perfect marth... I like the guys idea of them never really getting hit...
There is no such thing as perfect...
Each character has tools... Skill determines if the tools will be used properly--accordingly...
If every every character played accordingly... there would be no match...
Marth is too light...
But there is no perfect... Snake and MK are advantageous over Marth...
and I'm slowly realizing that Marth does have a fairly high competitive learning curve... in defence of that statement, other characters such as Link... if perfectly played (with an incredibly high learning curve) would be formidable...
Where, he has a jab cancel -> Utilt, Up B...
He can smash with projectiles (Bomb Smashing)
He has an auto canceled Zair
He has DAC much like snakes...
Projectiles that are actually of great use...
I'm not promoting link, if I'm sounding like him...
but he's just an example... that a "perfect" played character... is nonexistent, and if did... I'd root for Snake or Link... But...
I should say something like... Marth can Fan projectiles, making him, if perfectly played, immune to majority of projectiles... and bombs can be caught so if perfectly played he worries not about them...
He has a nice tipper advantage, and if perfectly played is rewarded with great not back...
He has a Dair, with a backside like no other, and so if perfectly played... Spikes game...
And the important specials, that make a perferct Marth dominant:
Dolphin Slash -> killer punsisher out of sheild (but a perfect enemy wouldn't get punished)
Shieldbreaker -> disarms opponents shield and occasionally paralyzes them.. (but again, who would allow their shield to deteriorate)
Dancing Blade -> Ultra trap and Wall of Defence, (but who would get trapped in it?)
And actually the most useful and defensive of all Marth's is COUNTER... B*TCH...
(But who would fall for a counter?)\\
did you guys see the MK's inifite cape...