short meaning you won’t have enough time to both interrupt the move and damage Babyskhan, and Kangaskhan’s unrealistic height serves a purpose here as it makes her head too high up for any moves to have big enough hitboxes to hit both Babyskhan and Kangaskhan’s head. You’ll have to choose which one you want to attack.

Endeavor: Kangaskhan suddenly goes very “squishy” as she rapidly increases and decreases in height awkwardly, similar to the in-game animation for this move. Kangaskhan continues her random movement pattern as she performs the attack, though there’s a 50% chance she’ll head directly for you with it. The attack is performed for 3 seconds. If you come into contact with Kangaskhan during it, then several orbs, probably life force of some sort, are exchanged between you and Babyskhan, you just taking a bit of stun and no knockback. However; this averages out the health of you and Babyskhan, so if you’re both at full health, you’ll take 75% (!) while Babyskhan’s stamina goes down by 75. While this can potentially damage Babyskhan greatly, it’s a big threat to you. In addition, this has the possibility of healing Babyskhan when he’s low on health, prolonging this long battle. If, say, Babyskhan has 10 health left and you’re on a fresh stock, you’ll take 80% while Babyskhan is healed by 70% (!!!). If you’re willing to sacrifice a stock to give Babyskhan by damage, feel free to get hit by this early on, but then avoid this like the plague. Kangaskhan will not use this move if you’d benefit more from it.

Hyper Beam: Kangaskhan charges up for a massive attack for ridiculous start-up lag. If you don’t deal at least 60% to her during her ridiculous charge time, she’ll go into the background and fire an undodgable attack that’s guaranteed to KO you. Still, you’d have to be a fool to give her enough time to sset it off, and it lets you increase her rage for free so you can attack her baby more easily! Some “attack”. . .

Outrage: This is Kangaskhan’s bread and butter. She only uses the attack when her rage meter gets maxed out, which causes her to continue her random movement pattern and not do any attacking, but makes her move at QUADRUPLE her normal movement speed. Contact with her during this time deals 20% and knockback that kills at 80%, and she lets all her rage out over the course of a good 10 seconds. Babyskhan cowers in mama’s pouch during this attack. . .This attack of course empties Kangaskhan of all her rage, which means you’ll have to rack it up again if you want Babyskhan to die any time soon. Just make sure you don’t get it TOO high. . .It can be rather difficult to keep track, considering there’s no meter indicating her rage level.

Taunt: Kangaskhan puffs her chest out forward and puts her arms to her sides, laughing as she blatantly exposes Babyskhan. Babyskhan becomes perfectly vulnerable for this move, and Kangaskhan does nothing to retaliate, though she’ll only lets him be exposed for 5 seconds or a single attack. What’s the point of this move, then? It adds 25 to her rage, meaning oftentimes she’ll go straight into Outrage after performing this attack. You might not want to take the bait at all unless you’re sure she doesn’t already have 10 rage, though you could potentially get lucky if she uses this when all Babyskhan needs is another hit to go down.


The battle is seen raging on as Squirtle is the only one of Red’s Pokemon still conscious, him apparently having already returned the others to their Pokeballs. Squirtle jumps up and does his fair on Babyskhan, knocking him out of mama’s pouch, then proceeds to hydro pump the poor thing out the window. Kangaskhan herself becomes absolutely outraged at this and proceeds to rampage about wildly, knocking out Squirtle and heading straight into Red afterwards, trampling him down with ease. She continues to go on her way straight into Giovanni due to being so outraged. Giovanni hastily returns her to her Pokeball before she runs him over. “Stupid thing. . .It’d be nigh unstoppable if it wasn’t so worried about its’ stupid baby. Clearly I wasn’t ruthless enough in its’ training. . .”.

Giovanni turns to the others to see that Mac and Doc are unconscious, and Lucario is nowhere to be found (Though Hippo is still looking around for him stupidly). Popinski folds his arms. “So when are we going to this kingdom of the mushy rooms or whatever?”. As soon as he says this, Kamek comes out from a portal into the room. Giovanni chuckles. “Answer your question, Popinski?”. Kamek gets off his broomstick and puts his hands on his hips. “Why are you lot not at Bowser’s castle yet? You were supposed to be there ages ago, according to Mewtwo. . .”. “Why do you think? We have no way of getting there. We were waiting for you to come pick us up.”. “Oooohhhh. . .”. Sabrina comes out from among the two boxers. “So why does Mewtwo even want us there anyway?”. “Oh, he doesn’t. It was upon my request. I have plenty of ideas of how to use you in particular, girl. . .”. Kamek chuckles as Sabrina just sighs, then all the villains proceed to go into the portal.

The portal slowly begins to close, but then Lucario comes out of hiding, having been wall clinging to the roof, and hastily drags in the unconscious bodies of his allies into the portal. The portal begins to close a bit too fast, and Doc proves to take too long to stuff in. Lucario hastily goes to dive in to make it himself, but gets constricted in the portal as it closes around his mid torso. He does his best to squeeze through, but the others go on a good ways ahead before he does so, causing him to get split up from the others. The camera follows after him as he curses under his breath as he tries to flail towards the others in the portal vortex, but to no avail. . .


Pokemon Trainer is a brawl character.

Pikachu is a brawl character.

Jigglypuff is a brawl character.

Mewtwo is a moveset by MasterWarlord.

Little Mac is a moveset by MarthTrinity.

Lucario is a brawl character.

Clefable is inspired by the moveset by Junahu.

Hypno is inspired by the moveset by Tanookie.

Kangaskhan is inspired by the moveset by KingK.Rool.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Dude, the blog got chopped.

/copypasta it into the thread yo.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Dude, the blog got chopped.

/copypasta it into the thread yo.
If you insist. What Clownbot said was true, I intended on making it only viewable on the blog as most have done in the past, but this time around the blogs are proving exceptionally laggy. Come chapter 2, I'll just make the blog link to the thread post, but for now, it's up in both places, so read it where you prefer.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Two Evil gym leaders, rather fitting to the anime. This story is rather similar to the immortal eye, where a chapter seems to fit in with a certain game, like how chapter 2 of the immortal eye used metal ger solid 2 for the whole thing. Its a trend that you use in your current story modes, but theres nothing wrong with it. Good 1st chapter.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Holy sh*t...this is so true to all the characters, as well as the Pokemon series as a whole. All the bosses were extremely well done, and the story has actual thought put into it; this is a whole lot better than Immortal Eye ever was, IMO. Keep up the great work...BTW what's the next world?

Deleted member

That was great and much better than your Golden Eye first chapter. The crudeness you brought to the Pokemon world I hope is also taken to the Mushroom Kingdom. Pokemon being killed, people getting attacked by Pokemon and Hypno farting for Poison Gas - which was hilarious, by the way - are all things I would love to see in a Pokemon game.

Your stage ideas were pretty awesome and I loved all the bosses, but this really does sound like a maddening Story Mode in terms of difficulty. Especially with the bosses, it seems as if there's barely any time to attack most of them!

The story isn't bad at all, suffering from minor cliches and such. I liked how Blue got destroyed [hopefully you bring him back if you continue this - which you should] and Mewtwo plus the Master Ball sub-plot is interesting. There was a little melodrama as was to be expected and the way you're meshing together the worlds is humorously cheesy. I particularly liked it when Mewtwo says, "oh, we'll just send him away to the space pirates." :laugh:

Great start, looking forward to more.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Two Evil gym leaders, rather fitting to the anime. This story is rather similar to the immortal eye, where a chapter seems to fit in with a certain game, like how chapter 2 of the immortal eye used metal ger solid 2 for the whole thing. Its a trend that you use in your current story modes, but theres nothing wrong with it. Good 1st chapter.
Thanks. Yeah, the two evil gym leaders was largely inspired by the manga, altough Blaine in particular makes a lot of sense, seeing all those thieves that are in his gym. I considered making Lt. Surge evil also to go with the manga completely, but I didn't feel it was worth it work him back into the story.

Holy sh*t...this is so true to all the characters, as well as the Pokemon series as a whole. All the bosses were extremely well done, and the story has actual thought put into it; this is a whole lot better than Immortal Eye ever was, IMO. Keep up the great work...BTW what's the next world?
Heh. Yeah. I actually feel a lot more satisfied with tihs then my previous SM, although that could very possibly be due to me not trying to do ten thousand things at once. As for the next world, the next chapter is actually a direct continuation, so. . .Yeah. Take a guess. I might; however; stick in a brief Sonic world before the Mario world, but still make them both the same "chapter". Sonic would of course still get a "real" world later.

That was great and much better than your Golden Eye first chapter. The crudeness you brought to the Pokemon world I hope is also taken to the Mushroom Kingdom. Pokemon being killed, people getting attacked by Pokemon and Hypno farting for Poison Gas - which was hilarious, by the way - are all things I would love to see in a Pokemon game.

Your stage ideas were pretty awesome and I loved all the bosses, but this really does sound like a maddening Story Mode in terms of difficulty. Especially with the bosses, it seems as if there's barely any time to attack most of them!

The story isn't bad at all, suffering from minor cliches and such. I liked how Blue got destroyed [hopefully you bring him back if you continue this - which you should] and Mewtwo plus the Master Ball sub-plot is interesting. There was a little melodrama as was to be expected and the way you're meshing together the worlds is humorously cheesy. I particularly liked it when Mewtwo says, "oh, we'll just send him away to the space pirates." :laugh:

Great start, looking forward to more.
While I had to think a bit before deciding that this is already better then Immortal Eye as a whole, it's without a doubt much better then the first chapter of it, if only for all the bosses. I definitely intend on darkenings most of the worlds, although Pokemon needed it more badly then most, what with how happy and go lucky it was.

Admiteddly, the concept of a SM crossing over series as a whole is cliche, but at least I'm not mixing and mashing series like a madman like I've done in previous SMs. As for making it too hard. . .Heh. That's been a recurring problem of mine in my SMs, if only for the bosses. After I work all that time on those bosses, I don't want you to just breeze through them, now do I? :p


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
*gasps for air after reading through this*
Epic! You clearly put a lot of work into this thing. I like how all of the levels were actually unique unlike all of those horribly generic SSE levels. I got a little lost at times due to the length and being unfamiliar with Pokemon (I don't really play Pokemon games) but it was still very readable. However, I have a couple of minor criticisms:
  • It would be nice to put a list of enemies in each level beside the characters, music, etc.
  • Apparently when Ivysaur rescues Pokemon in the ship level, they use the same effects as in their regular Pokeball. It's a fascinating concept, but I think it only works in theory. Pokeballs are geared to work in small stages, and most of them don't really move, so it wouldn't be useful in a sidescrolling story mode. Even the couple that move like Piplup and Gardevoir would fall off quickly. Maybe they could go into a Pokeball for Ivysaur to pick up and throw to release them for their regular effects whenever he/she/it/potato wants to?
  • Apparently in one of the levels you're asked Pokemon trivia... a lot of people don't play Pokemon and wouldn't be familiar with what Piplup's maximum power is or whatever the hell happens in Pokemon games. I wouldn't be mentioning this if you weren't trying to make this *somewhat* realistic as a story mode, but it could be a big annoyance to non-Pokemon players in practice.
But nobody really cares about these things, least of all me, I just wanted to point them out. Great job on this, it's clear that you put a lot of time and effort into this.
In a Zelda world, could you maybe use Tingle? =D


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
*gasps for air after reading through this*
That's a pretty typical response to my SMs as a whole.
Epic! You clearly put a lot of work into this thing. I like how all of the levels were actually unique unlike all of those horribly generic SSE levels. I got a little lost at times due to the length and being unfamiliar with Pokemon (I don't really play Pokemon games) but it was still very readable.[/quote]

Hey, thanks for the praise! :bee: Admiteddly those things you mentioned aren't exactly new to my SMs, but hey.

However, I have a couple of minor criticisms:
Looks like somebody was paying attention.

  • It would be nice to put a list of enemies in each level beside the characters, music, etc.

  • While I could do that, it would be rather arbitrary and the list could get kind of long for some levels. . .I generally mention notable enemies in the actual level descriptions.

    [*]Apparently when Ivysaur rescues Pokemon in the ship level, they use the same effects as in their regular Pokeball. It's a fascinating concept, but I think it only works in theory. Pokeballs are geared to work in small stages, and most of them don't really move, so it wouldn't be useful in a sidescrolling story mode. Even the couple that move like Piplup and Gardevoir would fall off quickly. Maybe they could go into a Pokeball for Ivysaur to pick up and throw to release them for their regular effects whenever he/she/it/potato wants to?
    Good idea there and surprised you put so much thought into it, honestly. My general idea was for the captured Pokemon to be right next to enemy Rocket Grunts, so they'd be right where you needed them to be.

    [*]Apparently in one of the levels you're asked Pokemon trivia... a lot of people don't play Pokemon and wouldn't be familiar with what Piplup's maximum power is or whatever the hell happens in Pokemon games. I wouldn't be mentioning this if you weren't trying to make this *somewhat* realistic as a story mode, but it could be a big annoyance to non-Pokemon players in practice.
Honestly, if you got as far as you did in the original Pokemon games and then took the quiz, it was disgustingly easy. But anyway, the questions could easily be changed along with the difficulty level anyway in the event somebody got frustrated with it.

But nobody really cares about these things, least of all me, I just wanted to point them out. Great job on this, it's clear that you put a lot of time and effort into this.
Well yeah, it's far from perfect. Thanks for the praise. Hopefully you'll like the other chapters better that focus on series you're more famaliar with.

In a Zelda world, could you maybe use Tingle? =D
I was already planning on it! =D


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
This **** is epic, MW. I have to admit, I may have skimmed the last battle or so....

But it was a great read. I'll go over it more thoroughly when more is added.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2007
I like that you're taking inspiration from the Pokémon Special manga (Sabrina being a villan). Will other sets cameo as bosses? That's actually the part that I like the most so far. You remain completely true to the likely candidates for SSB4, but still feature user made sets.

I hope to see more of this soon. Good job.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Hey, hey, I finally read it! It's much better than your earlier ones in terms of storyline, I think, although maybe that's my series bias peeking through. Blaine is just so awesome; why couldn't I be him instead of Giovanni?

Anyway, I love what you did with the bosses (especially Kangaskhan ;)), by basing them off of well-known movesets and capturing their spirits while also turning them into plausible megaweights. I also love the use of music. The whole capture-the-Pokemon-as-you-go-along sounds like something that came straight out of MY SM! Or did I not get that far?

But enough of that; great job, on the whole. It's kind of fitting that you're the only one who still makes these, since yours have always been among the highest in quality.

Except you misspelled "sacriligious" >=(
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